Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Even in the midst
of your lust and lies
The ignorance,
Where things of Earth
anaesthetise you to life
Even in the moment
of exact pain and sin
God has no illusions
he already knows us
everything about us
always has,
and in that very moment
God pursues us
to love us
to be Love in us

so Do not live
in the void away from God
Do not sit in there
in nothing

for impossibilities
bow to God
bow to the Indestructible Christ,

Put to death
what belongs to the earth
Die to self
love and live to the Spirit
in restoration of heart
transformation of will
Renewing of mind
growing God in you,
releasing the Father’s heart
body and soul under the prompting
of His Spirit
Changing to, from
the creator’s image.

In this you will display
Jesus flowing through you
The presence and power of God,
Live now
as you will be
in eternity.

Starting Thoughts:
Knowing the worst of us, in our darkest moments, or the best of us in what we think are our crowning moments, God knows us, loves us the same. He has no illusions about who we are, but He loves us the same.
Poem Topic Tags: die, eternity, grace, growth, heart, image, known, presence, purpose, pursues, renewed, self, spirit, transformation,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


Facing yourself
comes out of the blue
unexpected realities
that can no longer be buried,
sometimes just a word
a look
a small action
is the trigger 
stirring soul’s murky waters,
confronting the now
with the past
Habits and behaviours that 
evolved compressing
life and creativity with
expectations and frustrations,
bringing pain and eroding self
life collapsing
into survival mode,
stuck and trapped
derailed from destiny,
annoying mind threads
that keep tugging
pulling at awareness
who we are.

God, where are you?

Starting Thoughts:
We can suddenly discover things about ourselves in a sound, voice, thought, image that triggers us and faces us with who we are. Do we like the person we meet? At these points in life, and I think we face them more than once, the questions come.
Poem Topic Tags: confronting, destiny, expectations, habits, identity, life, pain, reality, souls, survival, trapped
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Dark Cave

In the dark cave
where my body was laid
where I took all death
Where I took all loss of hope
Where I took broken dreams,
In the bleakness
of the enclosing rock tomb
In this destruction cave
where waiting 
held three days of Grief,
in that cave the miracle
of my resurrection
forever breaking death
Freed you forever from the cave
Freed you forever from death
Freed you forever to new life,
so from your cave
I bring you into rebirth
a life of new dreams
a new journey,
You are eternally forgiven
Eternally new
Eternally renewed in God.

Starting Thoughts:
Trapped in a cave? Maybe you are needing to come out of hibernation? There in your cave God can meet you through Christ who went into a death cave, trapped in it for three days, but broke free (easily) to bring you that same freedom.
Written during baptism service where in the water we also die to self.
Poem Topic Tags: baptism, cave, death, forgiveness, freed, freedom, graves, grief, miracles, new, rebirth, renewed, resurrection, tombs
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


The exact image
of the invisible God
who existed before time,
From heaven
the Powerful, immortal, holy
‘All’ descended,
Supreme word made flesh
the great I Am
born into the fallen
born as a helpless baby
born to live human
born into our reality
born to take sin,
Then in true love’s mystery
the incomprehensible exchange
sin for glory
the Blood of the cross
for restoration
Innocence remade
innocence forever
freedom forever;
from guilt
from pasts
from malevolent memories
from apathy
from ourselves,
Christ in us
the fullness of God
the hope of Glory,
Eternally Saved
Ready to explore
the fullness of life
The fullness of who God
says we are.

All in all.

Starting Thoughts:
The fullness of God, the universe creator and sustainer, powerful yet born into our world vulnerable, willing to exchange in the ultimate love gift, his position for a true connection with us. The one who is 'All' wants to be All in all.
Poem Topic Tags: #all, #christ, #christmas, #exchange, #glory, #grace, #iam, #identity, #image
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Grace Centered

So what am I looking at?
What consumes my day?
Why do hopes disappear?
where does Time go?

Take your questions
and Start in the midst of grace
Beautiful in faith
in the centre of love -
this is God’s desire for you,
God’s heartbeat
hidden in the ages
now Jesus revealed,
His powerful
sacrifice of love,
Christ’s victory,
Start here
born to be born again,
perfect in your Spirit,
Know you are someone-
no need to perform.

Abide, wait in the Holy Spirit
know God in His fullness
Yielded to His faultless will
become what you already are,
New desires will surface
emerging passions to please
your Saviour and King,
to live from Heaven
live from the power of God
and become what you behold
become what you see
become the very likeness
of God.
God’s life in this world.

