Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Why should I
have to wander your
shadows and claws,
struggle to avoid narcissistic
bully words or
passive aggressive smiles,
your dry rot under
painted decorations,
the glued antagonistic cracks
in your facade,
turning sneers
cutting chains.
That is long old me.

Would I enjoy the now
with a special lady,
car window wound down
fresh autumn air
playing my hair
spilling the music
of sunshine though mind,
smiling woman
of many partnered years
relaxed beside,
her relationship with me
soft shared intimacy
of cancer facing,
Shouting and forgiveness,
cutting words
and deep hugs,
comfortable couple silences,
third-two years
rainstorms and sunshine spread,
symbolised by
holding hands
that have found
each other afresh in bed,
acknowledged in the glances
over glasses
across the couch
where we both sit
reading books,
watching T.V.
but aware of our
whispering room years
echoed of love.
We enjoy the other's soul
but don’t take
for granted,

A lifetime of love with someone.. moments of how I see it.
Werewolf. Marriage, love and relationship.

Colour Culture Tapestry

What colour in your room?
We have the understated kiwi dark
That blends with the bush
The reds, yellows and blues
of Romania,
Gold and purple
from Pakistan
Vibrant colours of Malaysia, Singapore,
Korea, Fiji
From Africa, America, Nepal, German
the brothers, sisters
have travelled
To N.Z.
The ends of the earth.
To share stories and life
Flowing threads of culture together
Scottish, Maori, Japanese, British
All joined, called by one love, one Christ
One hope,
Expressed in many voices.
Once all immigrants
to this land,
Once all immigrants
to God’s kingdom,
Now the stories, the yarns
have been woven together
in His love.
A tapestry of
The Christ of the cross
The Christ risen
The Christ who calls his people.

Celebrate the mix of cultures that make up the wonderful tapestry of woven colour in our churches.
Colour Cultures Tapestry Poem
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