Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Only through
the hardness of decision
the sweat of blood tears
the alien aloneness
in contrast to a garden’s lushness,
Only through
Setting his face
to walk, carry, suffer,
speak, encounter, die,
Only through Christ’s choice
did the boundary of the cross
linking matter to heaven
break the power
of sin and death
tearing the curtain
the barrier
between celestial and earth,
Tearing Father, Son and Spirit
Breaking resistant hearts
Breaking the chains
Breaking the masks,
Saturating love, release and potential
to the corners
of our core, of who we are.

And now
in our choices
we set new Boundaries
Stopping unhealthy risk
Bringing security to freedom,
Always safe in the Saviour,
Living out true understanding
Telling others who we are,
We grow from love
From passion
From desires to connect
Allowing others to see us
Echoing God’s love,
Allowing His reckless
overwhelming love,
to richly pour
through us
into the world beyond.

Starting Thoughts: Setting boundaries in relationships, on self, on others are an important part of life. They give security, decreasing fears, enhance communication. Why do we so often fold or keep quiet?
Poem Topic Tags:
#boundaries, #cross, #curtain, #garden, #gold, #honour, #identity, #love, #resurrection, #risks, #security, #selfworth
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Boundaries choice self heaven resurrection cross poety spoken word

It Happens!

A day behind
this time of now
tired from work,
warm inside
seated lazy,
I stretch out
eyes vacant
heavy with tarmac,
I yawn slow, wide...
and sprain my jaw!

Starting Thoughts: Sometimes things just happen. Funny when you look back, painful as you went through them.
Poem Topic Tags:
#humour, #personal, #sleepy, #tiredness, #yawn
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Things happen to us, sometimes funn, sometimes painful, sometimes both poetry spoken word


Be engulfed, enfused 
In this eternal love,
In a world of
shifting sands 
Running hour-glasses,
Tell of the everlasting... 
His love
The greatest reason to worship,
His cross love
The greatest reason to worship,
His forgiveness personified 
The greatest reason to worship,
His resurrection power love
The greatest reason to worship.

He waits
Arms open wide,
Universe creator.

We come in worship
Giving in voice, thoughts;
glory to the One
Holy is He,
Precious, "the Great I Am"
Wonderful Redeemer 
Living loving God.
Worship Praise Christian Poem

Who are You?

You, I have a choice...
Either, this is a random world
Ultimately you-we
make up our own meaning
in this universe.
It takes courage to
believe this.

Choice two...
There is something
beyond ourselves,
Why am I here?
What more is there?
It takes courage to
believe this.

Yet many of us create
a third choice delusion.
The busy, the unreality...
Just live life the best
Get some money,
Get some fun, some action,
Some sport
Blur brain entertainment,
Get a job,
Get a...whatever...
And we can die
hiding the questions,
drugging the questions,
Layered self-deception.
But if we strip away
the scabs
We have made a choice,
One we don't like...
Choosing the random world
trying, numbing
ourselves to the hole it leaves.

Random or more?
who are you?
Who are You Christian Poem

Deeper than Surface

Single letters
straggle through my heart
tugging odds and ends
forming thoughts 
deeper than mind
Centered in my core.

The Question slides
surface floating
Am I? 
Is God?
Who cares?

Am I random?
A blank?

Or formed for purpose?

I stand outside myself
Looking in
and beyond.
Deeper than Surface Seeker Poem
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