Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


It started with a nickname
a random label
assigned in a moment
replicated repeated strikes
of laughter spikes
suffocations from voiceless friends
word knives carving my skin
silence from a universal background,
Every new person
who joined the class
repeated the fear
created more tears
collapsed the hope that
someone would be different
someone would be brave
someone would bring change
someone would stand up,
every day increased
the isolation
and the closing in
of the surrounding pack
hyenas on the prowl,
The hurt is me.

The bully is me
The bystander is me
The silence is me
Everybody is me.

Starting Thoughts:
While watching a video about bullying in a school I picked up my phone and started writing.
Poem Topic Tags: #words, #bullying, #bystander, #emotions, #hate, #hurt, #pain, #sadness, #schools, #silence
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

God of Echoes

Above clouding noise
Above erasing passions
Above tides of bleak tiredness
in the midst of daily routines
In dark nights of the soul,
the God of life echoes
a call
reverberating again and again
A kick beat into my life
penetrating extreme sound
Shaking my inner soul
Creating a transparent heart
before the Creator God.

Awareness arises
I have nothing
crystal-clear before Christ’s journey
crystal-clear in front of the cross
Before this love 
Poured down, poured out,
overflowing, deep beyond deep
I stop, talk to God
Press pause...
Press pause...

And now in the silence
immersed between the echoes
a silence stretching eternity
into its depths,
holy love intertwines 
profound closeness, meaning
questions and realities
into the space,

How can I not smile in this love?
How can I not cry in this love?
How can I not wonder in this love?
How can I not be in this love?
How can I not find peace in this love?
How can I respond in worship to this love?
My God, my King.

Starting Thoughts:
In the noise and routines of life, the business, can we press pause… and rest in the silence immersed between the echoes and listen, become aware of God's love.
Poem Topic Tags: #business, #cross, #echo, #echoes, #love, #pause, #silence, #soul, #sounds, #transparent, #wonder, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #instawrite, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Lines of the Word

Descended word born learner youth
seeker heartfelt powerful revealed celebration passion
friend healer storyteller confronter
prophet betrayed rejected love death
risen grace completed eternal

Starting Thoughts: If we could string together lines of single words to describe Jesus and his purpose on Earth, what would you add to these?
Poem Topic Tags: #christ, #history, #jesus, #life, #names, #timeline, #word, #words,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,

Words to describe the timeof Jesus on Earth

New Covenant

A Changed life
A new covenant
a promised Hope
prophetic promises
they seem so far away,
Lost in mysteries
Lost in the past
Lost in other cultures
Lost in curses from generations
Lost in business
Lost in guilt and regret
Lost in identity confusion
Lost to the grip of death
What can I do? Nothing!

But then Jesus called
The glorious Word spoke
Called Us - called me by name...
to know Him
invited into his goodness
through believing and receiving
and now we are
Simply, wonderfully
Hidden in Christ, the Messiah
one with Christ
from the beginning,
in his searing death
In his pure righteousness
in his powerful resurrection
in his abundant grace
in his regal freedom
In his deep, deep love
in his divine power
in his eternal life.

And now we reign
as kings, queens in life
here and now
chosen sons and daughters
with the sunshine of heaven
Embedded, flowing from our hearts
Believed in by God
I am who he says I am
We are who
He says we are.

Starting Thoughts: History revolves around a split in time between the old and the new covenant where Jesus died and rose and with the plan from eternity restored us all to God, not through what we do but through what God says we are in the love, forgiveness, grace and resurrection of Christ.
Poem Topic Tags: #covenants, #cross, #daughters, #eternity, #hidden, #hope, #identity, #jesus, #lost, #love, #promises, #resurrection, #sons, #word, #works
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
The new covenant promises of God Spoken Word Poetry


Holy Spirit stir...
Breathe on the embers
Holy Spirit stir...
Breathe on the embers
Let the flame of faith
burn brighter,
Igniting revelation
to sear and take out
the tangled undergrowth,
Replace mind Trapped lies,
in Jesus name.

I welcome the moment
God’s fire bites, cleansing,
a holy fire that burns
that does not consume
but releases my future,
A future here and now
where God’s will encounters me,
Yes Disruption, interruption
the price for an awakening
that will stop
paths of destruction
in my life.

