Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Doors are simple things
push, or pull
how many times
do I pull
instead of push?
they open
you step through.
A different world
on the other side,
Thresholds of new
but fear makes doors complex;
locks, smart card swipes
to keep the world shut out.

In the black wandering 
of my life
I found myself wondering
in front of a darkened door,
Why had it appeared here
suspended in today’s 
moments midst,
light cracking through
its outside edges,

a knock from the other side,
I thought 
nothing was there
nothing beyond this life,
but someone
is waiting, standing
sending rhythm beats to my heartbeats.

In confusion anger
I reacted, “Go away”
"You have no right
to be here”,
“you don’t exist!"
I closed my eyes
and tried to think
of something real,

the knock sounded again fainter…thinner

Poem Tags
#doors, #knock, #heart, #faith, #reallife, #christian, #poetry, #video, #spokenword, #jesus

Jesus stands at the door and knocks. Are we hard of hearing?
Jesus stands at the door and knocks spoken word poem
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