Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Created to be connected
to the Living God
centered through the cross,
such a richness
deep in God’s love
death by sin crossed off
forgiven once for all
overwhelmed by His grace
a new world
a new covenant
a new promise
a new kingdom
a daily communion.

And now
cross changed
I believe,
Rebirth in Jesus
Holy Spirit flooded,
everything in abundance
from life’s source
beyond expectation
releasing the River
within me,
Life full and overflowing
Cascading out from my
expanded heart
Touching, awakening
others around
blessing people
my life streaming
God’s deep, deep love.

Bible Verses: John 10:10
Starting Thoughts: The cross covenant of love brings us to a new identity, released to be fully us as we realise the depth of God's favour and love from the river of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Poem Topic Tags: #covenants, #cross, #daughters, #eternity, #hidden, #hope, #identity, #lost, #love, #promises, #resurrection, #river, #sons, #word, #works
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Abundant Life the Holy Spirit River in us- Spoken word poetry


I want the power
the Chance to do
life my way,
Yet no matter
how high I climb
how strong I feel
how much I manipulate controls
how much I persuade,
it is all really ashes
dust in the mouth-
the taste of death.

knelt in the dirt
took the cloth
and washed tired feet
the dirt of his disciples
friends he was growing
to become the new church,
dust to dust
the taste of death cleansed
waterfalled by the living water.

And Jesus
who left the high dimensions
became a vulnerable human,
walked through the pains
the jeers, the celebrations
the laughter, the serving of others
walked, stumbled
His cross too heavy to bear,
could have in an instant
chosen from heaven’s power 
release from His choice,
but allowed iron nails 
to be driven into His destiny,
raised cross high
on the hill of dusty rock
The servant King
willing to encounter the ashes-
the taste of destruction.

And the mouth
of hell Swelled
consumed purity 
in ashes of death,
And swallowed 
the body of Christ,
The annihilation of God’s promise
And yelled, “Death”
Thunder crashed
earthquakes split,
the holy temple curtain 
ripped top to bottom,
And Hell and earth
spun in the dark
with no idea
of the coming power.

Three days, nights
Russian roulette
barrel in the mouth
the Chamber spinning
with Death.

And with dawn’s
Sunshine softness,
with birds and awakening
with breakfast and dreams finished
Another earthquake rumbled, 
angels appeared
fearful guards stumbled back
from a heavy rolling tomb stone
and Jesus simply rose
the bread of life rose,
the rose of Sharon bloomed, 
the servant king was risen, alive
and Jesus simply walked out
into history and future
into million of lives,
Jesus simply talked
close times with friends
Jesus walked
on roads beside disciples
who didn’t recognize him,
Jesus walked life
into a world of death
bringing heaven down,
Jesus called a church
to shake off the dust
to carry love and honor
to enjoy living with hope
to go and make disciples.

Starting Thoughts: Jesus in His death and resurrection has brought heaven to earth, shown the nature of Servant King, power in a humble human form.
Poem Topic Tags: #cross, #death, #disciples, #hell, #jesus, #king, #resurrection, #risen, #servant, #tombs, #wash
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on the resurrection of the Servant King Jesus

The Prodical Call

Looking back
I wonder
about the difference
I made,
the mark I wanted
to make
maybe more of a stain
on the fabric of life,
Is how I’m wired
a misfire?
Fractured fragmented relationships
Then again
are these just the lies
of my emotions?
Am I believing the lies
of corrupt desires?

Hear the call to the
“Return to home”
Hear the call to the
“You belong in the
True Father’s heart “
Hear the call to the
“Let’s celebrate in the
Darkness my love for you .”

And in God’s warm embrace
the soul soaking
of the eternal God,
In this Private place close
to the secrets of God,
Who I am is revealed
who ..I ...revealed
in the seal
of God’s love,
I am fearfully
and wonderfully made,
I am Called by name
partnered with God’s heart,
I am a significant part
of the one body,
I am the one
known fully from womb
to every hair on my head,
I am made worthy...
How can I not
love the skin I am in?
How could I ever
Unknow what I now know?