Holy Spirit stir...
Passion and power
Release and freedom
Shifting hearts and minds
Ordinary morphing into extraordinary
Room for the new.

I’m not chained
but changed with this Spirit fire
Changed by a love beyond understanding
Changed to change the world
Changed by the face
of glory shining
from a pure Christ,
Changed by fire in the heart
Light from the Centre
of all that is the universe,
Fire in the heart
To Seek and save the lost
Bringing Visions of new possibilities
Bringing Passion and risk
Pointing to Eternal Life, truth
Awakening our city to Jesus
Raising the name of Jesus

And the Spirit lit the flame...

Starting Thoughts: It is all about Jesus. His love for us, the gift of His life to forgive our sins and give us purpose. In the face of His incomparable love we have a new identity and are changed from the inside out. Not conforming to a set of rules but responding to an amazing love in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Poem Topic Tags: #awakening, #chains, #change, #disruption, #faith, #fire, #flame, #freedom, #glory, #jesus, #lies
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Changed by a Spirit fire love - spoken- word-poetry

Nephew Reflections

A cluster of memories
from teenage holidays
have faded
to diamond sparkles,
mind media moments
only possible through
childhood time in Alexandra.

Armstrong Sydney car
a tired family pass on
relic in backyard
of aunty and uncle’s Bantry St property,
Weeks of Alex sunshine
Summer picking cherries and apricots
waiting for school certificate
results to be posted in newspaper,
Jaffas rolling down
between wooden floor
tiered seating in movie theatre
Those days when you
stood for ‘God save the Queen’
Tock ticketty tock
the orange candy balls bounce
to the threats from the
Projector theatre owner
“I’ll stop the movie if you
kids don’t stop!”

Winter action
Manorburn ice rink
skates cutting white lines
close to frozen reed banks
Avoiding danger signposted areas,
Christmas feasts and summer freedom
All made possible
by an uncle and aunt;
scout leaders and supporters
Tupperware diva and tanker driver
Wardrobe designer actor and mechanical fixer
Vodka and whiskey choices
Community developers,
Graeme - Slick hair, glasses,
a running-deep solid guy
Lois - Cigarette smiles, fiery eye twinkles, jokes, love and raspy laugh.

Lois and Graeme
I honour these two
living on
in the facets of my
flashback reflections,
in the life of us all.

Starting Thoughts: Written to honour a great Auntie and Uncle of mine who were amazing community supporters in their local town and also providers of accommodation for holidays in my fruit picking days as a teenager.
Poem Topic Tags: #celebration, death, family, honor, honour, memories, personal, remembrance, teenage, youth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Remembrance spoken word for a special uncle and aunt

At War

God has seen it all
seasons of reason 
and unseasonable,
Death to life
he made the way
to know new love, rebirth
new life.
I am therefore a new creation -
that will never change.

And yet a war
battles within
urges and sugar
addictions and choices
habits and mind games
Ego is hardened 
to self and others
Wars sown into the future.

And God calls,
Live not by power
but by yielding to dynamic
free life -
the free perfect love.
sacrifice the past hurts
Set your heart
on glory above
renewed in the image
of Christ,
Live in the Spirit
as a new creation,
Start your day
Surrendered to His strength
Surrendered to his grace
Stronger in his Spirit,
the Kingdom life
here and now.

Starting Thoughts: As believers (Christians) we are to know the infinity love, grace, Holy Spirit power as we yield to God daily and His will for us. How easy to say and hard to be, but the more our identity is in Christ the more likely we are to break the habits that make us less than who we are right now.
Poem Topic Tags: #creation, #freedom, #habits, #heart, #kingdom, #life, #new, #power, #seasons, #spirit, #surrendered, #war
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Daily surrender to the will of God brings us release and identity poetry spoken word

Race Fun

Dad stuff is fun,
this morning
petrol fumes, shuddering rubber tyres
brake and accelerate,
smooth lines to corners,
not quite in my rhythm,
finally the son could raise
his arms in triumph
as his go kart 
snuck inside 
the wheels of my kart
and sped to the lead,
He yells to the warehouse,
to family history,
to his ongoing life,
I have beaten the old man,
fair and square.
“I felt in the zone
like it was going to be my day,”
he banters
in the car on the way home,
I have to rejoin,
“Only one out of five”
in the epic battles
scattered through our time
growing family together, changing together -
But I did go down!

