Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Silence in Homes

Silence in homes,
Behind the screens 
and headphones,
parent indifference
mixed with fear
throttling the talk
stifling the possibilities,
A silent generation
trading life, raising blanks,
ready to be imprinted
with porn, sexual experimentation,
sexualised children,
abuse, free love that is expensive
Generation to generation
oppression chains passed down,
deception increasing,
darkness stains minds
into ignorance.

Not us
You cry
13-15 year olds in NZ
highest age group percentage 
watching child porn,
teen suicide rates highest 
developed world,
1 in 5 NZ teens asked 
for nude selfies 
in the last year,
NZ fresh clean?
vast magnificent mountains
and landscapes
so empty
hands and minds drip
Poison into vanities
Into homes, into business
Softly stealing
the beauty of sex
the beauty of life
Playing games
of casual hurt,
consuming loneliness.

When will we wake
Speak up,
Open blind eyes
see reality.

Who will
Hear my heart?
Be not afraid!
My desire is to restore
To reveal and heal,
Cleansing your past
breaking soul ties
giving the answer
of deep joy.

Who will be my love?
Be healed
Be different
Be strong
Be open be true
Be held in my arms
Know ear to chest
My heartbeat
Be intimate.

All things made new,
All things redeemed,
All things timed,
My bride arise
Cleansed, beautiful, restored 
made pure,
made ready,
The creator
Can recreate!

Poem Tags
#pornography #love #speakout #bedifferent #following #abuse #meto

Is porn an epidemic? Harmful or just fun?
The Tide of Pornography and call to God

Newborn Perfection

We thought death desires
Soon shadows
Sin shapes,
Dungeons of
self torture
failure and fright,
striving self improvement 
selling regimes and religion
to get ahead
and we struggle
Eyes dulled
Eyes only seeing
the world through the pain,
Through the hate 
Through the hurt
Through the have to have
slaves to old nature.

But God
sees us,
Deeply lives
love into us,
Deeply dies 
love into us,
For your value
is the price of Jesus,
death to old self
Dead to the old
and we Die with
the heavenly one,
the Son of God
lamb of God 
Righteous Giver
grace powers.

Old ways are buried
and we live anew
risen from death's sting 
no condemnation
No hate
Given a righteous life
We are beautiful brides
made perfect
Perfection in Him
Deep roots
Enduring foundations
Pure identity in God
Living from a new peace
abundance of life
Born of God.

Oh we struggle in mind 
in body
but the real you is spirit
on a journey with the Saviour.

Poem Tags
#christian, #bornagain, #cross, #death, #grace, #identity, #jesus, #journey, #lamb, #pain, #poems, #poetry, #righteousness, #saviour, #self, #selfworth, #sin, #spokenword
A paradox, seeds die - life grows, we die to self to be fully released from slavery to self.
Being born again, God frees us from ourselves


Behind the brick walls
lured to the shadows
living in the greyness
looking in the questions
wondering am I just taking space
searching in the choices.
Before the walls
Before the pain
Before the cheapening of your life
Before your ideas about yourself
Before "I’m a good person"
Before knowing there is more,
love existed
because God is,
The Creator’s love.

And now, this moment, 
know You were made 
for a reason,
to experience 
a voice
a call
deep into your heart
into your life
into the depths of your soul
into your dreams.

A call from Love
beyond human plays
beyond human songs
beyond words and relationships 
beyond betrayals and boredom
beyond success and failure.

Not a cold call
a prank call
a spam call
a blocked call
a Facebook invite.

Warm it comes
from a God who created
in love,
gave His life in love,
wants to know you
wants to show you
wants to birth
in you new purpose.

You are worth dying for
because Jesus did,
You are His loving,
You are who He wants,
You are who He
will celebrate,
You are who He
is crazy in love with,
You are who Heaven
will sing about.

For you were made 
for relationship with God
anytime, anywhere, anyplace,
Christ died and rose for you.

This Love waiting, heart seeking
not because of what you have done
not because of what you haven’t 
Before the world knew you
He saw you,
He desires to be closer 
than your next breath,
To love freedom
into your life,
Dawning, birthing
a new future purpose.

Walk this new journey
Walk into newness of life
Walk into relationship
Walk into love
beginning with the real,
knowing who you are in Jesus,
living from this 
resurrected Jesus love
Walk into who
you are created to be.
Live love!

Beginning - if God was crazy in love with you would he do anything to bring you to His heart?
Beginning God


do they say I am?
liar, dreamer, good guy,
non-event, prophet,
historical figure?

Who do you say I am?
Put aside
your past boxed thoughts,
Ask and see,
Hope beyond
the pains of today,
the tidy world you live,
Who could I be?

Am I different?
Am I who I said I was?
Am I the One to save you?
Am I the son of God
who will accept your emptiness?
Can I be the disturber 
and hope of your dreams?

Who is Jesus, how do we 'box' him?
Who is Jesus Christian Poem Media

3 for Fun

Take off your feet
and fly,
learn what the ceiling
holds for you.

