Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Window Pane

Rain travels
trickling down
window pathways
gravity pulling my thoughts
deeper into my mind,
images of media, news,
hopes and blues
drop into a dark whirlpool.

I look out further...
Beyond the pane
autumn trees
poke skyward,
each trembling leaf a 
colour celebration
of life from death.

Life from death…
reminds me of Jesus
explosion of life in darkness

I feel warm inside.

Starting Thoughts: Just looking out the window on a rainy morning, covid 19 stalking the world, and Autumn painting its colours.
Poem Topic Tags: #autumn, #covid19, #cross, #death, #home, #life, #mind, #pain, #rain, #resurrection, #warmth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Death and life in Autumn Spoken Word Poem

Cascading Life

In life's fountain
dappled reflections
Light within light
eternity shines
Loved deep in Christ
Belonging to Jesus
the water of life.

Bible Verses: John 4:14, John 7:38-39, John 1:9, John 1:5, John 12:46, Isaiah 60:1, Luke 1:78, John 11:25-26, Romans 8:38-39
Starting Thoughts: Jesus claimed he was the Water of Life, the Living water. The thirst of our souls can only be satisfied by Him.
Poem Topic Tags: #christ, #deep, #life, #light, #love, #reflection, #water
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
The Living water Jesus Christ spoken word

Drizzle Soak

Wet cold,
rain fingers
find holes,
clothes tightened
hunched smaller
head down
hair trickles,
eyes watch
Feet cautious
puddle captured,
Winter drizzle.

Storm Tent

Scattered red, grey nylon tents,
cheerful on grass patch clearing,
surrounded by shadowy native bush,
thin five millimetre pegs
gingerly gripping stony soil.

BBQ burger eaten,
Sleeping bag ready,
Pillow ready,
Snooze ready,
And the grey sky
begins its torment.

Bare foot through puddles to outdoor sink
Teeth now toothpaste fresh ready,
Paddle back to tent,
mud flecks appearing on toes.

Carefully creep into tent,
trying to avoid dragging
rain water inside,
but drops gather
holding hands
on doorway floor entrance,
laughing at my attempt.

Cocooned in sleeping bag,
only pummelling rain can be heard,
the "haven't had rain like this
in ten years" deluge.

I smile,
snuggle deeper
mind embracing the storm,
I will survive
wind ripping at tent,
rain, ground water searching
seeking to drip inside.
Sleep envelops my thoughts,
the storm backgrounds
to dreams of mountain biking
through brown water puddles!
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.

Drizzle Soak

Wet cold
Rain fingers
find holes,
clothes tightened
hunched smaller
head down,
hair trickles
eyes watch
puddle captures
Winter drizzle.
WALT: To write a poem to communicate how we can summarise thoughts two words at a time.
Success Criteria:
  • I have followed the form but shown an ability to vary with intention as needed.
  • Paired words intentionally and carefully
  • Creating not just a random set of lines but using craft.
  • I have correctly punctuated with complex sentences with comma/s.
  • I have improved vocabulary by utilising a thesaurus.
  • I can use and credit Creative Commons images.

Winter Friendship

Eyes pulled through
partially opaque
gravity defying 
droplets on glass,
to wind bent trees
slashed by fingers
of penetrating rain,
Darkness fogs
the window
that resolutely
shuts off the wintery blast,
battle sounds of
rattled metal roof rain.

time suspends,
lights dimmed to
unwind level,
music tiptoes softly
from the playlist,
heat pump gurgles
drifting new heat
into the chattering,
relaxing gathering,
one pair couch facing, 
leaning towards
talking intently
a third drops cautiously near
sitting on the floor
and is accepted
with body angle changes,
men’s group standing
shoulder conversation circle
sharing laughter,
another on the window seat
temporarily withdrawn
mobile text conversation
pulling her between
the unseen and seen
the away and the now,
nibble creators
bustle in bright kitchen
chattering preparations.

Friends gathered,
a mix of memories
coalescing into the moment,
a chameleon atmosphere of
moods, talk, thoughts
intermingle, rise and fall.

I stretch my 
satisfied cat soul,
in lazy camaraderie warmth.
Winter Rain Friendship Poem

Again Rain

Soggy leaves
Firefly of colour
Torn travellers
Now tiredly water stuck
to wet tarmac
just outside my door
rain on window
skeleton gaps leaf
plastered unmoving
death fighting gravity,
cold to my nose
as I look close,
Lucky me…
twice warm inside.

Poetry: Watching the rain window from inside... heat pump on?
Autumn Window Rain Leaf Poem

Alive in the Storm

It starts
with a whisper
a rustle of leaves
breathed on by wind,
Scudding clouds arrive
gusts slam
branches protest,
bending pain to grey black clouds.
Tree fingers are broken
falling slain to sodden grass.
Rain knives slash
from overloaded buckets
driving deep into my clothes.
I stand
waiting for a bus,
Cold, excited
loving the whipped movements,
the power,
the storm.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • Use commas to set the rhythm of the poem
  • Short interesting thoughts, one per line
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.
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