Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Embraces the wanderer,
Seekers and lost
Pained and released. 
No dress code
No restrictions.

This world's
Needs, desires,
Are shadow trades
for this unaccountable
Amazing unknown.

Get up and walk
Walk to his cross
Walk to his arms
Walk to his light
Walk to his hope
Your steps, his steps
Your path, following his destiny.

He knows your doubts
Jesus has been before
Lived your dark before
Seen you before.

Take your dreams,
Hopes, laughter, 

Live life in God.
Have faith.
Faith Walk Christian Media Poem


White crosses
contrast to
Neat cut grass,
Buried memories.

Poppy fields
Blood red petals
Black heart centres,
Flower life tributes,
We remember:
Pain, sacrifice, pride,
mud soaked comradeship,
Betrayal, dark fear, numbness,
Shrieks of explosions
Broken cries,
Shattered lives,
Shattered limbs,
Shattered minds,
Incomprehensible carnage.

My soul embraces
emotion questions that
challenge the now.

In the stillness...
Mutilated reflections of
Ultimate price.

Blood poured out
Life given
Life lifted.
Life received.
ANZAC war poetry

A Breath

It is a breath
Moments of life
Heart flickers.

Thoughts in time
suspended in
circles of praise,
of God
Before time
The End

changes the soul
Holy Spirit whispers
centering towards Jesus
Who is he?

Where do you stand
kneel, hang
before his cross?

Where do you hide?
Retreat, ignore, block,
threaten, plead
before his resurrection?

How will you respond
to his love,
call, questions?


It started...
just a tickle of noise
transferred through tin roof,
then thundered louder
as white marbles hit,
bouncing also on tarmac.

Boys faces lit with excitement,
bodies quivered
and reading Animal Farm was lost.

Faces scrunched against windows,
Asked for
Set free
they ran into the pain
shirt soaked
wanting to experience
hailstones on heads
Crazy moments at school.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

If I Took Words...

If I took words
connected into one:
Brother, sister, friend, father, mother

Would my mind cope?

If I had
All time
All words
They would not be enough
Just ebbing thoughts,
Inadequate shadows,
To describe the Great,
"I am"

Starting Thought
How could I start to try describing God with words?
Words to Describe God Poem Media


Be engulfed, enfused 
In this eternal love,
In a world of
shifting sands 
Running hour-glasses,
Tell of the everlasting... 
His love
The greatest reason to worship,
His cross love
The greatest reason to worship,
His forgiveness personified 
The greatest reason to worship,
His resurrection power love
The greatest reason to worship.

He waits
Arms open wide,
Universe creator.

We come in worship
Giving in voice, thoughts;
glory to the One
Holy is He,
Precious, "the Great I Am"
Wonderful Redeemer 
Living loving God.
Worship Praise Christian Poem

You Called

You called, "Come."
I left what I knew
Embraced unknown reality,

You spoke, "Awake."
I opened darkened eyes
from spiritual lack.

You cried, "Father forgive them,"
I engraved these love words
Mind to heart.

You said before dawn
the cock will crow,
“Three times"
I know now 
boasts mean little,
Cheap betrayal,
Yet threaded, intertwined,
three times you asked,
"Do you love me?"
"I do."
Twice; "You know I do."
Third time, soul deeper,
life aware, pride cut,
"Lord, I do."

You announced, "Let there be light"
And I danced 
in a new beginning.
You called - Respond to God


The play of words
game of words
throne of words…

Hate fester words
Back stab gossip
War engraving text
Love declarations
Advertising mind twists
Thoughtless remarks
Timeless quotes
Idle chitchat
Blog comments
Humour mind remarks
Music laced words.

Our world...
Stick and stones
Life and death
through words.

Who said in power, 
"in the beginning.. Was the Word!”
Who said, "I am the Word, 
the Truth and the Life!”
Who said
nailed and struggling for breath, 
"Today, you will be with me 
in Paradise!"

Who are You?

You, I have a choice...
Either, this is a random world
Ultimately you-we
make up our own meaning
in this universe.
It takes courage to
believe this.

Choice two...
There is something
beyond ourselves,
Why am I here?
What more is there?
It takes courage to
believe this.

