Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Christchurch Trashed

Christchurch trashed and bruised
Boulders tumbling
The hills poured stone
Facades falling
streets and spirits broken,
dust rises
tremours, terrors, confusions
drift to the sky
desperation on hours, days, weeks
that roll like the boulders
and burdens into years,
Can these abused bones
live again?
Stained lives
broken pipes and dreams,
sucking mud and
sand strangles.

But do you see?
the light on the mountains,
Lift up your heads
Who is this King?
See the glory
He rolled the stone away
No power, no mountain
no death, no pain,
could hold Him,
No lie, no darkness,
no apathy, no fault
can control Him,
His body bag
and bones
powered to life,
Jesus Christ
the Son rises, Triumph!

Do you hear
the whisper?
The sweet voice
of the Lord,
the life living
on the winds,
turning everything around,
Taste the different,
the new,
Lift your souls
Rise up as eagles
soar in His love,
Speak to your faith,
sing your song,
imagine His eternity
deep to deep,
strongly given
your named white stone
the entrance
to His presence
His banquet,
His purity,
And you stand
Sons and Daughters
of God
Raise your hands,
Exalt your King,
Church of Christ,
In his grace
See Him
Know Him -
Love Him.

Revelation 2:17

Emerging from the faultline, from the struggles is a city on the farside of the world from Israel with the name of Christchurch.
Christian poem on the emergence of worship from the struggles of life
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