Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Bridal Walk

Scent of sunlight
hung in dew-robes air
mist gently fading
to blue skied
wings of daylight
Wind took 
unseen, unfelt feelings
played tunes of intimate charm
with the awakening,
deep in the enveloping spirit
a union of creation's enigmas
The bride is rising 
fingers dripping in myrrh
sensing the groom
quickening heart
a soar of angel wings
the order
of God arrives.

Poem Tags
#bride, #christian, #church, #coming, #god, #love, #poem, #poems, #published, #spirit, #spokenword
The bride of Christ, His church, His love.
The bride of Christ is the church Spoken Word Poem

Darkest Secrets

What is yours?

The years have rolled
memories ripples
over sunken depths
and sparkling wavelets,
buried deep,
the faultline still exists
a fragment memory,
skipping, slipping through mind
when words, phrases
crack open space
pouring into the past,
Clambering spiders
make homes in the rocks
Spin their web
to cover the entrance
into thoughts
dimming them to
encrusted abyss,
covered, buried,
hardened, concealed, flooded

deep to deep
history to now
wounded whispers
creep from your soul shadows,
twisting your perspectives
feeding your anger, fear,
reactions as you pour
three pain curses
on others,
Making you
feel better, in control
as you try to dam
and dump toxic waste
polluting the waters.

Hidden and obvious.
Death nature.

Poem Tags
#anger, #christian, #darkness, #death, #fear, #history, #memories, #minds, #pain, #poems, #poetry, #secrets, #seeker, #sin, #spokenword
How secret are our darkest secrets? In what way do they keep bubbling to the surface?
Can you handle your darkest secrets Spoken Word Poetry

Dirty Devices

Criticism, innuendo,
fear, power plays
stalk our churches
destroying creativity
limiting potential
strangling revelation
consuming trust
stealing from the future,
Critical mass
achieved constantly
as we gossip
and position,
the power of the flight,
fight response 
magnifying the damaging
Five positive
to one negative ratio
is it a joke?
Thread your mind 
back through your day
and this poem can 
be your next negative
or positive,
depending on 
what you find
what you remember.

Jesus said,
“Love God, Love others”
I know...
Salvation is in my soul
victory is in my veins
child is in my creativity
love is in my life
but letting others have it?

Do I really know 
the freedom of Christ?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I love Him?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I let His love flow?
“Feed My lambs"
Dirty Devices in our Churches

Mite to Mighty

"My precious"
and I grab for myself
my stuff
my terms
my way.

"My precious,"
speaks God
opening His hand
giving from His heart,
and from heaven appears
on earth
His Son
A new life entry;
evil fights to kill,
fights to possess,
wants to own.

"My precious,"
says God
as Jesus
stands ready in the river
Spirit empowered.

My precious
smiles the widow
two coins in hand
preyed on by religious
traditions and rules,
church leaders
greedy hungry for more,
the poor widow
tattered by events
yet with a heart full
of grace,
overflowing from
an uncontrollable joy,
she empties herself
giving her last coins;
does she know
watching her
is the Precious One,

"My precious
my first,"
cries God
as heaven shutters
on three crosses
and hell celebrates.
"My precious,"
thunders God
as in the quiet
dawn of light,
a body
powers to life,
a stone grinds aside
and the first gift sacrifice
over death.

"My precious,"
Speaking to my inner soul,
it can only be
the promised one
the first born Christ,
the resurrected King.

And so to now...
of God and I.

To give myself
first and best,
more than anything
Give my precious
to God,
give generously
give cheerfully
give heartily
give restoration
give into freedom
gift transformation
and step trusting with
my faithful God,
to sow seeds
beyond my life.
Giving Tithes Generosity Christian Poem

Reverso Poetry

hot chips
Cruising the
tar black road

Tar black road
Cruising the
hot chips
danger threats
for brave hearts
failure moment
exert again
Win life’s prize.

Win life’s prize
exert again
failure moment
for brave hearts
danger threats

The Edge

Growing darkness
Merges with the shadows
of rustling, whispering trees
mountain forest clearing,
seconds of slow
starlight reflection
into clear creation.

You stand
cold wind
edging your thoughts
Looking at the stretched expanse
shimmering star lights
expanding dreams and hopes.

The world...


Poem Tags
#christian, #creation, #god, #poem, #poems, #reflection, #spirit, #spokenword, #universe

Standing amazed by the stars and universe expanses above. Makes you think.
See the Universe and stars and be challenged about creation Chrisitan Seeker Spoken Word Poetry


Faulting through us
an invisible crazed line
connecting us all
yet spreading,
birthed in the choice
of amazing good
terrifying evil
and “I'm mostly nice”,
sin has cracked us
our soul's choices
from the love of God.

What a power to choose,
to respond,
and the judgement of
the cards falls
where we have played them.

But before sin,
before the decision
of Satan
to rebel,
before the fall
of an apple into gravity
of pride,
before the games
the celebrity gratification,
the focus on me...

forgiveness and love
were the very nature
unified purity in God,
God’s entity
His passion
His personality.