What could happen
if I truly walk in the light -
expecting breakthroughs as I go,
Finding what makes
My heart come alive
Experiencing a world
significantly bigger
than I am
But connected to the steps
of my daily world,
connected to the words
of Jesus
“Go and make disciples”
Connected to a glorious,
dangerous, exciting full faith,
Connected to the simple
complex love of God, self and
nurturing others.

in family, friends, church,
work, with strangers I meet
In the deep unity of your spirit
In the power of your love
In the summer of the harvest
In a sweet harmony of your spirit,
Let us create shared experiences
Shared stories
Shared life
Shared joy
Shared laughter
Shared purpose
Shared worship of Yahweh.

Starting Thoughts: Church camp in Hanmer was a time of opening ourselves, of being a church that has made room. A call to unity in love and spirit that makes change and expansion possible.
Poem Topic Tags: #called, #church, #connected, #disciples, #evangelism, #known, #love, #mission, #power, #prodigal, #purpose, #unity
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
A call to make room to grow and nuture disciples in our faith and unity - Spoken word Poetry.

At War

God has seen it all
seasons of reason 
and unseasonable,
Death to life
he made the way
to know new love, rebirth
new life.
I am therefore a new creation -
that will never change.

And yet a war
battles within
urges and sugar
addictions and choices
habits and mind games
Ego is hardened 
to self and others
Wars sown into the future.

And God calls,
Live not by power
but by yielding to dynamic
free life -
the free perfect love.
sacrifice the past hurts
Set your heart
on glory above
renewed in the image
of Christ,
Live in the Spirit
as a new creation,
Start your day
Surrendered to His strength
Surrendered to his grace
Stronger in his Spirit,
the Kingdom life
here and now.

Starting Thoughts: As believers (Christians) we are to know the infinity love, grace, Holy Spirit power as we yield to God daily and His will for us. How easy to say and hard to be, but the more our identity is in Christ the more likely we are to break the habits that make us less than who we are right now.
Poem Topic Tags: #creation, #freedom, #habits, #heart, #kingdom, #life, #new, #power, #seasons, #spirit, #surrendered, #war
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Daily surrender to the will of God brings us release and identity poetry spoken word


Rise up
Rise up
in the name of Jesus

Stand up
Stand up
in the blood of Jesus

Sing out
Sing out
In the spirit of God

Open up
Open up
deep in the Father’s arms

Call out
Call out
as children of the Living God

is the Almighty Lord
enthroned on high.

Starting Thoughts: We start by knowing our restored, totally loved identity as sons and daughters of the Living God… from there our love for God is reflected back to Him in worship and out to others.
Poem Topic Tags:
#beginning, #blood, #freedom, #honor, #honour, #jesus, #love, #praise, #thankfulness, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Rise up and give your worship to the Living God Spoken Word Poetry

I Know You

I called you by name,
Knew you before,
Know you now...
I love you with everlasting love...
Always consistent,
Never ending.
Nothing can separate
You from my love,
Died for you,
Rose for you,
Always with you,
deep waters
shadows of death..

I am there
when you lie down
in solitude,
in the frantic busy,
With you forever...
My peace
My faithfulness
My joy
My promises...
I Am your love.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #love, #child-of-god, #sees

Called by name you are known by God intimately - God is with you.
I know You - Spoken Word poetry.

Let's Dance

feeling separated 
in a crowded room,
It was meant to be a ball,
Fun, Honour, love, friendship
greed, self-seeking, pain,
Marketing and money,
swirl seen and unseen
in this dance room,
Watching from the wall
history spins always changing
yet somehow never human different,
I see and unsee
realms of darkness and light
Masquerades and promenades
But right now
In the paradoxes that entangle me,
A sense of destiny,
and so I wait
Wait in the lies
Wait for something
Wait for life
Wait for a touch of real.

