Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Do we
cling to vague human hopes,
puffs of imagination,
dreams that float
on crisp helium balloons
and rupture,
leaving only hearts
that leak and hurt
staining black
the dimming world
with a darkness that voids us.

Where is the heart floating?
Has it burst?
Questions of destiny and fear
drift in dust.

There on the same
edges of reality and death,
edges of earth and heaven,
in that space
we could desire
something different,
we could stand knowing
the stinging hope of eternity
from God,
a hope for the now
and beyond,
a hope that cuts
through collapsing confusions
calling a clearness
into today’s moments,

a hope based
in a vast powerful
intimate transforming love.

Choose now.

Lift your faith
speak to your spirit
the words of life and love
Choose the hope
of Christ
becoming the People of the Messiah,
the deeply desired
the completely known
the radically redeemed.

Christ's hope
Will infuse your steps
you will walk God's path
leaving behind anointed footprints
of everything done with God,
kingdom possibilities made real
kingdom treasures
that will stand and remain forever.

All things turned for good.

So choose
Believe in expectation.
The Jesus hope.

Poem Tags
#change, #choose, #christian, #darkness, #eternity, #faith, #hope, #kingdom, #love, #poetry, #spoken-word

Christmas intertwines pain, hope and a baby.
Spoken word poetry on hope.



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