Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


because of His love
freedom in this love.
His touch
expanded life,
His breath
renewed senses,
His word wisdom
clarity of mind.
His Spirit
dances a universe
of meaning into my spirit.

Awareness of infinity
Space in me
filled with His passion,
fire in my soul,
singing in His laughter,
dancing in His grace,
painting the lines
colours of His excitement,
Heart held in His answers,
His mystery,
The forever spark in His eye,
He sees me, you ...

Live again,
Open to His touch,
Harmony in His heartbeat.

Poem Tags
#alive, #christian, #excitement, #firstlove, #freedom, #love, #meaning, #passion, #poem, #poetry, #purpose, #soul, #spirit, #spokenword
How can we feel truly alive, be alive forever?
Alive in God, in His Spirit Spoken-Word Poem



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