Even as I animate my false smiles
Appearing to all
That I am ok,
I see below the surface
deep struggles in
My soul and
the souls through the room.

Then in the swirl
of bodies on the dance floor
A figure...
Why haven't
I seen him before?
A person
somehow deeply in 
yet beyond the room
is threading his way
through the crowd,
His eyes lock to mine-
As he approaches,
Moving like dance
is his being-
leaps the distance 
between us,
I am undone
It really is me
Despite who I am.

He stretches out his hand
Eyes looking direct 
Frank and appealing depths,
A smile crinkles
their edges,

Love pulls
my heart
my thinking as I 
Raise my hand
resting my finger tips 
in his warm fingers,
His voice cuts the noise
Reverberating in my mind
"Hi, I'm Jesus
if you Know me you
Know the Father,
I am the way, truth, life...
Will you dance with me?
Dance free,
Will you rest in my arms?

Rise bride
you will never be separated 
From my power
From this love
I have for you
Let us be together.
Let's dance."

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #decision, #dance, #real-life, #identity, #bride, #church

The world thinks it dances to it's own tune. Someone else is however in the ballroom and He makes you look up, somehow cuts through the noise. Will you dance?
Jesus cuts through the crowd and asks for a dance.


Imagine the most unbelievable
gallery of the world,
So famous 
So alive
So incredible
So full of timeless masterpieces
And there is one item
Yet somehow many
So precious 
hard to price or value,
So precious 
Created layer by layer 
Days and nights of thinking 
Moments and weeks of creation 
Passion and love crafted
the vision 
Poured life into the creation
That item is YOU...
created as a living 
much loved masterpiece,
And now He wants to show you 
celebrate you 
Share you with 
the world,
You are God's masterpiece 
You are God's generosity 
You are God's goodness 
You are God's blessing 
You are God's life 
You are his DNA masterpiece
Created for all the good 
Created as a love Masterstroke
As a love demonstration.
As a love creative.

You are God's DNA treasure
Really living at last!

Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:10
Starting Thoughts: Do we understand the way God truly looks at us? What does He really see, what are his feelings towards us? Know we are His masterpieces?
Poem Topic Tags:
#art, #blessing, #called, #chosen, #creation, #dna, #god, #love, #painting, #passion, #precious, #sculpture, #treasure, #value
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
God sees us as His masterpieces.

Destiny Opens

My thoughts 
doorways to future
Opening my destination 
steering my direction,
Step by step 
Opportunity by opportunity 
with the focus 
of my meditations,
I choose
Not to stare into the broken 
But focus on the good 
Putting aside the distractions 
Putting them in flight mode 
Until habits that are life 
Form and Firm,
And in this who I am 
Becomes clearer
clarity shimmers
Pixel by pixel 
image by image,
I see my true self in God
In his eyes 
my reflection  
In his tears
His twinkle of fun 
His dilated pupils of love
In his heart me...
Princess, prince, child of God.

Starting Thoughts: How much does the power of small decisions open our destiny, our direction and connection with life? Is how we view ourselves is how we see the world?
Poem Topic Tags:
#doors, #focus, #god, #good, #habits, #identity, #image, #love, #meditation, #prince, #princess, #selfworth,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Poetry Christian on destiny, identity and choices.

Pi Poem @ Gym

They pump arms
in a time bash
agonising push 
addict rhythm of sinews, muscles
gym beefs
aerobic heart pounding,
mat bend.

Envious beginners
with sideline glances
instant sculpture Abs
striving, hiding newbie status
watching trainers bearing “been there” grins.
gym bunnies and sweat buddies
weight loss, shaved perspiration bodies
for two weeks
and quit!

#effort, #fitness, #gym, #habits, #maths, #numbers, #pi, #poems, #poetry, #pupils, #seeker, #spokenwords #syllables


Where does my
love, power, fun
Come from?
Who is the source
of who I am?
Oh God
May the praise 
I seek -
words for my
soul life
come to me
from You,
from my walk
in You.