Starting Thoughts: Little moments become part of growing up, of independence, of taking up the mantle of the previous generation. And they involve pain and celebration at the same time!
Poem Topic Tags:
#ageing, #children, #entertainment, #family, #father, #fun, #older, #race, #ritesofpassage
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Rites of passage, moments in time of passing or taking the torch in fun. Spoken Word Poem.


Rise up
Rise up
in the name of Jesus

Stand up
Stand up
in the blood of Jesus

Sing out
Sing out
In the spirit of God

Open up
Open up
deep in the Father’s arms

Call out
Call out
as children of the Living God

is the Almighty Lord
enthroned on high.

Starting Thoughts: We start by knowing our restored, totally loved identity as sons and daughters of the Living God… from there our love for God is reflected back to Him in worship and out to others.
Poem Topic Tags:
#beginning, #blood, #freedom, #honor, #honour, #jesus, #love, #praise, #thankfulness, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Rise up and give your worship to the Living God Spoken Word Poetry

Left Out

Was it a traffic light
a smoke signal
a not so coded message?
The book lay flat
cornered on our bookshelf
picked from its upright neighbours,
still and quiet,
there but not there
a metaphor
for its contents.

"How to Cope 
with Abuse"
the title
briefly removed
from a bookshelf
Taken but not kept
held but released
opened but briefly,

The story of a thousand
Historical traumas
Fractured hopes
Broken lives
carried within its pages,
forgotten buried,
desperate hands emerging 
seeking from the grave
nails cracked
crying for help.

Was this book
left extracted
but returned
a silent teared whisper
from a brief borrower?

Starting Thoughts:
What do we read into the actions of others? Truth from our perspective or theirs? Do we see the hidden messages in what they do? How alive are we to others? I found a book that had been extracted and moved to a lying down position on our shelf . As I reviewed in my mind the conversations we had over the previous hours I wondered, "Did the visitor do this deliberately?"
Poem Topic Tags: #abuse, #abusive, #broken, #help, #hurt, #hope, #messages, #pain, #rape, #traumas,
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #instawrite, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Every Time

Every time
we speak/write/act
to separate
to blame
to tear down
to isolate
to gossip
to point
is it our finger
on the trigger?

Where do we stand as individuals on terrorism? Reflections about the mosque attack Christchurch 2019.
Poem Tags
#crimes, #faith, #freedom, #god, #gossip, #hate, #humanity, #identity, #love, #murder, #poems, #poetry, #religion, #seeker, #spokenword, #terrorism, #themes, #together, #mosque, #family
Stacks Image 3450


Repeated echoes
“You are in lockdown.
Follow lockdown procedure…”

How do you awake
to a new day
cloud thinning to
sunshine and blue sky
and suddenly 
remember the 
events of yesterday.

How do you
start the day 
with breakfast
eating a meal
on a chair
comfortable cushion 
safe in your house
when separate
in time and space,
separate to you
and your family
separate from values
you hope for,
this murder 
has stolen innocence
this cowardice 
has stolen strength
this hate 
has expressed itself
livestreamed itself.

How do you 
speak out 
call out
live out
the heartbreak,
something remote
but close,
something confusing
yet seeking
the edges of clarity.

49 times the grief
90 times the agony
changing numbers
newspaper numbers
reflecting chaos 
greater family pain.

six hatreds
six tears
six thoughts
six degrees
of connected separation.

With one quick call we plunged into lockdown at my school in Christchurch. Outside terrorism, stalked parts of Christchurch 2019.
Poem Tags
#crimes, #faith, #freedom, #god, #gossip, #hate, #humanity, #identity, #love, #murder, #poems, #poetry, #religion, #seeker, #spokenword, #terrorism, #themes, #together, #mosque, #family
Christchurch 2019 Mosque shooting Spoken Word Reflection


We join the circling
packs of jackals
Roving in minds
returning again 
and again
to the carrion 
of destructive thoughts,
Snarling in defence
grinning in mangy confidence
growling fangs of attack,
scavenging pride
in the face
of our own disaster
in defiance
of reality.