Starting Thoughts:
As Christians are we living from the knowledge that we are now perfect, blameless, chosen, beautiful in God's eye This revelation of grace allows us to be be like God in our Sprit and now working out how our soul (minds) are changing from glory to glory, closer to the desires of God.
Poem Topic Tags: #abide, #desires, #grace, #hopes, #identity, #likeness, #love, #reallife, #resurrection, #yielded,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Valley Shadows

Valley shadows
dark tangling
chasing my life
Long and thin grey
stretching out
Past patches
tendrils of decisions
shifting with the sun
reaching out to trip
bring me down
on my knees,
And in that position
I am ready to give up…

Give up to
God the highest praise,
Look up, 
for God is good in every
for God is glorious in every

Only this God
the resurrection Son Jesus  
Can, Has restored time
for me to be fully me,
for you to be fully you,
I rise up smiling
Sunlight dancing
across my eyes
Sunshine dancing
in my soul.

Starting Thoughts:
Can we find the God who is good in both the valleys and the mountain top experiences in our lives? If the love nature of God never changes, if the grace of Christ is forever, can we walk the journey in the Spirit drawing closer to God?
Poem Topic Tags: decisions, good, identity, kneel, mountains, praise, restoration, shadows, sin, smiling, valleys,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Finding Space

Running dry
Empty and lost
burnt out
Catching irritation
and annoyances,
I stop
Let go
Tell the busy
the pain
to halt
they try not to cease,
But I let stuff go
and choose to
bring who I am
and stand
lie down
in my secret place,
a place to find God
Practicing delight
in now moments
Speaking to my soul
telling it to trust
to enjoy
the One who truly loves,
Leaning into God’s heartbeat
connecting with God
slowing the Rhythms of life
into unforced Rhythms of grace
into heaven’s presence,
Living from eternity
Living free and lightly.

Starting Thoughts:
Are we prepared to live in a way that truly meets with our past so that we can walk through the pain and habits that stop us from finding rhythms of grace in the rhythms of life? Can we find our own place to meet with God are get to hear His voice?
Poem Topic Tags: #abide, #desires, #grace, #hopes, #identity, #likeness, #love, #reallife, #resurrection, #yielded,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Sleep Distress

From darkness and dreams
tossing seas of sleep
Adrenaline seizes the mind
Surfacing wakefulness
into the quiet room,
Bright moon
cutting thin slices
through blinds,
Bedside clock
dialling next minutes,
Lying still
Seeking not to disturb
partner or myself
as I try to drift into
calm sleep water,
but the Eddy of thoughts
have already gathered momentum
and I sense consciousness
accepting the whirlpool
Accelerating thoughts
join the momentum,
Count, breathe in, 1,2,3
Out 1,2,3
Float and repeat.

Starting Thoughts:
Sometimes I wake up -a noise, a weird dream. The quiet dark bedroom says, "go to sleep" and I try hard…
Poem Topic Tags: wakefulness, consciousness, darkness, dreams, relax, sleep, thoughts, time
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Maze of Stones

As I walk in life
to destiny
to freedom,
I encounter walls
blocking my future truth
making my life messier
steering me through 
a maze path of
walled in futures,
Put another stone
in the barriers
that is what I am
meant to do
deliberately do
or just accidentally do,
I know it’s
not just my walls
but generations of curses,
walls I thought would protect
but just quietly expand
their twisted paths;
What have I built?
Become part of?

If I could just fly 
above all of this
like in my dreams,
but these barricades
this maze
is my reality
my built identity.

If only I could take 
stones from the walls
weaken them,
and be ready
for the earthquake
a change transformation
of Christ's love.
And walk over the rubble
Sometimes stumbling
Sometimes scrambling
Sometimes scraped
but somehow more whole,
And be something different
be myself
be God’s love
be free
be a new blessing.

Starting Thoughts:
From a series at church called living free I wrote this with and in response to the message given by Josiah. It was cool how I was writing and then he would mention an image from this poem as I was writing. God has a way of bringing his direction through many at the same time.
Poem Topic Tags: #blessing, #curses, #destiny, #freedom, #futures, #identity, #life, #love, #maze, #transformation, #walls
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


do we run from
the pain
the betrayal
the deep loss,
Run to Hide
to shield minds from hurt
Escape to deal with it on
our own,
and in the silent screams
blame the good 
blame the truth
Adopt broken friends
with drug answers
with party distractions
with distorted ideas
bury self in business
discover an addiction,
Yet somehow
the pain doubles
scraping our skull
scaring our soul darker
allowing disillusionment
to embed.

