Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Grace Identity

For your struggles
for your loss
for the questions
for the put downs
for the pain
for the striving
for the business
is the way, truth, life - Jesus
Before creation started
Before voids filled with matter
Before life was formed
Before sin darkened relationships
God’s answer was chosen
- the precious son
- the Grace gift
- glories unfolding plan
- glories forever solution
Streaming through time’s generations
God’s answer once and for all
won us at the Cross of love.

under the power of Christ
with the same love God has for Jesus
we are eternally loved
we are forever sealed
we are in glorious grace
our old ways totally nailed 
to the same death cross,
abundant provision
overflowing life
kingdom authority
perfectly holy and complete
for all time
powered by His faith in me
all through the same cross,

We say no to ungodliness
no to worldly passions
Yes to His Grace
Being holy for God because
we are holy
Being love for God
because we are God’s love
We are who God says we are.

Bible Verses: Titus 2:11-12, Galatians 2:20
Starting Thoughts: The answer, once and for all time, has been the glorious power in the resurrection of Christ after becoming the grace gift of God as the cross.
Poem Topic Tags: #creation, #cross, #glories, #glory, #holy, #identity, #jesus, #life, #loss, #love, #pain, #power, #sin, #time, #truth, #way
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Grace and Identity in Jesus Christian spoken word poetry


Created to be connected
to the Living God
centered through the cross,
such a richness
deep in God’s love
death by sin crossed off
forgiven once for all
overwhelmed by His grace
a new world
a new covenant
a new promise
a new kingdom
a daily communion.

And now
cross changed
I believe,
Rebirth in Jesus
Holy Spirit flooded,
everything in abundance
from life’s source
beyond expectation
releasing the River
within me,
Life full and overflowing
Cascading out from my
expanded heart
Touching, awakening
others around
blessing people
my life streaming
God’s deep, deep love.

Bible Verses: John 10:10
Starting Thoughts: The cross covenant of love brings us to a new identity, released to be fully us as we realise the depth of God's favour and love from the river of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Poem Topic Tags: #covenants, #cross, #daughters, #eternity, #hidden, #hope, #identity, #lost, #love, #promises, #resurrection, #river, #sons, #word, #works
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Abundant Life the Holy Spirit River in us- Spoken word poetry

Gone Fishing

Lost in my
shoreside work
Repeating another repair
on the net,
Busy work
Repeating the knots,
Repeating the questions,
Repeating the routine
of my life to now,
I turn
look up
Disturbed by
Hearing the steps of God 
- of my saviour
He has come!
Flowing with His footsteps
scattering small stones
that skitter down 
from the upper bank,
towards me,
Towards us.

My eyes squint against 
the glare dancing
from fractures of the lake’s waves,
And I see Him
Not that different
Not especially tall
Not especially handsome
Not dressed better
but yet - different,
And when He speaks
just a short sentence
an unexpected 
yet expected call,
My heart stops
My life stops,
My soul jumps,
“Come follow me,
and I will make you fisher's 
of people”
I’m caught.

And that is it,
reality bites
and I’m gone fishing.

Starting Thoughts: A simple call to a life of disruption, power and purpose. Jesus called the disciples as they fished by the Sea of Galilee to follow him proclaiming he would make them 'fishers of men'
Poem Topic Tags: #call, #called, #disciples, #evangelism, #faith, #galilee, #fishers, #fishing, #nets
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spkenword poetry the call to follow Jesus


Holy Spirit stir...
Breathe on the embers
Holy Spirit stir...
Breathe on the embers
Let the flame of faith
burn brighter,
Igniting revelation
to sear and take out
the tangled undergrowth,
Replace mind Trapped lies,
in Jesus name.

I welcome the moment
God’s fire bites, cleansing,
a holy fire that burns
that does not consume
but releases my future,
A future here and now
where God’s will encounters me,
Yes Disruption, interruption
the price for an awakening
that will stop
paths of destruction
in my life.

