Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

99% Nothing

Three in one danced
Cosmic powers that
Spun eternal belonging
And from that community
From that communication
From that fellowship
From that love
the word spoke,
From nothing
Atoms of 99% space
arranged themselves
Galaxies composed themselves
Earth formed
And the godhead 
saw it was good,

The word spoke 
in power again
and then from matter
Atoms, nuclei and electrons
was formed a living 
99% nothing:
65% water
65% oxygen
18% carbon
16% protein
16% fat

100% loved
100% belonging
welcomed home
to Father, Son and Spirit.

Starting Thoughts: The power of the Word that spoke and from nothing created the universe that is still essentially nothing. And humans, composed of the same atoms are also 99% nothing but we are alive and thinking about the cosmos we live in. I find it amazing that essentially space and us are so similar - nothing. Yet, go figure - God says we are worth dying for, celebrating in His creation.
Poem Topic Tags: #belonging, #creation, #galaxies, #godhead, #love, #power, #science, #space, #universes, #word
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #god, #jesus #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Creation and the science of nothing Christian Spoken Word Poem


Emitted and absorbed
obvious and mysterious,
These glimpses
create more questions.

Surface afterglows,
in evening air
gloomy place
colours removed.
City lights glow
sky masking
three thousand
hesitant pinpricks,
Cosmic energy
clusters and scatters
Universe wide.

Particles float on
turbulent atmosphere,
Light is bent,
Stars twinkle.
This poem came from a search at first on light, then sunrises and finally stars.
WALT: To write a poem that communicates creatively my thoughts.
Success Criteria:
  • The words we pick fit together
  • The ideas work together line by line
  • To use punctuation to enhance the meaning and help the reader.
  • I have added my own thoughts to put in my voice.
  • To credit the sources that I used.
My Soul Christian Poetry

We Build

We build
the biggest machine 
electrical magnet
super chilled technology 
kilometres of
tunnelled internal space
to collide the small unseen,
To discover: 
new realities
changing realities,
the God particle.

Where can we turn
that your hand
is not displayed?
Where your voice
is not the power that
holds our universe together?

We are space
in space
in expanding space
by the Living God.

#christian,#collider, #hadron, #machines, #poems, #poetry, #power, #reality, #science, #space, #spokenword, #universe, #video
Technology and Science meet the God Particle Spoken Word
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