Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Dust Finger

Hate of him,
We have set the trap,
The law, the bait,
The manipulation.

And then
the teacher
Steps through, past
into the circle
breaking, pausing the moment.
He kneels,
touches her shoulder
Somehow intimate,
Bringing the anger
to our minds again.

He looks up
at us, unnerving
in a silence that appears.
Paused, we see our faces
Young, smooth,
older, stained, creased.

He crouches
writes in the dust,
Edits of life
dust to creation
dust to dust
soul stick sentences
swirl in the seen
and unseen words.

"If you,"
the teacher speaks;
quiet echoing depths,
"Are without sin, throw the first stone."
The speaker looks
at us
as the story
our lives, his life, her life
are connected, unravelled,
and tightened in our souls,
Our collective soul,
Opening past and present,
Time held in heartbeats.

And we leave
one by one
Eldest to youngest,
with our shame,
our pain,
Not healed,
but exposed
Not quite yet
honest enough
to see all of our story,
But changed,

Again and Again

I remember,
as many will
the moment
gut of heart
first time
God calling
Bursting pounding
heart moment decision
in moments of hesitation
Facing being unclean
a sinner
Allowing grace
Resurrection Love supreme
to infuse my life.

Dying to self
yet now…
few selfs worthy of a grave.

to your first love.

At the Cross

"The hard cross reveals an immense love. We can know who we truly are at the cross."

At the cross
Hard wood, hard nailed, 
hard faces
Soft flesh.
Sin's focus
Sin's power
Sin's lies.

Flawlessness embraces flaws
Perfect enveloping terrible 
Hope infusing fear,
Love enfolds the cold,
Streams of mercy
heaven's cascade,
Washing clean.
It's who Jesus is.

Some sins escape me,
The things I don't do
when I could
I slip,
Good is not enough
in God's perfect.

At the cross
Love revealed,
Immense, wide
Not a half-filled cup
but ocean depths,
Freedom claimed,
Healing imparted,
Forgiveness flows.

Jesus takes all sin.
I am
Oh, the infinite closeness, 
It's who I am,
It's who I know.

I Am

If I met
Combined, connected into one:
Brother, sister, friend, father, mother

Would my mind cope?

If I had
All time
All words
They would not be enough
Just ebbing thoughts,
Inadequate shadows,
To describe the Great,
"I am"

Time Reloads

Head in hands,
Hands, hair, skin, skull
Holding in the pain,
Replaying images.

Time reverses
Seconds leach from the future,
Spiralling past events
Decisions, consequences,
Small flights of thought
Covering vast spaces
Of choice,
Ticking seconds, minutes, years
Unfolding past from present,
Unrolling truth and lies...
Unaware alternatives
Mixed with desired selections.

The paths
Wide and narrow,
Dark and light,
Forks in our story.

It's your choice,

Time Reloads

Starting Thoughts
Making choices and decisions. How does one choice affect our life?

God Moments - Time with a Friend

Soft dawn light
Shadows dappled green
Stirred slightly
in breeze's gentle touch,
sitting in car,
parked beside council pool
Six A.M. swim behind me,
Hearing from God,
Called a quiet time,
I've read bible verses
and thoughts from a stranger,
both have crossed the world
and time to me,
my head buzzes
with thoughts,
but when I look deep
into trees - their briefly
sunshine stirring maple leaves,
Watch mountain bikes
taking path's curve,
voices drift past me,
The white Toyota sauntering for a park:
I see and smile,
wind down the window,
Beyond the hum
of air conditioning,
Bird calls waken my spirit,
The Life around
in cars, pools, over the fence in houses
is amazing,
God’s story
fills and quiets my soul,
And I smile with God,
tuned to Him.

Unknown the day,
Known is my Lord.

Excited and secure
I start the engine.

1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV
“...acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you…"

Hear Christmas

Snow falls
Sounds of silence whisper of
white grace
Cleansing complete,
Stop to the stillness,
listen to the Christ massed voice,
Hushed within
a soft sense of Serene, alone.

undisturbed by thought,
Listen to the Silence in your mind
Hear Christmas.

Sunshine falls
Loves warm Light
Wrapping your hearts pulse.
Holding your hope
Infusing joy.

undisturbed by thought, listen to the Silence in your heart,
~the still small voice.
Hear Christmas.

Stars night shine,
Galaxies remote and vast
reflected in your eyes,
Seeing distance
Feeling closeness of creation.
undisturbed by thought, listen to the silence in your heart,
The rhythm of sustaining life
Hear Christmas.

