Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Fashion Prostitute

Kid laughter
Health and hopes
Young soul warmth
Memory smiles
in the eyes of a child.

This naivety
this innocence
now packaged by parents
dressing children
to kill it
as facades for
fashion sex,
stolen youth
sold to advertising,
Surface beauty
replacing parent duty,
Adult hopes
for beauty
pasted over
next generation trust,
Gluing sex 
to their minds
selling off
their future paths.

Turning children into
Barbie prostitutes.

Starting Thoughts: When we dress children with our own or media driven version of fashion that sexualises them, are we turning innocence into a fashion prostitute?
Poem Topic Tags: #childhood, #children, #fashions,
#innocence, #parenting, #play, #sex, #sexualisation, #trends
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Parents turning children into fashion prostitutes with clothes they wear spoken word poem



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