Starting Thoughts: Sometimes we are slowly, willingly trapped in a circle of destructive thoughts, small choices dwelt on that lead us to places we don't want to go - but do!
Poem Topic Tags: #destruction, #facades, #false, #habits, #minds, #pride, #secrets, #selfharm, #thinking, #thoughts
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken word poem on the destructive thinking we can have

3 Gifts

Signposts from the East
Travellers entwined in history
Bearing gifts
Following stars
Part of destiny
And when they
approached the stable cave
we are here from
Another country -
We know someone special
has been born within,
Joseph smiled a welcome
aware again with Mary
That something different,
amazing was going
to keep happening
with this baby Jesus;
Dreams with messages
Angels appearing
Shepherds who raised
passover lambs arriving,
And three wise men - why not?
They entered
awe, reverence, anticipation,
opening gifts;

Gold for the king
establishing God's kingdom
personal and hands on
justice, joy, peace,
frankincense the scent
of the High Priest
freeing the way,
tearing open the curtain
to the Holy of holies,
myrrh the painful gift
a drink, a fragrance
The myrrh drugged drink
offered on the skull
of Golgotha to a sacrificed Jesus,
refused by Christ's patched lips
The same myrrh spiced linen wraps
binding his body in an end of life cave,
Myrrh from a plant of thorns.

Three gifts pointing
The way to Jesus
So you can
kiss the baby
The Great I Am,
know the face of God,
know meaning in
God with us,
The greatest Christmas gift
unwrapping change for the world.

3 Gifts pointing from the past to future of a baby that would revolutionise life on Planet Earth.
Poem Tags
#baby, #christian, #christmas, #gifts, #jesus, #passover, #poem, #poetry, #spokenword, #wisemen , #video, #media

3 Gifts Spoken Word Video Poem Christmas

Broken Chains

Sin in the light
why do I try
to keep hidden
these chains
that Jesus seeks to break,
why do I want to
feel the same shame
as it grabs me again
Do I like this pain?
Do I revel in the blame?
Retreat to the same?

The kingdom of dark
Baited with a sense
of choice,
Freedom to be ourselves
Expressing individuality
Lured into sharp hooks
hiding from overlooks
living life by our guidebooks
striving for good people looks
living inside the jokebooks.

Only from outside
a bridge through time and space
Can extreme love
True light
make the sacrifice for sin,
the light that leads
purities death the deed
True love that succeeds
salvation guaranteed
Life purpose decreed.

and love abides
for life's freedom,
The fullness of Christ
released deep inside you.

Poem Tags
#christian, #identity, #loneliness, #love, #personality, #poem, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #sin, #spokenword, #value, #walls

Sin that traps, choices made that lead to hidden chains. Only Jesus can break these.
Broken Chains Spoken Word Poem Christian Sin Loneliness

Small Makes Big

Step by step 
the mountain top
Footfall by footfall 
the revolving treadmill
Drip by drip 
the deepening chasm
Seed by seed 
the spreading forest 
Second by second 
disappearing years
barb by barb 
mind piercing cuts
Not enough by not enough
tentacles of addiction
Lie by lie 
snaking self deception
Taste by taste 
a tantalising smorgasbord,
Nail by nail 
a complete restoration,
Smile by smile 
a living relationship,

Twist by twist 
the turns of life
Care by care 
feeling deepening love
Space by space 
the freezing emptiness
Word by word 
the unfolding story
Up by down
the corkscrew rollercoaster
Beat by beat 
the rhythm of hearts
choice by choice
the new risk
Molecule by molecule
the big, the wonderful truths.

Poem Tags
#big, #christian, #lies, #love, #new, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #small, #spokenword, #step

With something small big things and changes can happen.
How small things in life make change, make a difference poem spoken word

Gorilla Glass

Transparent and hidden
I reach out
and fingers touch
cold and hard
like a mime artist
on the glass box
surrounding me,
yet constantly seen
by others around,
The crystal cage
travels life
with me,
and knowing glances
penetrate the walls,
live human dissection
gilded bird man
wings clipped
lost behind
invisible barriers,
People walk by
smiles and reference
they stop talking
lean to each other,
and my mind shatters
fixating on what they 
could have been saying,
cracked and damaged identity
within ever-strong
gorilla glass.