We can start
from the stolen now,
be real in the pain
scream out the overwhelming
Look to the mountains
Look in the eyes
of a child
see and smell depths
of wonder in a flower
Hear something different,
Embrace the despair
Face the pain
and look to God
to grace the pain,
And in a step
a brief clarity
a fingernail opening
space in the grim,
cry for something new
within the uncontrolled,
we can find
a comforter
a God who knows
depths of pain
Who has crossed 
from Heaven to 
human heartache 
The love of a God
Who gave us 
the pain of Jesus
Resurrection power in Jesus.

Allow God
to show you 
His surrounding arms of joy
to embed your life 
with love
To encircle you with
Eternal Hope…
And life will grow
and through Grief.

Starting Thoughts:
Following a series called 'Living Free' explored in our church services and small groups, I wrote this poem following the topic 'Grief'. It is hard to face grief, but maybe, in the midst or the pain and questions, we can.
Poem Topic Tags: addictions, barriers, betrayal, crying, escape, grief, hope, life, loss, love, pain, resurrection, stolen, truth, walls, wellbeing, wonder
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


Who knows me?
How much do I hide
even from myself? 
Spiralling dreams
and whisper wishes,
So much wishing
for favours
for the new
for salvation
for freedom
for revival,
for change
without being changed
without being change
without taking a step.

Burdens accumulating in my mind
Chains cold, snaking, tightening,
Hard to hear myself
to know who I am.

Can I be be real?
give God full access?
Can I start with
knowing the truth
of how Jesus sees me…
as a beautiful soul
as a redeemed Spirit,
And take step by step
a journey
to freedom?

Starting Thoughts:
Do we really understand how Jesus sees us and accepts us. That He knows us for who we are and ignores this in the grace and love that flows from the Father's heart? He truly sees nothing other than the beautiful in us.
Poem Topic Tags: #change, #freedom, #identity, #journey, #life, #real, #spirit, #truth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Mother's Heart

Hear my mother’s heart
Manawa, pulse
The heartbeat you hear
connecting you to the centre.

The heartbeat you heard
before you were reborn
to new life,
The heartbeat you heard
knowing you are home
knowing you are fearfully
and wonderfully made,
The heartbeat you felt
in the intimate depths
in the womb of my love,
The heartbeat you know
secures your future
Entrusts you
with a hope
for your soul
that will echo
into your life.

Starting Thoughts:
God's mother heart. A special Mothers' Day poem - spoken word about the love of God as a mother and the heartbeat that resonates with us.
Poem Topic Tags: #connections, #events, #future, #heart, #heartbeat, #hope, #life, #made, #mother, #security, #soul, #trust,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife
Stacks Image 7669


The blood
painted on the doorway
Side to side
and lintel above
shaping a
foreshadowed cross
and the Angel of death
passed over,
Echoing into the future
leading to another doorway
another covenant
a different promised hope,
a final rocky hill cross,

Where death would be destroyed
Where fear would be buried
Where the gateways of hell
would crumble,
Where religious restrictions
would be broken,
this cross
a love creation
a love weapon
a forever resurrection change
a universe transformation
this cross
this Christ.

Starting Thoughts:
A connection via doorways from the Passover in Israel to the new covenant that Jesus opened through the cross and the power of his resurrection.
Poem Topic Tags: #angels, #blood, #covenants, #cross, #death, #doorway, #fears, #love, #passover, #resurrection, #transformation,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


In the place
of freedom
of peace
of walking with God,
in the garden
of clear conscience
of flowering love,
We tried it our way
The way we thought was better
the way we thought
would give us more,
we took action
and we took innocence and connection
ending in the choking
glorification of self will,
our words our choices
suffocating life with God;
that the fullness of our thoughts
could be better than God’s
obvious and unsearchable thoughts,
that all our knowledge and choices
were the full story
were eternity’s perspectives
were God’s love expression.
We swapped truth
for pieces of truth
and smallness of truth.

The loss of paradise.

Starting Thoughts:
Paradise where humankind explored and made choices about self, knowledge, truth, innocence with decisions. Eden a place that we all start from in a sense and a place of innocence.
Poem Topic Tags: #choices, #eden, #garden, #innocence, #knowledge, #love, #paradise, #self, #sin, #thoughts, #truth, #will,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


Do you hear my voice
the call of love
the pull to your soul?
A chance
An opening
for your decision
for your destiny
for the dreams
and desires of your heart
for the dreams
and desires of my heart.

