Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Called to Live

The first call
rang out on
a stony beach,
"I will make you fishers,
catchers, of others”,
And Jesus walked
years of moments,
day and night sharing,
thinking, giving,
living with his hands,
touching crowds and individuals,
from miracles to healing
human mistakes,
growing his friends
developing disciples
Sharing his God
Sharing his life.

The last pass
of his earth journey
climbing the Mount of Olives
Jesus spoke, encouraged
“Go and make disciples”
and He left,
Left the kingdom
on Earth to our 
Spirit empowered hands.

What is in your hand?
Carry it
use it,
Step out

Draw one step closer to God
Draw others one step closer
to God's kingdom,
You are it
the purposeful love
Now spirit aware of people 
present in your world
praying for your world,
you stand, sit and go places
that no one else does,
and so with intentional relationship,
friendship moments, 
Speaking to the gold in others
so they can become precious,
Live life together
conversations, a helping hand
hugs, generous words,
tears and hard times,
an influence.

You are
doing life with the one
you are 
an answer
You are love
on feet,
Open your home
open your heart
open your hands.

1 Thessalonians 2:8

How do we share our faith, make disciples, do we live from the love that we know?
Discipling, sharing faith.



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