Poem Tags
#cage, #christian, #identity, #loneliness, #personality, #poem, #poetry, #seeker, #spokenword, #trapped, #value, #walls, #zoo
Are people talking about you? Trapped in a glass box - your personality zoo.
Chrisitan Spoken Word Poem on trapped in a galss box.

EFTPOS Receipt

Lazily curling
EFTPOS white ribbon

For the cheap price
of "caution contents hot coffee"
you can be sealed
with authorisation.

Cheap validation
Clings to your personality
Climbing your shoulders
Cesspool whispering
in your willing ears.
Like, love, share, comment
swirling paper thin motivations,
skinny relationships
spirit wasting entropy,
praise from honeyed lips
echoing the cheap
price of life.

One word
is all it takes,
changing external
to internal truth identity…


Poem Tags
#cheap, #christian, #comments, #gossip, #identity, #money, #poems, #poetry, #power, #relationships, #socialmedia, #spokenword
Where does our identity come from? Who really sees us? Where do we seek approval from and how does it drive how we react with others?
Approval and Identity Spoken Word Poem reflecting on life

Click Bait

In the silent
lonely rooms,
a hidden screen,
an epidemic subsumes
minds and personalities,
dolphamine chemicals
rewriting brains
pushing intimacy away
into shame addictions
quick masturbations...

"Not a shame,”
pixel porn whispers, 
"freedom for
women's bodies to
do what they want",
and porn fuelled
sex trade
are blanked away,
pixel pain grows
stroking soft fingers
on the flesh
of your mind.
Steal a life
Steal a slave
trafficked porn sex.

A click away
from another victim
from a child kidnapped,
sex slaves
with seven years
death expectancy
exploited flesh
corrupted innocence.

Build a coliseum
fill it with the crowds
pay per view
and throw the
girls to the lions,
you scream for more
your thumb points down
and ad rates tick up.

Why do you click
for death?
Her's quicker
your's slower.

Is porn an epidemic? Harmful or just fun?
click_bait_sex_pornography_addiction Poetry

Intimate Date

We clambered
out of parked 
bubble green car,
autumn's night
painting nearly everything grey,
light spilled colour 
from the Greek Restaurant,
white angular letters
above the glass doorway
the only hint of culture
on an otherwise modern
enjoying friends,
husband and wife
from a wedding party
years ago,
out to celebrate
their wedding anniversary.
Years of friendship, pain,
Love, children growing up,
He’s a little Greek
I love the Greek food
Not so sure 
of her Greek tastes.

The warmth of the
wooden table room spilled out
and the Maitre d’ greeted us,
as we unraveled
from a day of work
into the moment.
We smiled
and followed to our 
dark grained table.

Cool water, chatter, slightly
dog-eared menus, laughter
all cross our table,
mixing an enthusiasm 
for life with
memories of the past,
conversation is fun
as we toss stories
in turn
listening intently
to each other,
we even send the waiter
away as we still
haven’t had time
to choose
our dish for the day.

Around us the restaurant
tables fill,
a long table 
with a large party,
some must be Greek 
we decide based 
on look and colour,
but we don’t really know,
It’s slightly reassuring to 
be eating Greek where 
the real Greek eat
or so we choose 
to believe.

Beside us
a couple who are 
not there,
Since they sat down
each has been intimate
with their cellphone,
texting, Facebooking
WhatsApp chat
maybe the weather, 
Could I suggest
to them,
why not start with a 
conversation about weather
as that would be 
more romance than
your current connection,
that would be more intimate
than your current finger poke,
why did you come?
The waiter calls by their table
and they spend more time
talking to her
than they have 
to each other
in the last ten minutes.

Why do we prefer 
the shallow?
Stuck jumping
over small waves
forever timid
leaping the small
imagined tidal waves,
running away, pretending,
never tall enough, risking enough
never learning to swim,
so the thrills of riding, tubing,
plunging, being tossed 
end over end
will never happen.

A life in the shallow
playing at relationships
never immersed,
so no one can love us
see us
for self is hidden
and love for others
is never learned.

skin-deep connections
deep loneliness.

Out with friends and technology gets in the way of relationships.
Date Night Friendship Poem
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