Her eyelids
floated over her
and she drifted off.

She had notes
in her hair
and symphonies
in her eyes.
3 Fun Poems

Trying to Say

A haunting realness
trapped in me, 
mind encapsulated, 
A shell curled 
buried on the beach,
life hidden 
crashing waves around 
non-person in a crowd 
quietness in the rage 
gems in the mud.

I could speak, 
there's something there, 
a hidden seed thought 
a truth
a reality,
I open my lips 
and say something else... 

Lying dreams of 
inner truth.
Facades, honesty and Truth Speaking so Hard

Plastic Love

A cautious sunbeam
scatters dust and time
across the unseen 
attic space,
time crumbles -
avalanche tumbling
present to the future,
cracked death
fractures window glass,
the barbie doll leers
under dark hidden
cardboard box shadows, 
twisted arms agape
legs impossible
angles of hope,
vacant eyes torn
from plastic life,
heart black oil
joint seeping,
memories of childhood
mind blotted by
screams of adolescence,
frustration tears
seep slim cheeks,
cheapened silence
strangles desires
smooth skin
slim waist, 
elongated arms akimbo
reflect human condition
in a circus hall of mirrors.

Dance on the soul
with your hate,
poke sneers
into the mindless,
sex your smile
in feeble resuscitation,
drift addiction
your dreams,
slumber with sleep 
and rupture your essence.

rustling leaves
quiet clap 
the always autumn sun,
time slows,
angles change and
the sunlight splits 
through cracked pain
twisting God's rainbow
into the room.
Barbie broken, life discarded poem

Always - Moment by Moment

Each second grows a minute
flooding through my life
Washing time away,
Moments gone forever.

Passenger habits create holes
and parasite hours
in my soul,
Meaning has been sunk
in digital vegetation
Where everything
seems so distant hard
And electronic ethereal.

Then God speaks,
"I want to spend time
with you."

Starting Thoughts: God just wants to be with us, creating with us, loving with us, living with us - when do we get it?
Poem Topic Tags: #busy, #digital, #distractions, #electronics, #habits, #life, #living, #time, #timeless
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Christian SPoien word poem looking at hop, time, and our uniqueness

Hope Discovered

In darkness
the anticipation of light,
times dreaming in
awakening soul,
Inside pain
a hug, longer, deeper
without false words,
taking the risk
of future pain,
Beginning life
cry of new born,
turns of suffering
giving way
to unfolding pages of beauty,
A choice
for possibilities
controlling fears
self whispering
“Try again.”
Knowing now's feeling
will not
be tomorrow's spirit ,
the Spring
after the Winter,
that in falling’s jeopardy
wings will work,

The string
centimetre by centimetre
a kite's flight.

For Today

In the desperate
In the freedom,
In the pain,
In the celebration,
or drudge of another day,
In the business of hours
stripping life's years,
Who can live?
Who can see?
Where is the point?
Hourglass grains of reflection
slip past,
constant reminders,
dreams, hopes

drowning down

And yet 
There is none like me;
dna masterpiece
born to be loved,
to be heart seen,
to be soul hugged,
to be me.

Can I live with the 
I’ve been given?

Starting Thoughts: Are we just random unique or deliberately unique creatures? Does it take as much faith to believe in a world of random, as to believe in a world sustained by the power of God?
Poem Topic Tags: #happiness, #life, #more, #present, #seeker, #selfworth, #time, #unique
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
How we see ourselves in time and the busy - hoping, Spoken Word Poem

Light Spark

Incredible moment,
beginning of life
as sperm meets egg
A flash of light...
Just a zinc reaction?

Another clue, like:
A million stars flung,
Sun caressed cheek,
Seed seeking, launching from darkness,
Flower petals unfolding, 
following sun-rays,
Sunbeams fracturing into rainbows,
Sunrises softly wiping night,
Moonlight, pale mirror of greater source,
Reflections of light-rays enabling sight,
colours a thousand retina explosions.

All random?

In light
the invisible becomes visible,
star lead wanderers
discover the new born King,
sons, daughters of light...
you will not walk in darkness.

His spark
our faith,
Beacon of hope,
Creator, Sustainer, Light of the World.
Light Christian Poem

God Moments - Time with a Friend

Soft dawn light
Shadows dappled green
Stirred slightly
in breeze's gentle touch,
sitting in car,
parked beside council pool
Six A.M. swim behind me,
Hearing from God,
Called a quiet time,
I've read bible verses
and thoughts from a stranger,
both have crossed the world
and time to me,
my head buzzes
with thoughts,
but when I look deep
into trees - their briefly
sunshine stirring maple leaves,
Watch mountain bikes
taking path's curve,
voices drift past me,
The white Toyota sauntering for a park:
I see and smile,
wind down the window,
Beyond the hum
of air conditioning,
Bird calls waken my spirit,
The Life around
in cars, pools, over the fence in houses
is amazing,
God’s story
fills and quiets my soul,
And I smile with God,
tuned to Him.

Unknown the day,
Known is my Lord.

Excited and secure
I start the engine.