I will never leave you
I will go before you
I am beside you
I am behind you.

So do you hear my voice?

The call
to presence, passion, purpose
to celebrate my presence
my closeness and love for you,
To explode with passion
for who you are in me
To fulfil your purpose
to go find others
to be me to others
to transform
this world
with the kingdom of Heaven
here on Earth.

Will you hear my voice?

Starting Thoughts:
Do we hear the call of God, His voice or even try to listen? Walking hearing His voice in our daily life is not easy as we get so easily involved and distracted with what is going on around us.
Poem Topic Tags: #call, #desires, #destiny, #heaven, #kingdom, #passion, #presence, #purpose, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Filling Restlessness

Time ticks
24 hours to fill
I can strike off some
by sleeping
but even then
I am late to bed
putting off time
packing time with stuff
devices and screens
parties and memes
playing the good scene.
What is this restlessness?
when will my heart,
my soul find rest?
where in life
if not only in death?
I hold this life close
yet kill it with drugs, parties, friends
habits that feel good at the time,
but I feel even my own
heart beat dripping
slipping through my fingers,

Can there be better?
A way?
A point?

Starting Thoughts:
We seek ways to distract ourselves from realities of our life and ourselves and often overlook the Way, Truth and Life that can really only be found in Jesus.
Poem Topic Tags: #distractions, #facades, #fake, #games, #habits, #identity, #life, #purpose, #reality, #reallife, #restless, #way
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


Expanding universes dissipate
into cold empty space
life ceases
losing time's knowledge,
Left only are
all moments within itself
God - before, now and after
Ever young, ever ancient
beyond the ages
beyond filling the universe…
God is.

Starting Thoughts:
God exists in what we know and beyond what we know: space, time, creation, nothing, light, emotions, humanity… omnipresent
Poem Topic Tags: #ancient, #creation, #existence, #old #omnipresence, #presence, #space, #time, #timeless, #universe, #young,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife
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Depression Decay

A slow sink
Descending decay
down into depression
How can it be
just when things
were up?
Life seemed
to be expanding
Now contracting
dark holes
inner bleakness
trapped will.

In the midst of the party
I leave the sound and noise
of human companionship,
Seek space
hiding in the toilet
waiting for receding
walls to wash
out the fear
still the chaos.

The mirror mocks

Can God find me?

Starting Thoughts:
Sometimes the noise, the people seem too much and we want to just retreat back into the walls. In the toilet area the mirrors mean we cannot escape our own reflection, the reality of facing ourselves.
Poem Topic Tags: #chaos, #decisions, #depression, #fears, #identity, #life, #mirror, #party, #self, #will,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife
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Reverberations shake
your foundations
crumbling direction
clouding vision
breaking tainting staining
even the best of who you are
The Loudest voices
embed claws of influence
dragging tears of
connecting dark echoes
into your soul.

Throw off the confusion
Cut the cords of chaos
the untruth,
Focus the blade on
removing distractions
carve out the dissonance,
infuse instead harmonies
of love
healing division
building the kingdom
on the Rock
revealing Christ’s truth,
Bowing before the 
Prince of Peace
and embrace shalom;
perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:3

Starting Thoughts:
What is your foundation built on? How easily does your confidence in who you are crumble?
Poem Topic Tags: #distractions, #division, #influence, #peace, #shalom, #voices
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

In Our Hearts

In a weary world
In the pressure
In the worries
In the moment
What emerges from our heart
What erupts?
What seeps?
Do we even see it?
Do we surprise ourselves…
The heat in our eyes
The hate in our voices
The sarcasm in our sentences
The destruction in our gossip
Have we left true life
by striving for entitlement?

Step by step
Climb the hill
Approach the cross
Kneel before
experience the resurrection love
be the cross
nail the right to be right
to the cross
and be love.

In essentials unity 
In non-essentials Liberty
In all things love.

Credits: Moravian Proverb

Starting Thoughts:
Relationships change over time, sometimes the changes are fast and become toxic. Covid and the blowtorch on the political and social thinking that it bought surprised people as friendships they had changed markedly. How should we really be the church of God, the kingdom of God in these times of stress?
Poem Topic Tags: character, church, cross, equality, friendship, gossip, life, love, relationships, unity
Posting Tags: #artist, #christ, #christian, #church, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife
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