Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Perfectly Planned

Perfectly planned
In time's span,
The arrival.

A baby
To fulfill prophecy,
A light -
Star signs and creator's spark
A man
entwined with Universe power

In a time where Jewish
Religion was official,
A murder -
Killed and resurrected
A power alive -
When roads had been built
By a Roman kingdom
To carry the revolutionary news
Of Kingdom life.

Not of might
Of love,
Not of weapon
Of forgiveness,
Not of anger
Of patience,
Not of death
Of everlasting life.

Time planned
Eternal breath
All hopes arrival.

Poem Tags
#christian, #christmas, #jesus, #poem, #poetry, #prophecy, #spokenword
How was the birth of Jesus at Christmas perfectly planned in the human timeline?
Perfectly Planned Christmas Video Spoken Word Poem

Fashion Prostitute

Kid laughter
Health and hopes
Young soul warmth
Memory smiles
in the eyes of a child.

This naivety
this innocence
now packaged by parents
dressing children
to kill it
as facades for
fashion sex,
stolen youth
sold to advertising,
Surface beauty
replacing parent duty,
Adult hopes
for beauty
pasted over
next generation trust,
Gluing sex 
to their minds
selling off
their future paths.

Turning children into
Barbie prostitutes.

Starting Thoughts: When we dress children with our own or media driven version of fashion that sexualises them, are we turning innocence into a fashion prostitute?
Poem Topic Tags: #childhood, #children, #fashions,
#innocence, #parenting, #play, #sex, #sexualisation, #trends
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Parents turning children into fashion prostitutes with clothes they wear spoken word poem

Crossed Paths

What is a life worth?
What was the point?

He hangs
Pain-wracked body
Two others
Either side
One sneers, "save yourself"
tries to bribe
The other sees through
crown of thorns 
Asks to be remembered,
How can this happen
In moments from death
That the world 
is on the cross?
People just like us stand, lean, sit, hide,
Doubters, scared, irritated, haters, spectators.

Jesus front and centre
Speaks his mission
Not just facing death
But loving to the end
Sharing his life
In his suffering
Talking truth
"Surely you will be with me"
A day of grief, pain, mission,
Power, peace, hurts, friendship, loneliness

The boy who once
Skinned his knees
Dies -
Not the end!

God cannot stay
On the cross
in a tomb
A resurrection
passion has been born
Fire burning 
through generations,
Experiencing fully human
Truly alive.

His defeat of death
To bring God's 
Real life
To places, to people.
Crossed Paths Christian Poem


Tired arms
leafless, lifeless  
stretch for new existence 
Old ways shed as 
animating Holy Spirit rain
descends watering 
particles of seed faith, 
Dry desert awakens
to the knowledge 
of God's truth
of God's power
of God's future and hope, 
Leaving behind the past 
extending into the new
the blooms 
revive the barren land. 
A reforested signpost 
of God's love, 
heavy hearts 
hurting souls 
cynical minds.

Starting Thoughts:
Dry Life, choking like a desert, sucking and spreading inexorably? Can we find something new to turn around desertification of our tomorrows?
Poem Topic Tags: #barren, #bloom, #desert, #dry, #heavy, #holyspirit, #life, #new, #revive, #spring, #tired, #truth
Posting Tags: #artist, #creativewriting, #edapp, #edchat, #edtech, #elearning, #GlobalEd, #god, #instawrite, #jesus, #lrnchat, #mlearning, #poems, #poetry, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #poetryisnotdead, #poetsofinstagram, #schools, #spilledink, #spokenword, #teaching, #TT, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife


I walked through
rooms of my life
drifts disturbing
my mind,
I gathered stained grey
impressions and
and Spring cleaned
my feelings
and thoughts
to others.

It felt cold first
as the winds
of change
froze my being,
the inner space seemed
bigger but desolate.

And then you exploded into
my existence
colouring rainbows
painting laughter
bringing summers and
tumbling sunshine.
Fresh creation cascades of
outside life
crowded pushing
through doors
bursting, filling my life,
reviving reality in realities midst,
bringing diamonds of
joyful tears.

Starting Thoughts: Sometimes we are ready for a sea-change, something new, a radical shift. And little did we know that this was the moment that God will burst into our life, he's always been there but now seems to be the moment we are open to Him.

Poem Topic Tags: #cold, #doors, #friend, #grey, #house, #joy, #love, #new, #prejudices, #reality, #relationships, #self, #soul, #unique

Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spojken word poem on making choices and experiencing amazing life from God


One foot planted 
in life giving river 
another in a draining sewer,
some moments swept 
in plunging ecstasy 
through sparkling water 
Others feeling 
the endless sucking spiral
of cloying mud depths.

