Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Fire to the Nation

The temple in the heart
of the city shines,
but in the streets around
Slander and lies
stir for battle
lures to destruction,
seeking compromises
in the temple.

The guarding walls of protection
Of who we are
Are revived, strengthened
from past struggles
from shattered edges
and sharpness,
Restoring character strength
to the people.

The call to build anew
Higher, stronger, more beautiful;
The call to plant
and build extensions
from the central heart,
Prayer is where you now kneel
time for Christ first,
then you Rise sharpened
with the word
the history of spoken authority,
your minds revelation
creating faith
power in your sword hand,
now you stand
joined in purpose
a together church
Building within a team of unity,
a holy people
a Jesus team
Completing the work
Of a thousand bricks
Of a thousand stones
Of a thousand stories,
Five sanctuary walls stand
Five houses of worship
The temple in the centre
for all to see.
Powerful, strong,
a revolution of hope and love.

We worship
deep in the new,
born again
deep in glory
We are the alive temples
the rebuilt temples
the Creator's workmanship,
Restored to God
Restored to self
Restored to others.

The golden gates
are now to be opened
the eyes, ears, mouth
of the city,
balanced between
Praise and presence,
responsibility and risk,
watchtower and welcome,
prophetic and practical,
Five fire Portals that spread
Revival from the city
To the land
Fire to the Nation
Restoring the glory cloud
To the land
Of the Long White Cloud.

Poem Tags
#christian, #city, #gates, #nehemiah, #poetry, #rebuild, #restored, #spoken-word, #team, #temple, #unity, #walls

The walls are built with prayer and awareness, a church team joined in purpose and responding to a call to work together.
Spoken Word Poetry calling the church to be a city on the hill, strong and shining.



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