Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Incredible energies hold
the fabric of the universe
sustaining the expanding
galaxies into nothing,
spacetime curvature changing
in limitless scale,
And somewhere
in this reality
We spin,
Planet Earth
tuned by gravity
Into a dance
orbiting the sun,
revolving within
this enlarging cosmos.

In these moments 
of amazed wonder,
It hits me again,
The power of the One 
sustaining completely
in all, through all, beyond all
our Mighty God
Nothing is Stronger
than your love.
Oh Lord our God
you are the kingdom
Glory, power.

Bible Verse
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Poem Tags
#amazed, #christian, #god, #power, #space, #universe, #poetry, #spoken-word, #worship

The power that sustains and expands our universe.
The power sustaining the expanding universe poetry


Again I trust
in your unfathomable love
in promises ages true,
On mountain crags
sunrise touches
my wingtips,
I spread faith feathers
launch skyward
soaring, smiling
and strong
rising on Spirit winds.

Bible Verse
But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak. Isaiah 40:31 GNB

Poem Tags
#christian, #eagle, #faith, #love, #poetry, #spoken-word, #trust, #holy-spirit, #spoken-word

Soaring in trust with God on wings of eagles.

The Smile of 'I Am'

I am the sweet taste
on your lips,
The water softy
cleansing your cheeks,
I am the golden sand beach
you run on free,
the forever rock
you strongly stand on,
I am the flower fragrances 
swirling new dreams,
The hug
holding you in deep love,
I am the dance
moving you to the beat,
The song that
unfolds life to your soul,
I am the freedom call
wild to your spirit
I am the Word
that speaks you are special,
The touch that 
says, "I am here."

I am
your impossible 

Poem Tags
#christian, #dance, #first-love, #freedom, #identity, #love, #poetry, #special, #spoken-word, #worship

Lost what you once had? Has who you are in God been buried?
Recapture your first-love for Christ

Where We Go

Grace, forgiveness walks the earth,
dances and sings
a thousand planets of
hope into your spirit,
Chosen to receive hope
Chosen to be hope
Chosen to give hope
Knowing identity
Knowing the power of
Who you are in the living God,
Walking, praising in freedom,
Christ in you is the
Hope of glory.
Jesus spoke, "All I have is yours,
and all you have is mine.
And glory has come to me through them.”

Through us Lord!

We receive
your glory
a gift of gold, precious
And we declare
your glory...
over this place, this city, this land.

A Kingdom heart
Of honour
Honour that flows life
releases life
produces trust
protects freedom
Honour that embraces responsibility.

I smile at the thought
of my honouring actions
Knowing we need your
grace given
as you only can
opening us
Putting aside the petty
Choosing not to gossip,
embracing love for others
valuing others
favouring others,
Fully alive and free
to be honouring people.
sharing, giving honour

Bible Verses: John 17:10
Romans 12:10
Poem Tags: #christian, #grace, #honor, #honour, #hope, #jesus, #kingdom, #love, #poem, #poetry, #positive, #spokenword
Honor, honour is an important part of the kingdom of God. As we truly value others it leads our love into being a real gift.
Where we go on houring Spoken Word Video Poetry

Crystal Waters

Crystal waters
Forest green hugged pool,
A still
and alive moment.

The desire is to
plunge deep,
I angle dive
fingers cutting, 
Breaking the mirror
water flows
crisping cool to skin
into the clear pool,
Celebrating clarity
Embracing freedoms release,
both fathomable and unfathomable,
in the new
I am reborn,
enveloped in the waters,
a shift in me.

And when I surface
Rise from the depths,
washed in amazing hope,
refreshed, slightly shivering,
I know again
this was an experience
of His love.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #identity #baptism, #society, #faith, #decision, #water

Baptism of faith, commitment in the water that experiences again God's love.
Cyrstal Waters Spoken Word Poetry on Baptism

Rambo or Ridiculous

Fish hook in the mouth
Caught on image's steel of
fabricated manhood,
Rambo fighter or
Bumbling stupid
ridiculous Homer Simpson,
Real men, stand up,
take a stance,
shoulders, spine firm.

