Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

If Kiwis could Fly...

Brown puff balls
would meander
blue skies,
Yellow trolling feet
and blinking sharp eyes,
Swooping slowly
with fluffy brown feathers
to raid fruit orchards
in all sorts of weathers,
they spear juicy morsels
with long spiky beaks,
and float away
to eat their treats,
Building nests on thin branches
from feathers and mud,
Safer from possums
spilling their blood,

The only problem they
face every day
is how to land
and make sure they stay,
Like the monkey
with clever grippy tails,
they simply hook beaks
on umbrella branch rails.
To write in the style of "If Poetry" incorporating at least two literacy devices that you can explain within your poem.
Success Criteria:
You have successfully explained the change in our world to your reader.
You can explain your application of two other literary devices.
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