Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

The Gap

Simple words
creating pain,
betrayal gaps
between you
and the person
you once knew,
friendship shipwrecked,
Uncomfortable meeting moments,
Eyes avert, 
voices whisper,
mind word games
play silently in your head.

A choice...
Bitter write off
Cut the past threads,
Close the gap,
Open the heart,
words of forgiveness
given in courage.

Do you love me?
Feed my lambs.
Do you love me?
Take care of my sheep.
Do you love me?
Feed my sheep.

Do you hear?
Do you hear...
the voice of your Lord?

#caring, #christian, #courage, #decision, #forgiveness, #friend, #friendship, #gossip, #lambs, #love, #poems, #poetry, #risks, #sheep, #spokenword, #whispers, #videos
Making forgiveness decisions to close the gaps and feed the lambs poem
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