Yet many of us create
a third choice delusion.
The busy, the unreality...
Just live life the best
Get some money,
Get some fun, some action,
Some sport
Blur brain entertainment,
Get a job,
Get a...whatever...
And we can die
hiding the questions,
drugging the questions,
Layered self-deception.
But if we strip away
the scabs
We have made a choice,
One we don't like...
Choosing the random world
trying, numbing
ourselves to the hole it leaves.

Random or more?
who are you?
Who are You Christian Poem


The artist
dot by dot
paintbrush breathes life,
imagination captured
Story told
unfolding in viewers mind.

This place
This church,
dot by dot
creating over time
3D art mirroring life,
Story told
over time
in relationships,
Love connections.

Patina of years
Layers deepen
each dot, each brushstroke,
mirroring reflections,
glimpses of the image
of God.

We are God's
individual hues
Blending, composing.

So jump
into the paint, the painting
Enjoy being His creation,
sing His colours,
connected to create
connected to bless
Connected to portray
experiences of Gods love.
The church is a painting - Christian Poetry

Love Is

Love is
both heart and mind
Love is holding hands
in sunshine
in hard times.

Love is quiet
A good morning smile
A look of praise
A caring, holding,
A crying together.

Love is powerful
Quick to forgive
Slow to anger
Strong in respect 
for each other.
Love is humour
Laughter in moments shared
Joy in a future combined
Love is honour
Placing priority in the other
Love is time
spent chatting, 
revealing secrets
Open honesty
Just being there.

Love is  … twenty second
hugs with my best friend,

Love God
Love you.

Starter Thoughts: How can love stand the test of time? How can we be really in love? Perspectives on love for marriage.
Poetry Topic Tags: #crying, #christian #decisions, #forgiveness, #futures, #heart, #honesty, #hugs, #humour, #love, #marriage, #patient, #poems, #poetry, #respect, #spokenword, #together, #videos, #wedding
Marriage and Love Poem Spoken Word for church serivce

In the Bubble

You have come
Committed to us
Love to us
Born with us

Why did you bother?
Just look around 
and see the pain
Beyond our bubble of life
Maybe even in the bubble 
- the hurt
The environment groaning
Crying out its slaughter.

But your heart
Responds, responds
deliberate unconditional love
The same power that sustains 
Universe spinning galaxies
Birthed vulnerable
Laughed free, 
Knew injustice firsthand,
Felt pain depths,
Cross hung
The father turned his face away
Time suspended
The unknown of three.

And then power!
A time to live
A time for amazing
A time for the biggest 
Divine miracle.

Risen now
The last word
Is Forever alive
Love to us.

His world changing
love starts with us.
In the Bubble- love christian poem

Egyptian Canterbury

Black cat god arches,
flicks her tail,
art hieroglyphics revere
felines across a thousand walls,
centuries years old now.
-----sand hourglass time trickle-----
My black cat stretches
Lazy in heated sun
A God of just one family
Scratching the door to
be let out, to be fed.

The mighty Nile
Seasonal Floods
Rich blessings for
------generations pass------
Dairy, cropping, forests, farms
Stretch patchwork across Canterbury Plains
Waimakariri scatters its braids
sprawling to the ocean.

Yellow Sand, clay walls
seared in scorching sun,
Neighbours crowded
water carried
dry the bones
----- existences come and go-----
Christchurch city wood and brick dwellings
stretched over flat plains,
meandering Avon
Artesian crystal clear water piped
toilets, drinking, cooking
Just turn the tap.

Crowned Pharaoh
supreme God of
Pyramid, Sand and Nile
Words that command life, death
------ time moves by----------
Commands wealth
Captains of industry
multinational trendrils
cut money from Canterbury.
In power
a party, a prime minister
and media bombardment of public relations.
To communicate experiences, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Showing understanding of Ancient Egyptians and us today.
  • Focus on strong adjectives
  • Use a wide range of contrasts in the poem
  • Use commas to set the rhythm of the poem
  • Short interesting thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Same Different

My beard stubble is grey
your chin is young smooth
but we all look the same
to an alien.
I'm taller
You're shorter
but we're both small
in front of basketball player towers,
and never ending space.

I like touch rugby,
thinking about God,
my gorgeous wife and children,
opening my eyes to new things
and a thousand other likes,
Your thousand passions
are as different as sand grains,
but we both have tastes.