And in time
on time
outside of time
God knew,
Knew what would be done
Knew what would be given
Knew the sacrifice
Knew the pain
Knew the power required
Knew the victory,
and it happened
Christ from His heart
God felt this moment
Christ broke His heart
God suffered this moment
Christ raised by His heart
God celebrated this moment.

the final signature
God signed his cross
his x
to the searing consequences
of our decisions and defeats
of the full weight of sin,
all this because God
first loved,
This love of Jesus
has triumphed
Release, remission
and we are
engulfed by the Father’s arms,
Enclosed protected
from principalities
from powers of evil.

Living through God
Living through His love
This God
the light of truth
in our lives.

This is how
we walk in love
put on love
love God
love others
love self

Perfectly reconciled
we love our God
through genuine loving
of others.

Love- the reckless, forever love of God that flows from His very nature.
Love Christian Poem

Fractured Margins

On the fractured margins 
of belonging
the homeless drift,
Tiredness seeps 
chilling hope
unraveling possibilities
to single points of survival;
the need for the night,
Next meal
A dollar
A place to sleep.
Surrounded by a 
world of addiction
to money, fame, 
power, games, 
Surrounded by
glass panes of buildings
pains of people,
in these reflected mirrors
the street seems simpler.

Starting Thoughts: Why does life on the streets seem simpler for some? Why is it an escape?
Poem Topic Tags:
#addiction, #homeless, #hopes, #love, #poor, #power, #reality, #reallife, #seeker, #self,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on how life on the streets can be simpler

Plastic Love

A cautious sunbeam
scatters dust and time
across the unseen 
attic space,
time crumbles -
avalanche tumbling
present to the future,
cracked death
fractures window glass,
the barbie doll leers
under dark hidden
cardboard box shadows, 
twisted arms agape
legs impossible
angles of hope,
vacant eyes torn
from plastic life,
heart black oil
joint seeping,
memories of childhood
mind blotted by
screams of adolescence,
frustration tears
seep slim cheeks,
cheapened silence
strangles desires
smooth skin
slim waist, 
elongated arms akimbo
reflect human condition
in a circus hall of mirrors.

Dance on the soul
with your hate,
poke sneers
into the mindless,
sex your smile
in feeble resuscitation,
drift addiction
your dreams,
slumber with sleep 
and rupture your essence.

rustling leaves
quiet clap 
the always autumn sun,
time slows,
angles change and
the sunlight splits 
through cracked pain
twisting God's rainbow
into the room.
Barbie broken, life discarded poem

Forever Surprise

And futures 
were stifled
seared in blood,
Seamed in death,
A tomb for God,
Darkness deceived
Decreed it had won,
And the watchers,
Hurt believers
What had happened?
Hardness descended,
Rescinded dreams.
Jesus, blood given, 
body broken, life taken.

Then... Jesus... Rose!
Lord of all.

The covenant
Precious Son given.
Jesus paid 
Purity only God can give.
A promise
A forever oneness.

He honours
He loves
He blesses
He calls
Gives freedom,
Oh yes!
celebrate the coming
Celebrate the rising
Oh yes!
Celebrate holy 
God with us
Oh yes!
God in us.
Oh yes!
We belong.
Oh yes!
In His name,
The name of Jesus.

Starting Thoughts: Celebrating through the worship of communion, a wonderful saviour the resurrected Lord who died and rose defeating death.
Poem Topic Tags:
#celebration, #communion, #cross, #easter, #hopes, #jesus, #promises, #resurrection, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Worship through communion the power and love of Jesus Poetry Spoken Word

Again and Again

I remember,
as many will
the moment
gut of heart
first time
God calling
Bursting pounding
heart moment decision
in moments of hesitation
Facing being unclean
a sinner
Allowing grace
Resurrection Love supreme
to infuse my life.

Dying to self
yet now…
few selfs worthy of a grave.

to your first love.


"Become us voices cry"
calling to sameness,
capturing minds
filling dreams with candyfloss
Destruction in the playground
of gasoline tears.

In the noise
Colour confusion clashes
Pain, hate, laughter, freedom 
desires mix,
More, more, more...
The paradox; 
in the focus on
We drain the person ,
in the focus on winning
we always lose.

Talk to me says God
Seek to hear my voice
step into my will 
struggle with transformation,
Allow renewal
Come follow me
Come know my Spirit
Come live and love.

Starting Thoughts: We love to be unique but are constantly pushed to conformity and sameness. Often however, the focus on individualism also destroys our uniqueness as we grow mostly as individuals through loving and caring for others. A wonderful paradox.
Poem Topic Tags:
#conformity, #hope, #losing, #love, #noise, #seeker, #voices, #winning
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Balancing indvidualism and uniqueness with community, love and life. Poetry and Spoken Word.

Cross Connection

At the cross
judgement and mercy
meet victorious,
Incredible thoughts...
universe holding,
star holding
from the breath...
the words of God.