Holy Spirit stir...
Passion and power
Release and freedom
Shifting hearts and minds
Ordinary morphing into extraordinary
Room for the new.

I’m not chained
but changed with this Spirit fire
Changed by a love beyond understanding
Changed to change the world
Changed by the face
of glory shining
from a pure Christ,
Changed by fire in the heart
Light from the Centre
of all that is the universe,
Fire in the heart
To Seek and save the lost
Bringing Visions of new possibilities
Bringing Passion and risk
Pointing to Eternal Life, truth
Awakening our city to Jesus
Raising the name of Jesus

And the Spirit lit the flame...

Starting Thoughts: It is all about Jesus. His love for us, the gift of His life to forgive our sins and give us purpose. In the face of His incomparable love we have a new identity and are changed from the inside out. Not conforming to a set of rules but responding to an amazing love in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Poem Topic Tags: #awakening, #chains, #change, #disruption, #faith, #fire, #flame, #freedom, #glory, #jesus, #lies
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Changed by a Spirit fire love - spoken- word-poetry


Could there be
a reality not known
that when known
leads you with purpose
into the unknown?

Starting Thoughts: Could there be something beyond the reality we see, or we think we see?
Bible Verses: Isaiah 48:6, Psalm 67:2, 1 Chronicles 17:19, Psalm 16:11, Romans 8:28, Isaiah 42:16, Isaiah 46:10, Luke 8:17, Acts 2:28, Ephesians 1:9.
Poem Topic Tags: #adventure, #destiny, #journey, #life, #meaning, #purpose, #reality, #steps, #thinking, #unknown,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Poetry and Purpose finds reality

Nephew Reflections

A cluster of memories
from teenage holidays
have faded
to diamond sparkles,
mind media moments
only possible through
childhood time in Alexandra.

Armstrong Sydney car
a tired family pass on
relic in backyard
of aunty and uncle’s Bantry St property,
Weeks of Alex sunshine
Summer picking cherries and apricots
waiting for school certificate
results to be posted in newspaper,
Jaffas rolling down
between wooden floor
tiered seating in movie theatre
Those days when you
stood for ‘God save the Queen’
Tock ticketty tock
the orange candy balls bounce
to the threats from the
Projector theatre owner
“I’ll stop the movie if you
kids don’t stop!”

Winter action
Manorburn ice rink
skates cutting white lines
close to frozen reed banks
Avoiding danger signposted areas,
Christmas feasts and summer freedom
All made possible
by an uncle and aunt;
scout leaders and supporters
Tupperware diva and tanker driver
Wardrobe designer actor and mechanical fixer
Vodka and whiskey choices
Community developers,
Graeme - Slick hair, glasses,
a running-deep solid guy
Lois - Cigarette smiles, fiery eye twinkles, jokes, love and raspy laugh.

Lois and Graeme
I honour these two
living on
in the facets of my
flashback reflections,
in the life of us all.

Starting Thoughts: Written to honour a great Auntie and Uncle of mine who were amazing community supporters in their local town and also providers of accommodation for holidays in my fruit picking days as a teenager.
Poem Topic Tags: #celebration, death, family, honor, honour, memories, personal, remembrance, teenage, youth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Remembrance spoken word for a special uncle and aunt

Divine Spark

The deep insanity
the path of humanity
twisting bad
manifestly touching
and being touched by evil,
massing malevolence.

In the face
of reality, this world
Can I - anyone, call themselves a believer?
for if we truly believed
would we not act
for good…
and yet the default
seems the appalling inaction
the chained indifference,
it seems the resident evil
is to not just say I believe
instead, to pretend 
what I believe.

But in the face
of my darkness
I can still choose…
in the truth of my humanness
in a misty clearing awareness
Choose to breathe
to blow on crimson embers
of the divine spark,
Choose to face the threat
of the drowning sea
Choose to face fears and failures
Choose to hear deep 
to deep the love of Christ
Choose to proclaim the power
of the Christ who demons obey
Choose to know a closer presence
with a truly remarkable wonder…
the One
Living God.

