Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Hidden Mortality

Hidden Mortality?
Building my pyramid
around secret passageways,
bully statements 
covering tombs,
criticism cursing traps
taking down threats,
heavy blocks swung
mortared into place,
blocking the real,
stoning the pain,
obstacles to opening,
silent dust choking
compete darkness.

In the secret centre
Gather the wealth
my gold reflections
my mask heavy 
my treasure 
my precious 
my eternal time
and I will live

I have created arrogance,
my mausoleum monument
Faking life beyond.

Time passes...
thieves penetrate
stealing dreams,
Dust blows over
the lost emptiness
of my legacy,
cracks possess 
the edifice built,
Dust is what
I hold in my 
dead hands.
Dust to dust.

Where am I?
What have I paid
for nothing?

Proverbs 10:22 The Message (MSG)
22 God’s blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.
Luke 16:9 New Living Translation
Here's the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.
Proverbs 3: 9-10


Three young mouths
Meagre hope
Threadbare cupboards
Shanty corrugated cage
Husband taken
Cholera's meal.

Whispered words
Propaganda hope suggested,
Cash given
Teenager traded,
Bitten by the trafficker
Real life zombie
Taken to sea.
Sweat fisherman blood.

4 hours sleep
20 hours work
4 hours sleep
20 hours work
4 hours sleep…
Fingers to bone.

No escape
No words
No life.

Fear trap,
Miles of ocean,
Netted life,
Broken arm
if you speak out.

Modern slavery
Forty-five million
cries in the wind,
cries in the Dirt,
cries in the Smoke
cries on the ocean,
Tears in the heart!

to give voice to the voiceless.
  • Use strong: new vocabulary, word images
  • Protest against an injustice in our world
  • Cut words not needed
  • Include facts from research
  • Be creative in getting my point across
Trapped Slavery Poem
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