I hate graffiti
the civil war in that country
Not being able to connect with others,
Your hates are
as different to mine
as snow flake patterns.

If everyone was the same
our colour would be grey
and if nobody understood differences
our colour would be black
Can we be rainbows?
To communicate experiences, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves
  • Use a wide range of contrasts in the poem
  • Use commas to set the rhythm of the poem
  • Short interesting thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Alive in the Storm

It starts
with a whisper
a rustle of leaves
breathed on by wind,
Scudding clouds arrive
gusts slam
branches protest,
bending pain to grey black clouds.
Tree fingers are broken
falling slain to sodden grass.
Rain knives slash
from overloaded buckets
driving deep into my clothes.
I stand
waiting for a bus,
Cold, excited
loving the whipped movements,
the power,
the storm.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Use commas to set the rhythm of the poem
  • Short interesting thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Bush Shadows

On inside rain-trapped days....

My eyes remember
Bush dark ferns, manuka trunks,
Sunlight strokes,
Shaping shadows,
My feet remember
dirt track, dust covered boots,
My face remembers
light breeze just stirring,
My body remembers
stationary silence- leaning to beauty,
My heart, my mind remembers
peaceful colours, tranquil contrasts.

Sunset dips,
Night bucket fills,
Painting black.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • To capture a memory using the 'feeling' sense mainly.
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • To use ellipsis (can be used to indicate a pause in the flow of a sentence), fullstops and capital letters.
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Mirror, Mirror

You think it's funny
to poke out your tongue
and show me your tooth paste smothered tongue,
You look closely
at pale skin
and pop your zit,
Some of you - usually
the ones with longer hair,
Spend forever
Colouring in your lips,
making black lines
on eyebrows
and brushing
perming, brushing.

I hear you practice
the lie
you will tell Mum,
trying to see if,
by looking at me,
you can keep a straight face,

As I reflect on humans
I realise
sometimes your face mirrors your heart
hesitant smile, creasing frown, lip pout,
other times your face lies,
covering the feelings.

But I always tell the truth,
showing you for what you are.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Capture an objects point-of-view
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.


Emitted and absorbed
obvious and mysterious,
These glimpses
create more questions.

Surface afterglows,
in evening air
gloomy place
colours removed.
City lights glow
sky masking
three thousand
hesitant pinpricks,
Cosmic energy
clusters and scatters
Universe wide.

Particles float on
turbulent atmosphere,
Light is bent,
Stars twinkle.
This poem came from a search at first on light, then sunrises and finally stars.

To write a poem that communicates creatively my thoughts and research.

Success Criteria:

  • The words we pick fit together
  • The ideas work together line by line
  • To use punctuation to enhance the meaning and help the reader.
  • I have added my own thoughts to put in my voice.
  • To credit the sources that I used.

Dot Praise

You are vast,
The power
Universe sustaining,
And yet dust
A dot in space
Holds your love.
Maybe not the only dot,
But we are your creation
Created for good 
Sustained, released in Christ.

Created to praise
To shout out 
"God is good!"
In all circumstances:
in grey emotions
in dark pain valleys
in breathtaking mountain tops
in darkening sunsets
before light spilling sunrises
within expanding spinning galaxies.

Starting Thoughts:
Sunrises, galaxies, sunsets, mountains, valleys, dark, light, pain and peace - in all times God is good.
Poem Topic Tags: #worship, #creation, #good, #pain, #praise, #space, #sunsets, #universe
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife

Future Threads

Unknown futures
stretch threads 
Wandering questions
through my mind,
What next?

We want and hope
for so much,
Yet feel self shortchanged
Overlooked, tired.

And in it all
A search for love, meaning
Purpose, fun,
Not the random, empty.

Thousands of years of history
shout a story
to me today,
a story of twelve
a story of millions
a story of the One.

What would happen
If I give the unknown
to a known God?

The future stretches out in front of you... where is it going, how connected are we to the possibilities for ourselves?
Poem Tags
#christian, #futures, #history, #hope, #hopes, #jesus, #meaning, #possibilities, #poetry, #poem, #questions, #seeker, #spokenword, #story, #threads, #tiredness
Questions in the future, poems spoken word



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