Families torn with violent fists
tearing words
Pounding uncontrolled anger,
stripping life from children’s eyes,
brutal intent breeding
Contempt in those
men should protect,
bankruptcy of relationships
thrown into a spiraling maelstrom
sucking spirit from society.
Real men, stand up,
take a stance,
shoulders, spine firm.

We hear the call
have a desire to be different
to be the Man,
to be the father, brother
but the struggle…

against the media images
of men
against the claws of sin
and weakness,
slashing character.

But there is
one Powerful love,
stirring strong love
Compassionate of heart
A tenderness to protect
Who in His difference suffered
took the weight
of the world on His shoulders
and cried, "It is finished"
Sin no longer rules
in the power of the cross
You are free, because Jesus
Nailed sin
cancelled sin,
took the fall
Paid out all
Paid it all,
deleted it all
Released your guilt
freed your past and future.

Yes, pure passionate love
uncompromising love,
stirring secure love.

Your strength is in Jesus
you can rest in His peace
Do you believe this
impossible possible
from Christ?
Shake free from false lines,
Real men, stand up,
take a stance,
shoulders, spine firm.

(Maori word for strength, character)

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #identity #man, #society, #manhood, #male, #violence, #strength,

Where are the real men in society? How are men seen today?
Stepping up to manhood through God

EFTPOS Receipt

Lazily curling
EFTPOS white ribbon

For the cheap price
of "caution contents hot coffee"
you can be sealed
with authorisation.

Cheap validation
Clings to your personality
Climbing your shoulders
Cesspool whispering
in your willing ears.
Like, love, share, comment
swirling paper thin motivations,
skinny relationships
spirit wasting entropy,
praise from honeyed lips
echoing the cheap
price of life.

One word
is all it takes,
changing external
to internal truth identity…


Poem Tags
#cheap, #christian, #comments, #gossip, #identity, #money, #poems, #poetry, #power, #relationships, #socialmedia, #spokenword
Where does our identity come from? Who really sees us? Where do we seek approval from and how does it drive how we react with others?
Approval and Identity Spoken Word Poem reflecting on life

In the Eyes

I firmly shut the
internal garage door;
The noise ricochets over
the tiles 
through the next door
into the lounge,
My wife glances up
from the couch,
already speaking
Passing the ball
tag team style
from her day as Nana,
I'm loving our relationship,
"Who is this?
It's Poppa.
Here he comes"
I slow down
Peeking through the glass
top half of the lounge door
my gaze angle slanted
towards the open
blue carpet of the floor.
Already looking,
are my grandson's brown eyes,
He sees me,
Looks, intently
a part second,
And he sees me, real...
and grins widely,
moving immediately
standing in a wobble,
Lurching forward
as I open the door,
"Here is my Arthur,
look at you. 
It is great to see you"
I stop
Standing over him,
we are both
smiling broadly
with looks locked,
heartbeats of
seeing the other,
Capturing the memory moment
alongside all similar ones that
have occurred,
His arms lift up
and I bend
Scooping him into
a hug,
Ready to play,

How much more
is God's love?
Deeper, vast, 
more freeing,
For the restless
for the searchers
for the lost 
for the orphans
for the fatherless
for the motherless
for the unplaced 
for the no life
for the fake
for the don't need.

Hear His voice
Lift up your head
For the King
is here,
The God Son
sees you,
and calls you,
Opens His arms
shifts you
on the inside,
You are not alone,
You were never alone,
Loved and wanted.

With the heart
of a child,
Given in trust,
His love
rests peace in you.
You will now see with
His love...