Oh, the wonderful Christ
who lived this all
died and rose 
victorious for us all,

It is Him I choose 
to encounter,
I choose the King
to live in His kingdom
to let Him reign
in all parts of my life.

Starting Thoughts:
In the face of what we see and hear in our world, with how we treat each other and the pain that happens randomly or deliberately - can we choose God?
Poem Topic Tags: #choose, #demons, #evil, #hypocrites, #inaction, #indifference, #insanity, #king, #kingdom, #power, #pretense, #reality, #reign, #spark,
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


I want the power
the Chance to do
life my way,
Yet no matter
how high I climb
how strong I feel
how much I manipulate controls
how much I persuade,
it is all really ashes
dust in the mouth-
the taste of death.

knelt in the dirt
took the cloth
and washed tired feet
the dirt of his disciples
friends he was growing
to become the new church,
dust to dust
the taste of death cleansed
waterfalled by the living water.

And Jesus
who left the high dimensions
became a vulnerable human,
walked through the pains
the jeers, the celebrations
the laughter, the serving of others
walked, stumbled
His cross too heavy to bear,
could have in an instant
chosen from heaven’s power 
release from His choice,
but allowed iron nails 
to be driven into His destiny,
raised cross high
on the hill of dusty rock
The servant King
willing to encounter the ashes-
the taste of destruction.

And the mouth
of hell Swelled
consumed purity 
in ashes of death,
And swallowed 
the body of Christ,
The annihilation of God’s promise
And yelled, “Death”
Thunder crashed
earthquakes split,
the holy temple curtain 
ripped top to bottom,
And Hell and earth
spun in the dark
with no idea
of the coming power.

Three days, nights
Russian roulette
barrel in the mouth
the Chamber spinning
with Death.

And with dawn’s
Sunshine softness,
with birds and awakening
with breakfast and dreams finished
Another earthquake rumbled, 
angels appeared
fearful guards stumbled back
from a heavy rolling tomb stone
and Jesus simply rose
the bread of life rose,
the rose of Sharon bloomed, 
the servant king was risen, alive
and Jesus simply walked out
into history and future
into million of lives,
Jesus simply talked
close times with friends
Jesus walked
on roads beside disciples
who didn’t recognize him,
Jesus walked life
into a world of death
bringing heaven down,
Jesus called a church
to shake off the dust
to carry love and honor
to enjoy living with hope
to go and make disciples.

Starting Thoughts: Jesus in His death and resurrection has brought heaven to earth, shown the nature of Servant King, power in a humble human form.
Poem Topic Tags: #cross, #death, #disciples, #hell, #jesus, #king, #resurrection, #risen, #servant, #tombs, #wash
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on the resurrection of the Servant King Jesus

Street Guardian

Bent elbow
to stuttering illumination,
patch rust pain
of decades standing
neighbourhood watch -
a hopeful graphic of law,
The slim silhouette
ready for an occasional bicycle
that pays its leaning respects,
But time’s inventions
mean tired fluorescents
will be LED to retirement.

Starting Thoughts: Looking at an old rusty lamppost and considering how technology is changing the environment around us.
Poem Topic Tags: #children, #lampost, #light, #objects, #schools, #seeker, #technology
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken word poetry for pupils on objects.

The Prodical Call

Looking back
I wonder
about the difference
I made,
the mark I wanted
to make
maybe more of a stain
on the fabric of life,
Is how I’m wired
a misfire?
Fractured fragmented relationships
Then again
are these just the lies
of my emotions?
Am I believing the lies
of corrupt desires?

Hear the call to the
“Return to home”
Hear the call to the
“You belong in the
True Father’s heart “
Hear the call to the
“Let’s celebrate in the
Darkness my love for you .”

