Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

All in All

All in all
Universe eternal
Timeless unchangeable,
Beyond comprehension,
Above all,
Sustainer of space
in vast galaxies;
in neutrons, protons
the threading fabric
of our existence.

How beautiful, wonderful, perfect...

Soul gasping clarity
kaleidoscopes my mind
smiling into my heart.
Our God
personal human presence,
Jesus the walker, hugger,
inspiring, leading, calling, laughing,
challenging, holding, caring,
Pure singer of good news,
inspiration for real life.

I see dark chaos,
pain, hopes;
But Jesus transforms
Our choices,
Our world,
Our lives.

Your Saviour
Your King
All in.

Poetry: God's hand that holds and sustains the universe, when we see it - wow!
All in All Christian Worship Poem



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