Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Warren, the producer of these resources, has been a Youth Group Leader (of the older type), childrens' ministry leader, drama troupe instigator, worship leader, and currently worships at Harmony church in Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ).
A Digital Technologies teacher/specialist by day, he dons extra energy and writes stuff - when not fiddling with Digital Technologies, playing golf, football, reffing touch or having fun with his grandson. No super hero.. just a super God and a supportive wife!

Copyright & Release

Please feel free to use any posted or downloaded poems/writing as often as you like for non-commercial use, but please respect my creative time by not passing files via youtube, or to other churches etc. Give our website address to those who would like the files so that they can get them legally for themselves.
You can also support or appreciate my creative work by donating below so I can keep this website running smoothly.

Thanks to for my CCO images.
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Warren Grieve Poet