And in God’s warm embrace
the soul soaking
of the eternal God,
In this Private place close
to the secrets of God,
Who I am is revealed
who ..I ...revealed
in the seal
of God’s love,
I am fearfully
and wonderfully made,
I am Called by name
partnered with God’s heart,
I am a significant part
of the one body,
I am the one
known fully from womb
to every hair on my head,
I am made worthy...
How can I not
love the skin I am in?
How could I ever
Unknow what I now know?

What could happen
if I truly walk in the light -
expecting breakthroughs as I go,
Finding what makes
My heart come alive
Experiencing a world
significantly bigger
than I am
But connected to the steps
of my daily world,
connected to the words
of Jesus
“Go and make disciples”
Connected to a glorious,
dangerous, exciting full faith,
Connected to the simple
complex love of God, self and
nurturing others.

in family, friends, church,
work, with strangers I meet
In the deep unity of your spirit
In the power of your love
In the summer of the harvest
In a sweet harmony of your spirit,
Let us create shared experiences
Shared stories
Shared life
Shared joy
Shared laughter
Shared purpose
Shared worship of Yahweh.

Starting Thoughts: Church camp in Hanmer was a time of opening ourselves, of being a church that has made room. A call to unity in love and spirit that makes change and expansion possible.
Poem Topic Tags: #called, #church, #connected, #disciples, #evangelism, #known, #love, #mission, #power, #prodigal, #purpose, #unity
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
A call to make room to grow and nuture disciples in our faith and unity - Spoken word Poetry.

Chained Release

The shackles,
chain weights,
Locking together
a discordant community
Lines of people
Shuffling together
Across the plain,
through desolate city streets
pained together
Hopeless together
angry together
faking together
questioning together
confusion together
steps to death together
dragging life
the disconnected connected
Broken community
Suffocating in the thick darkness.

And then
emerging of the land
from the mountains
from the forests
comes a harmony,
a rising brightness
a shimmering aurora
a river of free people
a different community
each bringing their part
connected in the spirit
connected to the light
united in faith,
Their tools, their hands, their feet
their hearts, their gifts, their freedom,
their time,
moving with one direction
a fluid body of love
claiming a revelation
calling, shouting a welcome
towards the chained slaves
Dancing, praising, talking, praying,
God’s bride
storming the gates of hell
with the keys
won in the resurrection
Victory from the grave.

And freedom’s choice
comes to the chained,
release to the city
release to the land
glory shining
through liberated faces,
Freed to Christ’s love
One by one.

Starting Thoughts: From a picture in my mind of God's love for those who do not live in His purpose for them, knowing His love. We are called to love them into relationship with God and the body of Christ - the church.
Poem Topic Tags: #chains, #challenge, #church, #evangelism, #freedom, #keys, #light, #love, #pain, #reallife, #risks
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Release of the chains by those in the church who hear the call - Spoken Word Poem

Together Always

When the wooden doors 
Swing open
the ifs and certainties continue
The past and present collide
suspended in melody
and streaming sunlight
Painting colours throughout
stained glass onto church pews.

The music swirls,
you pause in the moment
ready but nervous
Poised for the next step
the start of your walk,
A ceremony commitment 
The moving of self 
to become two,
This time
has flowed from days of
dates, experiences
humour and talks.
And you walk
arm in hand with your father
his grin wider even
than your smile
and you head nod
to friends and family,
White bride and 
sparkly shoes dad
Processing to the front of church,
in the midst of
a community of those
who are your precious memories
deep connections from your lives,
You are in this one
day of your life,
this moment
as bride and groom,
And with the words
"I do"
the art
of marriage begins
a new canvas
a vision for the future
allowing growing colours
growing love 
growing self
growing together
Leaping together
exploring boundaries
discovering more in each other
Traveling life together
partnering Best friends
Falling in deeper love.

On this special day
Hear God’s heart 
placed with you
shattered with you
Sharing with you,
The circle of the ring
a reminder
His Love never ending 
flows into your life
flows with your steps.

Together always
….with a loving God.