1 Corinthians 4:4-5

#fun, #identity, #life, #like, #love, #poetry, #poems #power, #praise, #reallife, #spokenword
Like Spoken Word Poem

Fall Down

In a moment
Lightning clarity
dividing me deep 
to my soul
the secrets of my heart 
And I fall
worshipping the One
Who knows my all.

Starting Thoughts: Sometimes we are just hit with how amazing Jesus is, what He has done for us, His power and majesty... and we fall in awe.
Bible Verses: Psalm 139, Romans 8:28-29, Luke 17: 11-19, Mark 5:21-43, Revelation 7:11
Poem Topic Tags:
#falling, #heart, #identity, #knowledge, #secrets, #self, #soul, #worship
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on how well Jesus knows us and our response.


Love the unfolding layers of Shrek's onion analogy - here is a reflection on the layers in me, in us, and of how God's love deepens us, reveals us, enjoys us.

In the purity
of my heart,
Cleansed by Christ,
unfolds my uniqueness
with evolving intimacy
revealing clarity,
As I action love
my awareness
of His passion
continually deepens.

#clarity, #christian #cleansed, #forgiveness, #identity, #intimacy, #layers, #love, #passion, #poem, #poetry, #spokenword, #videos
Our Identity unfolds in the love of God - Spoken Word.


God’s wonderful
grace and love;

Starting Thoughts: Have we journeyed from acceptance of the wonderful grace to love, and are now truly being Christ to others?
Poem Topic Tags:
#grace, #identity, #kingdom, #life, #love, #mission,
Posting Tags:
#artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity , #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on being Christ ot Others.


Your love
Updrafts my wings
Infuses my soul,
Brings a smile
to my lips,
Opens my eyes
to divine order
to divine appointments.

Acts 16:9-31

The wings of an eagle leading to opening our eyes for divine opportunities. How do you fly?
Poem Tags
#christian, #divineappointments, #eagle, #love, #new, #open, #poems, #poetry, #reallife, #spokenword, #wings
Divine Appointments and Eagle Wings Poem

Starting Over

I wear a habit
Or is it the habit
that wearies me?
like our world
that whirlwinds
revolving histories
of war, prejudice, greed,
increasing rootless change
lost and moving values,
the same stealth spiraling
tunnels disintegrate my life,
mind tears,
Contained at first within me
Pieces of my soul
torn again,
floating on self sabotage,
habits creeping wreckage
Doubt, lack of something,
Fear and flight
take pains deeper.

Then despite my careful facade
trying to hide the turmoil,
The clawing winds
Escape through
My body, eyes, mouth
Starting destruction
around me,
In people and places I move
Driving deeper
turmoil, addictions within me
All for self
never good enough
but self important
choosing a world of
Wild Tornadoes.
I ask what do I value?
How can I change?
Do I want to change?

Replacing the old for the new
Knowing I'm not alone;
I go after Him.
I kneel before the Father
Centered on Christ
Looking into His heart
Being with, abiding in Jesus,
I ask for His love
of endless depth to flow
rivers of cleansing life
to heart and soul,
becoming rooted
and established
in amazing love,
new foundations of openness
in God and others,
New depths of prayer,
real infused living,
I stand stronger
immersed in power of
divine spirit and mind,
I share my thoughts, desires
I pray for grace, boldness
I step
into the character
I want to own,
To honour God, others, myself
Sooner than ever before.

Bible Verse:1 Peter 5:10

The whirlwinds that devastate our lives? Are they worth it?
Poem Tags
#action, #addictions, #cage, #change, #christian, #destruction, #facades, #fear, #god, #habits, #identity, #intimacy, #kneel, #momentsintime, #poem, #poetry, #promises, #published, #quiettime, #spokenword, #stillness, #time
Starting Over Christian Spoken Word POem


Incredible energies hold
the fabric of the universe
sustaining the expanding
galaxies into nothing,
spacetime curvature changing
in limitless scale,
And somewhere
in this reality
We spin,
Planet Earth
tuned by gravity
Into a dance
orbiting the sun,
revolving within
this enlarging cosmos.

