Images Flow
Made in
Created in
Purposed in
the image of God,
You are connected to God
hearing what he hears,
He feels, you feel,
he breathes, you breathe,
belonging to your Lord,
To you, in you, From you,
His love, power, heartbeat
calls deep to deep,
intertwining spirit to spirit,
and the colours swim
Swirling to life in you
creating the story
God's words, your thoughts
flowing infusing rhythms
telling of the kingdom
Stories and journeys,
Loves cascade,
Saturating hues
streaming to a world that
needs a master's peace.
Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #story, #spirit, #mirror, #art, #colours
We are God's colour, story, love to a world. We mirror who He is through our connection in Spirit and truth.
Created in
Purposed in
the image of God,
You are connected to God
hearing what he hears,
He feels, you feel,
he breathes, you breathe,
belonging to your Lord,
To you, in you, From you,
His love, power, heartbeat
calls deep to deep,
intertwining spirit to spirit,
and the colours swim
Swirling to life in you
creating the story
God's words, your thoughts
flowing infusing rhythms
telling of the kingdom
Stories and journeys,
Loves cascade,
Saturating hues
streaming to a world that
needs a master's peace.
Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #story, #spirit, #mirror, #art, #colours
We are God's colour, story, love to a world. We mirror who He is through our connection in Spirit and truth.