Starting Thoughts: Written for friends on their special day. Always awesome to be part of the celebration of covenants exchanged in marriage.
Poem Topic Tags: #celebration, #ceremony, #church, #covenants, #friendship, #life, #love, #marriage, #memories, #partners, #vows
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word about marriage and partners in a life journey together

The Most Tears

an expression of our heart
Dew dawning on our face
Trickling transparency
from our spirit,
From depths of pain
stubbed toe, scrapped knee
Burned finger, burned heart
From belly laughter,
Depths of happiness and joy
Depths of connection to others,
From origins of fear
Flip the coin
From origins of love.

Tears the surfacing
from fathoms and the unfathomed
The outward weeping
of the inward thoughts
the drops of songs
from the soul,
Wiping cheeks
in the midst of worship

Where do I see the most
tear types flowing?
Tears from the centre of life
intimacy together
intimacy with God
How real is that!

Starting Thoughts: I was in church listening and watching an amazing young man talk about internship in our church, between tears as he thought about his wife's involvement and the impact on lives of people. I started writing as I realised church is the place I see the most tears.
Poem Topic Tags:
#church, #emotions, #feelings ,#intimacy, #love, #tears, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poems How tears and found more in churches.


Tangled lines
chatter bustle
snarled mix
traffic rage hustle
had disorientated my mind
city craziness,
In the midst
a bird called
four floors up,
above one reality,
I got the message
and the world suspended
upside down
in crazy tilts,
a frozen 
life moment
and I lived
in a new 
now moment
Seeing green trees
blue sky
Feeling warm breezes
flower scents

Starting Thoughts: Waking up to a reality inside a reality can be triggered by very small things; a smell, a sound, a feeling. And then the small moments can speak louder than the hustle of a city.
Poem Topic Tags:
#hope, #meditation, #moments-in-time, #sounds, #surprises, #creation, #busy
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,


A meal that celebrates
Remembrance of Him,
Christ is the host
here with us
in all ways,
A meal that invites
all of who we are
to the table,
He took the cross
the chains of death
Became the forever 
supreme sacrifice
once for all time,
The one perfect sacrifice
and we died with Him
and rose with Christ
in the power,
in glory
In reality
in who we are
making us complete for all time,
Co-seated with Him
Co-risen with Him
Sin is finished
death is finished
innocence restored

We are
connected to eternity
Alive in His covenant
Alive in the now
Alive in a powerful exchange.

As often as you eat
by his stripes
you are healed,
In the Power of Christ
Not ornate
Not complex
Yet universes of love,
Carved from wood
Like the hard cross
Is the most beautiful cup,
Spirit of the new wine
the substance of His Spirit
Death has become life
One Spirit to drink
Comfort and strength
Substance of the spiritual.

Thank you Lord
For the table of
the great exchange.

Starting Thoughts: The simple story that is has been re-enacted not just to remember but to celebrate the now, to be in the now, to know Jesus in the now. Now knowing the love and power behind that love, we share this with others.
Poem Topic Tags:
#bread, #celebration, #church, #communion, #cross, #easter, #resurrection, #sacrifice, #lastsupper, #table, #wine
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Communion is shared love Spoken word poem.


Is life
Filling time
Filling space
Digging holes
Filling holes?
Making busy
Badging activity
Feeling frantic not fruitful
Making a living but not living
wasting inheritance
Suited up in expectations
of others
straitjackets serving success
Penguins parading parodies
Dying of the Dressed desperate.

Why are you Upset in the many things
When Few things are needed
If indeed only one
indeed... knowing the One?

Starting Thoughts: So busy in our lives we can't be present with those who are important to us. Can we find the One true God in the midst of all the things we own.
Poem Topic Tags: #busy, #expectations, #living, #momentsintime, #needs, #peace, #present, #pressure, #reality, #reallife
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Finding God and our priorities in busy life.

At War

God has seen it all
seasons of reason 
and unseasonable,
Death to life
he made the way
to know new love, rebirth
new life.
I am therefore a new creation -
that will never change.