As you walk 
wet footprints shine 
one side clean, refreshing imprints 
others fetid smells, slime steps.

and you wander 
somehow blind
to the trail
of hope holding hands
with faltering life, 
staggering through doors 

Starting Thoughts: So easy to be double-minded, a hypocrite, and sometimes we don't even see the impact, the trail of what we have left in the world.
Poem Topic Tags:
#choice, #cold, #death, #decision, #extremes, #fence, #hot, #hypocrisy, #hypocrites, #life, #reallife, #river, #sin
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
What is the hypocritical trail we leave behind us in our faith? Poetry Spoken Word


To be warm 
is to have friends 
And I'm warm 
when you are around,

Starting Thoughts: Friends make us feel good, feel warmer.
Poem Topic Tags:
#friends, #friendship, #gold, #positivity, #relationships, #seeker, #warmth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Poem on frriendship. Short and warm.

Hearing a Call

Time of peaceful meaning 
night praying and praising 
in joy of knowing God, 
A circle of fellow believers 
sharing the strength 
of a loving father,
In coffee fellowship 
I took long black 
ate biscuit 
and talked with new friends, 
Yet somehow 
to curtains of 
the warm room, 

I stepped behind comfortable
drape colours… 
looked out,A world of dusk lights 
stained buildings 
of people facing past regrets
living a life
looking for full, 
my heart broke 
with God’s love
for those without 
friend of a personal God,
the lonely, 
scared of ultimate true love 
covered in tarmac 
walking crowded
empty streets.

In my lone place
tuned to God
I prayed,
“Use Me Lord.”

Starting Thoughts: Sometimes when you have something marvellous you want to share about it. We can't keep to ourselves the beauty of knowing Christ and joy and fun of knowing family in the church - a home away from home.
Poem Topic Tags:
#call, #evangelism, #faith, #harvest, #love, #surreal,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,

Cold Pause

Cold morning soldiers 
of dew and mist
covering any
thought of sunrise,
Flower world waiting
to yawn, 
yearning birth 
But this fragment of time 
is suspended,
stopped moments
in dark wooded valley,
Sounds hushed
colours greyed
fragrances frozen,
time seemingly paused
in a collective breath,
The only life
a muted stream that stirs
in shallow stones 
swirling through 
deep  pools 
banks guarded by
still willows
green arms embracing 
hushed waters.
The frosted moment thaws 
night citizens seek refuge
scuttling towards 
darker shadows,
And daylife slumbers 
about to awake
to the first warble
of birdsong harmonies. 

It is time,
your time,
sleeper to 
new hope.
Your life reborn.

#birth, #christian, #creation, #decisions, #hope, #nature, #night, #poems, #poetry, #seeker, #spokenword, #sunrise, #time,
Waiting for something amazing to happen - Spoken Word poem

Line in the Sand

Dust crusted finger
becomes a pointed instrument
of decision
In the dirt of time
the hand
draws the line,
the words
simple and straight
To those watching
the line is a valley
slashing its cleft
giant scars in timelines
the words sear to
the heart,
drawn with slow
heart beat jumps.
Step forward or backward?
Accuse or acknowledge self?

#christian, #decisions, #finger, #identity, #jesus, #poems, #poetry, #sin, #spokenword, #stones
How we make decisions to acknowledge self spoken word poem


Dust crusted finger
becomes a pointed instrument
of decision
In the dirt of time
the hand
draws the line,
the words
simple and straight
To those watching
the line is a valley
slashing its cleft
giant scars in timelines
the words sear to
the heart,
drawn with slow
heart beat jumps.
Step forward or backward?
Accuse or acknowledge self?

What happens when something is so amazing, so outside your experience? While carrying out orders life surprises you with a hard hitting truth.
Poem Tags
#christian, #decisions, #finger, #identity, #jesus, #poems, #poetry, #sin, #spokenword, #stones
Christian Spoken Word Poem on Easter and Cross from Soldier

Owl Perched

At the Corner 
Owl perched 
colour confusions of life, 
Accommodating all moods 
Hello dashed off letter 
Slow treacherous fog 
Bright spring 
Dark ocean 
connected sentences 
facebook phrases 
Rose distilled 
Collecting human lives 
of constructs and refuse 
Future Dreams 
Past memories.

Watching life, seeing under the surface.
Poem Tags
#dreams, #life, #memories, #owl, #poem, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #spokenword, #watching
Watching life, seeing under the surface. Spoken Word Video Poetry


A lone siren 
split the sky 
in jagged cracks
that crazed around 
another life 
what is it about
that wail
in the background?
A sneaky relief
it isn’t me,
followed by 
tiny guilt,
a quick heart prayer
for victim, family, friends,
Mortality intrusion
pinpricking my accidental life.

the paintbrush slips
smearing the canvas,
one colourful part covered,
when dried,
when died
that section
will be painted over,
new life
hiding old.

Poem Tags
#christian, #death, #emergency, #life, #mortality, #painted, #poem, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #spokenword
Does the emergency siren in the distance intrude on your life... remind you of mortality?
Hear the siren, what do you think? Spoken Word Poetry about life.


under the microscope
conceptions birth start
a spark of light emitted
the moment sperm meets egg.

Tiny glimmer with
incredible potential,
life and love
For each spirit flame
is unique.

