Dirty Devices
Criticism, innuendo,
fear, power plays
stalk our churches
destroying creativity
limiting potential
strangling revelation
consuming trust
stealing from the future,
Critical mass
achieved constantly
as we gossip
and position,
the power of the flight,
fight response
magnifying the damaging
Five positive
to one negative ratio
is it a joke?
Thread your mind
back through your day
and this poem can
be your next negative
or positive,
depending on
what you find
what you remember.
Jesus said,
“Love God, Love others”
I know...
Salvation is in my soul
victory is in my veins
child is in my creativity
love is in my life
but letting others have it?
Do I really know
the freedom of Christ?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I love Him?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I let His love flow?
“Feed My lambs"
fear, power plays
stalk our churches
destroying creativity
limiting potential
strangling revelation
consuming trust
stealing from the future,
Critical mass
achieved constantly
as we gossip
and position,
the power of the flight,
fight response
magnifying the damaging
Five positive
to one negative ratio
is it a joke?
Thread your mind
back through your day
and this poem can
be your next negative
or positive,
depending on
what you find
what you remember.
Jesus said,
“Love God, Love others”
I know...
Salvation is in my soul
victory is in my veins
child is in my creativity
love is in my life
but letting others have it?
Do I really know
the freedom of Christ?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I love Him?
“Feed My lambs”
Do I let His love flow?
“Feed My lambs"