1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV
“...acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you…"

Hear Christmas

Snow falls
Sounds of silence whisper of
white grace
Cleansing complete,
Stop to the stillness,
listen to the Christ massed voice,
Hushed within
a soft sense of Serene, alone.

undisturbed by thought,
Listen to the Silence in your mind
Hear Christmas.

Sunshine falls
Loves warm Light
Wrapping your hearts pulse.
Holding your hope
Infusing joy.

undisturbed by thought, listen to the Silence in your heart,
~the still small voice.
Hear Christmas.

Stars night shine,
Galaxies remote and vast
reflected in your eyes,
Seeing distance
Feeling closeness of creation.
undisturbed by thought, listen to the silence in your heart,
The rhythm of sustaining life
Hear Christmas.

Starting Thoughts: Christmas Video and Media. What do you hear at Christmas?


in the revelation
of Your love,
in ocean depths
surrounded by Grace,
Always loved 
the same
never more, never less.
Wholeness, forgiveness
found in your freedom,
Challenge and risk
sparked in your call,
Complete but yearning
I stand known,
seen fully,
My value revealed
In the cross.

Laughter bubbles 
in my soul,
Your smile
rides in my spirit,

I worship 

#christian, #complete, #freedom, #grace, #identity, #love, #ocean, #poems, #poetry, #revelation, #spokenword, #value, #videos, #worship
New Freedom and laughter in God Worship SpokenWord

Jesus Sees

Jesus saw
the leaders of the day
for who they were,
Many - so wrong...
like presidential races,
Claiming faith,
White washed tombs
echoes of life,
Choosing to believe
their own lies
own law
own false reality
their own destiny.

And the crowds gather
cheering on the hate
buying the deception
liking the post
sharing the tweet,
waving the balloons
smiling the deceit,
Lost minds
feeding on emotion,
hurt and pain,
Fraud fiction
burying any truth.

Jesus said,
beautiful on the outside
bones of all
the dead inside,
I am the truth."

Awake sleepers and see.
Leadership Jesus Christian Poem

Memory Fragments

Remembered instants
heartbeats of significance,
recognition and recall
memories shared,
thoughts painted in our relationship
capturing the moments:
we laughed together,
paused together,
dreamed together,
looked at life together
through time's eye.

These memories
make us
fully human,
alive to the best and worst
of who we are.

Even as we remember
do the memories change?
Elusive wisps of clouds
morphing into different colours
and shapes,
changing our thoughts
feelings of treasured minutes
or painful pasts.

Image from:
Poetry Type
Found Poem (small ideas from text print)

Ideas from:

To create a poem that captures what memories mean to people so your readers feel your emotion and thinking.

Writing with Pupils Success Criteria:
The words we pick fit together
The ideas work together line by line
To use punctuation to enhance the meaning and help the reader.
I have added my own thoughts to put in my voice.
To credit the sources that I used.


Your arms around me
I know
and feel love,
Deep love 
from a Creator King,
the same voice that sustains
universe extremes
calls my name,
power defined
holding creation
holding me,
You remain the same
ever true,
everlasting in Your love.

Isaiah 46:3-4, Romans 8:38-39, Luke 15:20

#christian, #creation, #creator, #hugs, #ove, #poetry,
#poems, #spokenword, #universe, #voice
A hug from the Creator. Spoken Word

Transparent Life

Life alive
Water's crystal essence
is amazing!
Our planet dot spins
in a vast dry galaxy
water the same
on Earth
as yesterday’s
dinosaurs drank.

As we drink,
Water so vital
to life's fabric
we wonder
the beginning... God
Vital to life's fabric
And then in Time’s flow...Christ
Living water
Surface walker
Thirst shaker

And then the promise...
Will never thirst again.”

#christian, #creation, #life, #poems, #poetry, #promises, #spokenword, #thirst, #videos, #water
Creation celebrated in water - Christian Spoken word video

Threads of Time

Threads of time
Seconds of disaster
Eternity of pain

Then God walked
Entered the days, years
Of a planet micro spinning 
In universe beyond vast ages

He loved deep
He knows you deep
His immense spirit
Calls you deep

Baby to man
Jesus Walked
He spoke
I am the Truth
I am the Way
I am the Life

Threads of time
Seconds of hope
Eternity of joy
Extreme Forever.

#christian, #future, #jesus, #life, #poem, #poetry, #time, #truth, #way #spokenword
Time seconds spoken word poem

Human Nature

Human nature
Scars and beauty,
Seeping decay
Shadows across Earth's face
Living to rescue one moment
Suicide bomb hate the next.

Life suffers:
In death, luxury, instant world,
focus on the me,
Fear, Pain 
I am right!

But there was a suffering
A history eternity moment
Earth to life,
Us to pure love 
Us to the judge,
to hope
to freedom.
Us to God.
A faith to live for,
Beyond the Earth 
Beyond an expanding universe
Beyond everyday, today and tomorrow.

Live this life
Love the rescue
of your soul.
Human Nature Soul Christian Poem



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