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #child, #grandparents, #love, #hug, #called, #god, #life, #fun, #identity

How are you seen in a child's eyes? Where does our identity come from? Who really sees us?
In a childs eyes, a taste of the Father

Images Flow

Made in
Created in
Purposed in
the image of God,

You are connected to God
hearing what he hears,
He feels, you feel,
he breathes, you breathe,
belonging to your Lord,

To you, in you, From you,
His love, power, heartbeat
calls deep to deep,
intertwining spirit to spirit,
and the colours swim
Swirling to life in you
creating the story
God's words, your thoughts
flowing infusing rhythms
telling of the kingdom
Stories and journeys,
Loves cascade,
Saturating hues
streaming to a world that
needs a master's peace.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #story, #spirit, #mirror, #art, #colours

We are God's colour, story, love to a world. We mirror who He is through our connection in Spirit and truth.
Made in God

Heart in Hands

Run your hands
through your hair,
every one counted,
For He knows
You intimately,
His heart
beats to yours
in time, beyond time
playing the most
Amazing love life song
just for you,
enveloped in this
empowering cascading
Forever love,
Passionate, innermost deep
Unfathomable yet simple
a Pure unadulterated touch
Dance wild
In His love,
Set free,
to be.

Poem Tags
#character, #christian, #cross, #empathy, #heartbeat, #identity, #love, #passion, #poems, #poetry, #spokenword
Do you know a deep overpowering, pure love? Intimate and real!
Find you first-love and passion for Christ - Spoken word Poetry

In My Soul

In my soul
songs staircase upwards
spiralling through my heart
music moves
leading, lifting
A pathway
to voice my innermost spirit
and I praise,
Worship dimensions
widening renewing minds,
expanding space,
And I wonder, adore, magnify
washed in His grace
knowing extreme love
Knowing amazing new life
knowing the eternal,
the peace of heaven,
And in a breakthrough
of faith
~free flowing~
I extol, extol
Holy, holy is His name,
holiness perfection
a righteousness foundation
surrounds His throne,
and pierced
by a revelation of righteousness
by Christs' rich love,
Glorious splendour dawns
and reigns in who I am,
for Jesus is His name,
Saviour of the Ages
I am God's beauty
My name written
on His Messiah palm,
I forever live
Here and now
righteousness released.

The foundation of the throne of God is righteousness and justice. Christ's resurrection makes us righteous in God's sight. Do we live from this?
Christian poem about the righteousness of God

Am I Big Enough?

Am I big enough
thunders God?
Am I big enough
whispers God?
Am I big enough
loves God?

Come with your burdens
Come from where you are stuck
Come with your sins
Come with what
is held in your dark
no holding back,
Don't hang onto the past
because I hung
the past, present, future.
My love was nailed
came alive with
Jesus my Son,
I finished death
so you can let go,
Let me give joy
for lost years,
Let me give joy
for tears,
Let me give laughter
for stress,
Let me give peace
Let me make
forever holy
your life,
Let me be the beauty
the harmony
in your life,
experience the delights
in my heart.

You are
my new creation
healed and totally
I see you
perfect in my love,
Live with me,
Live from
my promises
my truth
my covernment
my power,
Live from
continual righteousness
cross centered
cross released.

Is God BIG enough to love us completely... do we live from this love?
Is your God Big Enough Christian Poem

Newborn Perfection

We thought death desires
Soon shadows
Sin shapes,
Dungeons of
self torture
failure and fright,
striving self improvement 
selling regimes and religion
to get ahead
and we struggle
Eyes dulled
Eyes only seeing
the world through the pain,
Through the hate 
Through the hurt
Through the have to have
slaves to old nature.

But God
sees us,
Deeply lives
love into us,
Deeply dies 
love into us,
For your value
is the price of Jesus,
death to old self
Dead to the old
and we Die with
the heavenly one,
the Son of God
lamb of God 
Righteous Giver
grace powers.

Old ways are buried
and we live anew
risen from death's sting 
no condemnation
No hate
Given a righteous life
We are beautiful brides
made perfect
Perfection in Him
Deep roots
Enduring foundations
Pure identity in God
Living from a new peace
abundance of life
Born of God.

Oh we struggle in mind 
in body
but the real you is spirit
on a journey with the Saviour.

Poem Tags
#christian, #bornagain, #cross, #death, #grace, #identity, #jesus, #journey, #lamb, #pain, #poems, #poetry, #righteousness, #saviour, #self, #selfworth, #sin, #spokenword
A paradox, seeds die - life grows, we die to self to be fully released from slavery to self.
Being born again, God frees us from ourselves

Called to Live

The first call
rang out on
a stony beach,
"I will make you fishers,
catchers, of others”,
And Jesus walked
years of moments,
day and night sharing,
thinking, giving,
living with his hands,
touching crowds and individuals,
from miracles to healing
human mistakes,
growing his friends
developing disciples
Sharing his God
Sharing his life.

