Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Numb holes
In our soul's fragments,
Pain etched across
Faces, TV
Replays of scenes
In Mixed media
In minds
In conversations,
Swirling emotions
Holding pain
Sharing pain,
With no answers
Voiced into
The not knowing

Hope birthed
Neighbours knocking on doors
Student army young muscles
Shifting disaster spade by wheelbarrow,
Water shared
Meals shared
Stories shared.

Anger birthed,
Knock on darkened door
Torch flashed in face
Surprising back pack
Dark clad looter
Runs With adrenalin
Black heart into blackness

Waiting birthed,
Return text
From family,
Call to say
Loved one safe,
Water, power, food
Sleep weary
Simple day to day life
Routines desired.

Possessions hammered,
Learning stuff
Doesn't matter
Compared to life.

In dust
Crumpled buildings
Flooded houses
Liquefaction hit
Alive is celebrated
On scales
Grim to thankful
Stunned to action.

Others, randomly ok
Feel guilty spared

God we cry

A blink of time
In Your hands,
We trust
Now and tomorrow
To God,
Who knew shattered,
Had close family
Who understands human
Knew death
New life in resurrection power.

God we hope
Deeper into You.
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