Starting Thoughts: Christmas Video and Media. What do you hear at Christmas?


"Become us voices cry"
calling to sameness,
capturing minds
filling dreams with candyfloss
Destruction in the playground
of gasoline tears.

In the noise
Colour confusion clashes
Pain, hate, laughter, freedom 
desires mix,
More, more, more...
The paradox; 
in the focus on
We drain the person ,
in the focus on winning
we always lose.

Talk to me says God
Seek to hear my voice
step into my will 
struggle with transformation,
Allow renewal
Come follow me
Come know my Spirit
Come live and love.

Starting Thoughts: We love to be unique but are constantly pushed to conformity and sameness. Often however, the focus on individualism also destroys our uniqueness as we grow mostly as individuals through loving and caring for others. A wonderful paradox.
Poem Topic Tags:
#conformity, #hope, #losing, #love, #noise, #seeker, #voices, #winning
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Balancing indvidualism and uniqueness with community, love and life. Poetry and Spoken Word.

Storm Tent

Scattered red, grey nylon tents,
cheerful on grass patch clearing,
surrounded by shadowy native bush,
thin five millimetre pegs
gingerly gripping stony soil.

BBQ burger eaten,
Sleeping bag ready,
Pillow ready,
Snooze ready,
And the grey sky
begins its torment.

Bare foot through puddles to outdoor sink
Teeth now toothpaste fresh ready,
Paddle back to tent,
mud flecks appearing on toes.

Carefully creep into tent,
trying to avoid dragging
rain water inside,
but drops gather
holding hands
on doorway floor entrance,
laughing at my attempt.

Cocooned in sleeping bag,
only pummelling rain can be heard,
the "haven't had rain like this
in ten years" deluge.

I smile,
snuggle deeper
mind embracing the storm,
I will survive
wind ripping at tent,
rain, ground water searching
seeking to drip inside.
Sleep envelops my thoughts,
the storm backgrounds
to dreams of mountain biking
through brown water puddles!
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Become a Robot

Become a robot
follow God,
Rules, regulations
Become a slave
to a tyrant
an invisible nothing who shouts 
pain into the world.
But if Jesus
was real,
If history has truth
If bibles, Koran record Him,
If millions of lives through time
believe a real Jesus walked the earth,
He was either the greatest lie 
Or the only important fact.

The Jesus I know,
broke the rules
of the religious,
embraced differences,
The Jesus I know
showed love
deep beyond any previous experience,
The Jesus I know
Said "I am the Way, Truth, and Life"
The Jesus I know
died and rose,
to give planet earth choices,
to give you hope now,
The Jesus I know
gifts real life 
radical relationship
with a Living God.
The Jesus I know
said, "Come follow me
whoever drinks the water 
I give them 
will never thirst,
a spring of water 
bubbling eternal life.”

God saves You
Knows You
 in Jesus.

Do you know my Jesus?

A poem exploring ideas about the reality of Jesus? Did he walk Earth
Become a Robot Poem about Jesus


Universe vastness
Energy unleashed
Unseeable small
Power contained.

I am
cut open
in these extremes,
Pulled to the stars,
Wondering in the minute
Suspended in the moment.
Vast Tiny Christian Poetry

Night Cascade

An orchestra of stars
cascades across night sky,
warm wind ripples 
dark sand,
Stirring salt smells,
Whisper waves wash 
towards my feet.
by echo stillness.

I stand,
somehow sensing
all dimensions,
Connected and separate,
Alone edges and closeness,
Dissonant but in tune,
with His breath
in my lungs,
Feeling the symphony
of stars - soul singing.
I stand,
profound awe,
Worship wells
deep within,
Overture begins 
precious praise,
Harmonies to the beauty
beyond compare,
Soul crescendos;
Worshipping God's
Precious love,
who God is.

We give glory!
Worthy is His Name!
Night Cascade Worship Poetry

Cross Connection

At the cross
judgement and mercy
meet victorious,
Incredible thoughts...
universe holding,
star holding
from the breath...
the words of God.

And I am chosen 
deep in His love,
Embraced in His desire
to bring me home,
Welcoming me close
to his heart
Celebrating in me 
the resurrection
pain of the cross,
in response
I kneel.

I so need this vertical
intersection of my life
allowing God’s love
to power my surrender.