But great fear crowds in,
subtle winds at first
Stuttering the flame,
Then shutters violently close
Compressing fears' darkness,
consuming creativity
Why you ask?
Who am I? echoes,
Breaking you piece by piece
so the gaps fall
tearing your being.

And then
in the mist midst
of crushing darkness,
a note sings
Pure clean,
Tremulous life giving,
feel the touch,
brushing your ears and mind,
Come to the one
who said, "Let there be light "
Let Him blow on the embers
The pain, the fear, the risk, the death
Let Him
Reveal the Light
Infused emanating from
His desire to love you
The One who created
that first spark.

breathe again
hear your voice
Desiring His love
speaking out your love,
You have the spark,
the power
for change
to change,
switching the destiny
of your walk.
Leading your path,
Captured and captivated
in His glory.

"Oh Brilliant
bright spark,
radiant neurons,
rise and shine
you are the light
of my eyes,
My bride

Poem Tags
#bride, #change, #christian, #destiny, #jesus, #light, #love, #poem, #poetry, #spark, #spokenword, #unique, #worship
Does the emergency siren in the distance intrude on your life... remind you of mortality?
Christian Spoken Word Poem on the Light of the World.


I feel 
a need 
of Your power,
Take me 
break my heart 
at the foot 
of the cross, 
Shatter the bonds 
that crust 
my life beat, 
Then lovingly 
restore my heart Lord 
Infuse it with Your love 
Give me Your pain 
for others 
but Your peace 
to overrule, 
give me humbleness 
to deny self 
as a saved creation, 
Father take my heart 
form Your beat 

Poem Tags
#character, #christian, #cross, #empathy, #heartbeat, #identity, #love, #poems, #poetry, #spokenword
Time to get rid of the hardness around our hearts. Feel, know God's heartbeat.
Find God


Swimming against currents 
sun-flecked waters of life 
white rapids 
deep pools 
imagination swims, 
poem hook 
dangling enticingly 
wavering invitingly, 
In the flow debris
a beauty of words
twitch of thoughts
snare of entertainment,
I rise to the bait 
caught to fight 
with life's revelation.

Starting Thought
Creativity, inspiration, imagination, an amazing gift.
Fish Poem

Dawn After

Dawn rises 
on the sculpture 
of broken life 
cooling on cross silhouettes 
to the grey weathered sky. 

Stilled watchers 
in clotted grief, 
Battle hardened soldier 
still surprised 
by God thoughts, 
Hidden hate forces 
in won astonishment, 
Father's Spirit 
separation anguish. 
Ashes to ashes 
grace to death 
sin's soul sacrifice

The curtain
has not fallen -
it is torn!
The Quiet of Good Friday - Easter Poem

Life Currents

Life can be complex
Sitting on the outside
Never trying to be in it
Towel sitting,
Waves calling.
Some sail adventures
charting rocks, storms and whirlpools
Canoeing wild rides
I lie lazy
tanning melanoma
Will I look only?

I take a drink
From the coolie
It bubbles cool, inviting
Coke is life
It is a lie!

I can't be filled, quenched
With artificial.
Only in the water
Flowing, living water
Salt or stream
Is true life.

I wake up holding the bottle
Sunburn on the way.

Do you just sit back on the edge of life, watching others, wanting more but not quite able to make it across the hot sand?
Poem Tags
#adventures, #christian, #complexity, #lazy, #lies, #life, #motivation, #poem, #poetry, #purpose, #reality, #seeker, #spokenword, #truth
Sitting on the edge of life Spoken Word Poem - why not jump in

Mirror on the Wall

I lifted my right hand 
He lifted His,
Tears formed in my eyes 
He cried with me, 
I smiled 
His smile hundredfold, 
I pulled a face 
laughing at life 
He chuckle shared 
for He created life.

Suddenly, fear…
sometimes too much, 
too personal 
too questioning 
too complex.

The hammer 
steals from my pocket 
I smash, 
shards exploding, 
to find something else..
Behind the mirror, 
I’ve destroyed
I’ve won
what I wanted.

The broken 
scatter spoke 
from the floor, 
"You are created in 
My image." 
Myriad fragments
crazy splinters
somehow still
speaking a whole.

I sweep Him up, 
so as not to hurt myself. 

Mirror pieces, 

James 1:23 (ESV)
23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (ESV)
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.


Wisp thoughts
Scattered in casual
Scenes of memories,
Synapses of impulse
tar pits of the forgotten
connections and disconnections
twitch in time,
electrical energy
brain nerves
fuzz out
and away,
supplanted by fears
and blankness.

When will the moment manifest
where the forgotten 
consumes the remembered?
Shells with
spirit whispers.

Starting Thoughts: I have watched Alzheimer’s eat at the life of people I know. They become living shells with seemingly ever decreasing random connections to who they were.
Poem Topic Tags: #alzheimers, #brain, #death, #disease, #family, #life, #living, #loss, #memories, #memory, #quality, #seeker, #thoughts
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poetry on the memories loss to Alzheimer’s



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