The last pass
of his earth journey
climbing the Mount of Olives
Jesus spoke, encouraged
“Go and make disciples”
and He left,
Left the kingdom
on Earth to our 
Spirit empowered hands.

What is in your hand?
Carry it
use it,
Step out

Draw one step closer to God
Draw others one step closer
to God's kingdom,
You are it
the purposeful love
Now spirit aware of people 
present in your world
praying for your world,
you stand, sit and go places
that no one else does,
and so with intentional relationship,
friendship moments, 
Speaking to the gold in others
so they can become precious,
Live life together
conversations, a helping hand
hugs, generous words,
tears and hard times,
an influence.

You are
doing life with the one
you are 
an answer
You are love
on feet,
Open your home
open your heart
open your hands.

1 Thessalonians 2:8

How do we share our faith, make disciples, do we live from the love that we know?
Discipling, sharing faith.


Behind the brick walls
lured to the shadows
living in the greyness
looking in the questions
wondering am I just taking space
searching in the choices.
Before the walls
Before the pain
Before the cheapening of your life
Before your ideas about yourself
Before "I’m a good person"
Before knowing there is more,
love existed
because God is,
The Creator’s love.

And now, this moment, 
know You were made 
for a reason,
to experience 
a voice
a call
deep into your heart
into your life
into the depths of your soul
into your dreams.

A call from Love
beyond human plays
beyond human songs
beyond words and relationships 
beyond betrayals and boredom
beyond success and failure.

Not a cold call
a prank call
a spam call
a blocked call
a Facebook invite.

Warm it comes
from a God who created
in love,
gave His life in love,
wants to know you
wants to show you
wants to birth
in you new purpose.

You are worth dying for
because Jesus did,
You are His loving,
You are who He wants,
You are who He
will celebrate,
You are who He
is crazy in love with,
You are who Heaven
will sing about.

For you were made 
for relationship with God
anytime, anywhere, anyplace,
Christ died and rose for you.

This Love waiting, heart seeking
not because of what you have done
not because of what you haven’t 
Before the world knew you
He saw you,
He desires to be closer 
than your next breath,
To love freedom
into your life,
Dawning, birthing
a new future purpose.

Walk this new journey
Walk into newness of life
Walk into relationship
Walk into love
beginning with the real,
knowing who you are in Jesus,
living from this 
resurrected Jesus love
Walk into who
you are created to be.
Live love!

Beginning - if God was crazy in love with you would he do anything to bring you to His heart?
Beginning God

God's Heartbeat

God birthed salvation
Christ child born
Mary's blood flowed,
a king dreaded
the babies
future threat possibilities  
and more blood spilled,
wailing in Ramah.

1,386,000,000 heartbeats later
Christ in the Garden
anguish of decision
sweated his blood,
On the cross
pain tracked deep
and blood rivulets
drowned Jesus
in the darkness.

350,000 heartbeats later
God's womb
the power of all creation
birthed new life,
the incredible,
Capillaries, lungs once collapsed,
blood flowed,
another first breath
that took in a
tomb’s dank air,
eyes adjusted 
to light, within and without
Christ rose victorious,
born again,
And Christ 

Blood given for the
male and female,
treasured images of God
walking lost from
the creator God,
bloodless soul separation
from God’s heart
not knowing fullness,
not experiencing
God's rhythm.

God waits
with an overwhelming 
love beyond any mother - father
mind images we have,
to bring us
purpose in equality,
revive us
connect us to
God’s mercy womb
surrounding, nourishing
ever faithful, 
ever loving.

Can you hear 
this pulsing?
Be born again
Can you hear
this tempo?
Be born again,
Called to be God’s
passion with each other,
Twinned - reverberating
heartbeat to heartbeat
blood to blood,
born again
to this power, this love
of the infinity
mother-father heart.

Mothers day, poetry about God's mother heart, about being above our gender bias for God loves the Salvation plan!