And yet a war
battles within
urges and sugar
addictions and choices
habits and mind games
Ego is hardened 
to self and others
Wars sown into the future.

And God calls,
Live not by power
but by yielding to dynamic
free life -
the free perfect love.
sacrifice the past hurts
Set your heart
on glory above
renewed in the image
of Christ,
Live in the Spirit
as a new creation,
Start your day
Surrendered to His strength
Surrendered to his grace
Stronger in his Spirit,
the Kingdom life
here and now.

Starting Thoughts: As believers (Christians) we are to know the infinity love, grace, Holy Spirit power as we yield to God daily and His will for us. How easy to say and hard to be, but the more our identity is in Christ the more likely we are to break the habits that make us less than who we are right now.
Poem Topic Tags: #creation, #freedom, #habits, #heart, #kingdom, #life, #new, #power, #seasons, #spirit, #surrendered, #war
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Daily surrender to the will of God brings us release and identity poetry spoken word


A Rare person
crossing generations
carrying respect, laughter and stories
This was Allan.

When seeking Easter Camp parents
Youth groups quick suggestion
“Allan and Lesley would be cool.”
This was Allan.

An embattled history
struggle with addiction
encounters with Holy Spirit freedom
This was Allan.

Eighty five birthdays
A marriage and family
Fifty three years with a powerful woman’s love
This was Allan.

A smile and opinions
able to hear others
and speak his own strong voice.
This was Allan.

A comic genius
Shelves of adventure worlds 
passion, baddies and superness, owned it
This was Allan.

Fireworks ignited
for generations to come
As we look across 
gathered friends and family
and absent lives touched
Each of us his memory sparks...
In celebration of Allan - God spark!

Starting Thoughts: The wonderful friends we make in church, people we would never meet apart from our mutual journey in Christ. This poem celebrates the life of one dear friend who recently died and now enjoys life with God in a whole new way.
Poem Topic Tags:
#celebration, #church, #death, #friend, #funeral, #marriage, #memories, #reality, #reallife, #testimony, #tribute
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Celebration of Life in Death Poem Spoken Word

Race Fun

Dad stuff is fun,
this morning
petrol fumes, shuddering rubber tyres
brake and accelerate,
smooth lines to corners,
not quite in my rhythm,
finally the son could raise
his arms in triumph
as his go kart 
snuck inside 
the wheels of my kart
and sped to the lead,
He yells to the warehouse,
to family history,
to his ongoing life,
I have beaten the old man,
fair and square.
“I felt in the zone
like it was going to be my day,”
he banters
in the car on the way home,
I have to rejoin,
“Only one out of five”
in the epic battles
scattered through our time
growing family together, changing together -
But I did go down!

Starting Thoughts: Little moments become part of growing up, of independence, of taking up the mantle of the previous generation. And they involve pain and celebration at the same time!
Poem Topic Tags:
#ageing, #children, #entertainment, #family, #father, #fun, #older, #race, #ritesofpassage
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Rites of passage, moments in time of passing or taking the torch in fun. Spoken Word Poem.

Flourishing Love

Small glances
small steps
small decisions
small hundreds and thousands
of love risks,
scattered confetti memories
that have lead you
to this greater affection,
in the rings
placed on your fingers,
an infinity of
gold metal dots
connecting in a circle
symbols of marriage celebration
time sealed and stretching
to your future vision together.

We honour your love
honour your togetherness
honour your individual uniqueness
honour your marriage sealed in Christ.

May you 
Discover fun and laughter
smiles and hugs,
Discover great small moments
of love poured on, turned on, 
growing on.

Starting Thoughts: Marriage is beautiful step after many small decisions to create connection and love. But growth in love and honour for each other does not stop there. You are now on the most exciting human journey of life.
Poem Topic Tags:
#celebration, #honour, #love, #marriage, #rings, #small, #vows, #wedding
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Love Marriage Wedding poetry Spoken Word



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