Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

3 Gifts

Signposts from the East
Travellers entwined in history
Bearing gifts
Following stars
Part of destiny
And when they
approached the stable cave
we are here from
Another country -
We know someone special
has been born within,
Joseph smiled a welcome
aware again with Mary
That something different,
amazing was going
to keep happening
with this baby Jesus;
Dreams with messages
Angels appearing
Shepherds who raised
passover lambs arriving,
And three wise men - why not?
They entered
awe, reverence, anticipation,
opening gifts;

Gold for the king
establishing God's kingdom
personal and hands on
justice, joy, peace,
frankincense the scent
of the High Priest
freeing the way,
tearing open the curtain
to the Holy of holies,
myrrh the painful gift
a drink, a fragrance
The myrrh drugged drink
offered on the skull
of Golgotha to a sacrificed Jesus,
refused by Christ's patched lips
The same myrrh spiced linen wraps
binding his body in an end of life cave,
Myrrh from a plant of thorns.

Three gifts pointing
The way to Jesus
So you can
kiss the baby
The Great I Am,
know the face of God,
know meaning in
God with us,
The greatest Christmas gift
unwrapping change for the world.

3 Gifts pointing from the past to future of a baby that would revolutionise life on Planet Earth.
Poem Tags
#baby, #christian, #christmas, #gifts, #jesus, #passover, #poem, #poetry, #spokenword, #wisemen , #video, #media

3 Gifts Spoken Word Video Poem Christmas
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