Beyond Outside

before time 
before universes 
before matter 
was God. 

God spoke 
beginning - time 
sky - space 
earth - physical

time - past, present, future 
sky - height, depth, width 
earth - solids, matter, gas 

My God is all 
Space and connection
Atoms and atmosphere
is in, through 
and beyond - outside all these, 
the creative designer  
is not limited by 
And this God 
says, “How high, how deep 
how wide, is my love for you.” 
I know you 
know inside to outside 
 “How high, how deep 
how wide, is my love for you.” 
a mother father heart 
Poured out
that asks for a childlike reaction. 
How can I not respond? 
How can I not be overwhelmed? 
How can I not be in awe? 
How can I not see 
how small we are 
and yet how treasured  
how wonderfully loved 
we are?

His life is our life
Safe and secure.
Released in love.
Allowed to truly love.
Heartbeats in harmony.
Face to face.
Breath to breath
Spirit to spirit.

Ephesians 3: 14-19

Celebration of the Trinity in creation the overwhelming love and mother/father heart nature of God. Christian life reflections. Questions, thoughts and moments in spoken word videos.
Poem Topic Tags: #beginning, #child, #creation, #deep, #father, #god, #love, #mother, #response, #safer, #spirit, #time, #treasured, #trinity
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
beyond outside christian poetry video love


Why should I
have to wander your
shadows and claws,
struggle to avoid narcissistic
bully words or
passive aggressive smiles,
your dry rot under
painted decorations,
the glued antagonistic cracks
in your facade,
turning sneers
cutting chains.
That is long old me.

Would I enjoy the now
with a special lady,
car window wound down
fresh autumn air
playing my hair
spilling the music
of sunshine though mind,
smiling woman
of many partnered years
relaxed beside,
her relationship with me
soft shared intimacy
of cancer facing,
Shouting and forgiveness,
cutting words
and deep hugs,
comfortable couple silences,
third-two years
rainstorms and sunshine spread,
symbolised by
holding hands
that have found
each other afresh in bed,
acknowledged in the glances
over glasses
across the couch
where we both sit
reading books,
watching T.V.
but aware of our
whispering room years
echoed of love.
We enjoy the other's soul
but don’t take
for granted,

A lifetime of love with someone.. moments of how I see it.
Werewolf. Marriage, love and relationship.

Human Destiny

Freedom to be yourself
an independent person
Being me because I
decide what me is,
This is what I want.

Yet these things
I’m desiring
have already been thought
by others trying
searching, seeking
to make order of this world,
I’m actually unique but unoriginal
DNA, fingerprint different
thought pattern different
But yet I/we so follow each other
I can fight the establishment - done
I can rebel against parents, school,
meat, barbie dolls, church, law, whatever - done
So am I left with
a world of my choice
of non-original choices,
so where is my fight
the original, the invention,
the new world, adventure
my pathway
the start
beyond the stark.

Can I find
the smallest of clues,
to grow beyond
for what life holds
for me now,
yet a gateway through which
in different ways
everyone can discover
what their life can be,
without prejudice or violence,
in my own world, mind, soul

Starting Thoughts: Are there times sitting in a couch, running, standing and looking at an amazing view, driving your car that you just want to break out, discover what it really means to be human, live adventure and purpose? Make choices?
Poem Topic Tags: #adventure, #choice, #freedom, #humanity, #identity, #paths, #pathways, #purpose, #quest, #questions, #rebel, #searching
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Human destiny from our choices poetry Spoken word

Love Jigsaw

Heart broken,
the nearly complete
jigsaw tumbled from in me,
crazy pieces
scattered on the ground
so many
hard undefined edges,
so many
colour emotions,
So many
memories to gather...
I pick up one, try to hold it
put it together
and another piece
slips through
my fingers,
and falls
face down.

Starting Thoughts: Does it feel like a piece of you is missing when someone you love is gone?
Poem Topic Tags: #affection, #breakup, #emotions, #friendship, #games, #intimacy, #lost, #love, #relationships
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Breakup or loss of love - how it hurts-Spoken Word poetry video



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