And I am chosen 
deep in His love,
Embraced in His desire
to bring me home,
Welcoming me close
to his heart
Celebrating in me 
the resurrection
pain of the cross,
in response
I kneel.

I so need this vertical
intersection of my life
allowing God’s love
to power my surrender.

Connected to His pulse
I stand,
Forgiven and free,
Resting in His peace
Ready on my feet,
Today choosing again
The one who simply says,
"I am
The Way
The Truth
The Life"
Cross Connection Christian Poem


in the revelation
of Your love,
in ocean depths
surrounded by Grace,
Always loved 
the same
never more, never less.
Wholeness, forgiveness
found in your freedom,
Challenge and risk
sparked in your call,
Complete but yearning
I stand known,
seen fully,
My value revealed
In the cross.

Laughter bubbles 
in my soul,
Your smile
rides in my spirit,

I worship 

#christian, #complete, #freedom, #grace, #identity, #love, #ocean, #poems, #poetry, #revelation, #spokenword, #value, #videos, #worship
New Freedom and laughter in God Worship SpokenWord

Change @ Christmas

Time revolved
It seemed same old 
A world less personal,
War and pain,
A planet revolution

Jesus came
God came,
Provoking change,
Changed the shepherds 
Changed Joseph and Mary,
Born to change you
Lived to show you,
Died to love you
Lifting you from 
existence in the grave
Offering hope,
in a broken world.

Poem Tags
#baby, #child, #christian, #christmas, #cross, #hope, #jesus, #love, #poems, #poetry, #reallife, #santa, #seeker, #spokenword, #videos, #xmas
Who gets changed by the Christmas story?
Christmas can change us poetry, video, spoken word

Deep Love

Your love
both a whisper
and a roar,
Eternally true,
forever risking
bubbling light
reassurance deep
infusing peace
cascading wild,
Leading my heart.

Your hand
Calms our fears,

I am your new creation.

Starting Thoughts: The love of God is full of extremes: powerful and gentle, whisper and roar, This poem explores a few of these.
Poem Topic Tags: #cascading, #creation, #fears, #love, #peace, #roar, #saviour, #water, #waterfall, #whisper
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken word poetry celebrating the love of God that has wonderful contrasts.


because of His love
freedom in this love.
His touch
expanded life,
His breath
renewed senses,
His word wisdom
clarity of mind.
His Spirit
dances a universe
of meaning into my spirit.

Awareness of infinity
Space in me
filled with His passion,
fire in my soul,
singing in His laughter,
dancing in His grace,
painting the lines
colours of His excitement,
Heart held in His answers,
His mystery,
The forever spark in His eye,
He sees me, you ...

Live again,
Open to His touch,
Harmony in His heartbeat.

Poem Tags
#alive, #christian, #excitement, #firstlove, #freedom, #love, #meaning, #passion, #poem, #poetry, #purpose, #soul, #spirit, #spokenword
How can we feel truly alive, be alive forever?
Alive in God, in His Spirit Spoken-Word Poem

Moment Crossed

In that moment
As I awaken
to the world around
to my rhythmic beating heart
to my pain and hopes,
I look upwards
towards a hill of three crosses,
Heart drawn closer
I walk towards.

I stand alone
yet somehow embraced
before Christ,
Seeing his life pain
but knowing the amazing power,
the world-changing resurrection
that will history-make.

"I love you this much,"
say his outstretched arms
"I'd rather die than live without you!"

I awaken
from this reality dream,
Knowing He is worth,
My love
My surrender
My worship.
Moment Crossed Christian Poem

kNOw Love

kNOw Love?
Immense, extreme love
not cartoon, no shallow thoughts
not touched by video love
not only ME, my needs.

kNOw love?
love oceans deeper
love universes vaster
love beyond time and timing
searched for
in everyone's heart beat,
Love sacrificed
Love maxed, exciting, eternal
Love wholeness
Love purposeful.

kNOW this Love?
Experiencing Christ's love
Drinking Christ's love
Washing in Christ's love
Living Christ’s love
Giving Christ's love
Walking Christ's love
Voicing Christ's love
Being Christ's love.
Sharing love Christian Poem Evangelism


scraps for hungry,
Fight like rats
in my world of pain,
Dance my tube
to my tune 
My lies
candyfloss nothing,
There is nothing
for you,
Who could love you?
Who could care?
It is only black.

And I walked
to a country festival
to hear a strange guy
called Jesus.

We listened
and I got hungry.

Gather them up
How can it be?
Have we seen heaven
singing today,
Started with
Broken bread,
Started with five loaves 
One boy's lunch 
Packed by one Mum
taken in the hands 
of Jesus,
once twice and many times
given away
amazing, heart pounding
We share
And share
And share...
How can this be?
What has he done?
Who is He that 
talks this love?
shows this love?
So vast.

We smile face to face
As we eat
He cares,
We laugh
He must be God!
We laugh
12 baskets of leftovers
Signs of love always.

Who is this One?
Bread of Life!
Crumbs Christian Poem



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