Connected to His pulse
I stand,
Forgiven and free,
Resting in His peace
Ready on my feet,
Today choosing again
The one who simply says,
"I am
The Way
The Truth
The Life"
Cross Connection Christian Poem


in the revelation
of Your love,
in ocean depths
surrounded by Grace,
Always loved 
the same
never more, never less.
Wholeness, forgiveness
found in your freedom,
Challenge and risk
sparked in your call,
Complete but yearning
I stand known,
seen fully,
My value revealed
In the cross.

Laughter bubbles 
in my soul,
Your smile
rides in my spirit,

I worship 

#christian, #complete, #freedom, #grace, #identity, #love, #ocean, #poems, #poetry, #revelation, #spokenword, #value, #videos, #worship
New Freedom and laughter in God Worship SpokenWord

Change @ Christmas

Time revolved
It seemed same old 
A world less personal,
War and pain,
A planet revolution

Jesus came
God came,
Provoking change,
Changed the shepherds 
Changed Joseph and Mary,
Born to change you
Lived to show you,
Died to love you
Lifting you from 
existence in the grave
Offering hope,
in a broken world.

Poem Tags
#baby, #child, #christian, #christmas, #cross, #hope, #jesus, #love, #poems, #poetry, #reallife, #santa, #seeker, #spokenword, #videos, #xmas
Who gets changed by the Christmas story?
Christmas can change us poetry, video, spoken word

Jesus Sees

Jesus saw
the leaders of the day
for who they were,
Many - so wrong...
like presidential races,
Claiming faith,
White washed tombs
echoes of life,
Choosing to believe
their own lies
own law
own false reality
their own destiny.

And the crowds gather
cheering on the hate
buying the deception
liking the post
sharing the tweet,
waving the balloons
smiling the deceit,
Lost minds
feeding on emotion,
hurt and pain,
Fraud fiction
burying any truth.

Jesus said,
beautiful on the outside
bones of all
the dead inside,
I am the truth."

Awake sleepers and see.
Leadership Jesus Christian Poem

Deep Love

Your love
both a whisper
and a roar,
Eternally true,
forever risking
bubbling light
reassurance deep
infusing peace
cascading wild,
Leading my heart.

Your hand
Calms our fears,

I am your new creation.

Starting Thoughts: The love of God is full of extremes: powerful and gentle, whisper and roar, This poem explores a few of these.
Poem Topic Tags: #cascading, #creation, #fears, #love, #peace, #roar, #saviour, #water, #waterfall, #whisper
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken word poetry celebrating the love of God that has wonderful contrasts.


because of His love
freedom in this love.
His touch
expanded life,
His breath
renewed senses,
His word wisdom
clarity of mind.
His Spirit
dances a universe
of meaning into my spirit.

Awareness of infinity
Space in me
filled with His passion,
fire in my soul,
singing in His laughter,
dancing in His grace,
painting the lines
colours of His excitement,
Heart held in His answers,
His mystery,
The forever spark in His eye,
He sees me, you ...

Live again,
Open to His touch,
Harmony in His heartbeat.

Poem Tags
#alive, #christian, #excitement, #firstlove, #freedom, #love, #meaning, #passion, #poem, #poetry, #purpose, #soul, #spirit, #spokenword
How can we feel truly alive, be alive forever?
Alive in God, in His Spirit Spoken-Word Poem

Moment Crossed

In that moment
As I awaken
to the world around
to my rhythmic beating heart
to my pain and hopes,
I look upwards
towards a hill of three crosses,
Heart drawn closer
I walk towards.

I stand alone
yet somehow embraced
before Christ,
Seeing his life pain
but knowing the amazing power,
the world-changing resurrection
that will history-make.

"I love you this much,"
say his outstretched arms
"I'd rather die than live without you!"

I awaken
from this reality dream,
Knowing He is worth,
My love
My surrender
My worship.
Moment Crossed Christian Poem

Give us a King

In Christ,
No longer Jew and Greek
Slave or free
Young or old
Male or female
make or remake,
We are one,
No better
than each other,
All entering
the same promise.

But boy...
do we try
to fake it,
rename it,
And crown a new king!

Give us a king
A president, chief
A chancellor, mullah, priest,
Just someone,
A leader,
Who we can give
hope to
pain to,
blame to
dreams to.
in new clothes.

And a boy...
truth in the crowd,
"The emperor,
he is naked,
not wearing anything!"

The One only King
Has clothed us
in his righteousness ,
Called us heirs
to his forgiveness
Kingdom of love,
His aliveness,
Crowned us all
his children,
His riches,
Be free,
be one,
be this love
be His blessing
Be His witness.
Give Us a King Chrisitan Poem



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