In these moments 
of amazed wonder,
It hits me again,
The power of the One 
sustaining completely
in all, through all, beyond all
our Mighty God
Nothing is Stronger
than your love.
Oh Lord our God
you are the kingdom
Glory, power.

Bible Verse
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Poem Tags
#amazed, #christian, #god, #power, #space, #universe, #poetry, #spoken-word, #worship

The power that sustains and expands our universe.
The power sustaining the expanding universe poetry


Beyond, before time
is your God
Incomparable, unfathomable,
the Great I am.

I am your significance
I am your reality
I am your heart
I am your thankfulness
I am your smile
I am your fire
I am your God

And your steps
are ordered,
known by the Lord,
love will guide
your path
releasing your passion
opening your mind
to an unfolding journey.

You are my mustard seeds
Seeds of purpose
Seeds of change
Seeds of community
Seeds of life
Seeds of the new.

From the small
a mighty forest flourishes
a cosmic congregation that
will soul sing
the Creator’s story
to a weary world.

Psalm 37:23
Ephesians 1:17-18
Ephesians 2:10

Poem Tags
#christian, #church, #god, #iam, #identity, #poem, #poetry, #seeds, #spokenword, #steps, #universe, #value, #worship

Where do we find our value, our identity? What will stop people reacting with hurt, with stress at perceived threats? What sorts a religious person from a relationship with Christ?
You are the Future Seeds, your identity in Christ Spoken Word Poem

Know I am

There was that day
we had the answers
the keys,
We started so well
hearing the truth
we were known 
in God's heart,
100% free, 100% pure, 100% loved
100% valued, awake, peaceful, 
100% at rest,
100% purposeful, hopeful, full in God,
totally born for this,
we felt we could do anything
change anything
100% in tune with God
100% home.

Then we 
glanced in a mirror
And forgot 
what we looked like.

Reality lies flooded in,
Layers of pain
Lost who we were,
Buried alive in
blame from others,
Put downs,
Self destruction,
religious noise
religious disappointment,
So we start selling:
Selfies with the famous
Shallow pictures boosting our
image online,
and concrete slabs locked in
covering what we once had,
Fun for a moment
became the mantra, 
Instagram incisions
cut into the skin,
distractions the disease
eating our minds
devouring soul,
The things we valued
were just things, 
and dust to dust blanketed us…

Buried living 
walking graves.
Ooh child of God,
I always knew you,
still love you,
experience again the truth
that has always been there,
I know the depths 
what it means to be buried
I know the weight
of separation,
to fight the thick tomb
of death dealing and agony,
I run to you
I welcome you
no blame
no hesitation,
be released
discover again
who I Am,
I say yes
to who you are.


Poem Tags
# buried, #christian, #gold, #identity, #mirror, #poetry, #published, #real-life, #spoken-word

Lost what you once had? Has who you are in God been buried?
Poetry about knowing yourself, your first love.

Be Big

The cracks 
spread searing
crazy darkness 
across the facade
of my mind,
Imprinted patterns
of behaviour.
This me 
My fast past.

What are the words
we speak?
to our looks
Our failures, our successes
Is it time to
to break free
from thought slavery?

Renewing minds
Allowing Christ
To game change
and build a
Firm foundation.

Set your mind on the kingdom
Shifted minds stillness
Aware of God’s thinking
Bow your mind 
Connected, breathing together 
lingering, dwelling with God
impossible possibilities
fearless of death,
Now a Human be-ing.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #peace, #rest, #minds, #spoken-word

The cracks of life in our minds. So hard to find peace, rest to "be" in the moment.
Finding peace from the cracks in your mind.



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