Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


What do you fear?
Arachnophobia - those crawly spiders
Acrophobia - way up, fear of heights
Cynophobia - fear of dogs
Too close- the fear of confined spaces - Claustrophobia
Pediophobia - what are these small people? the phobia of dolls
Red nose, Coulrophobia the fear of clowns
Common to childhood, Nyctophobia - fear of the darkness
Mysophobia - the fear of germs

Autophobia - the fear of myself
Theophobia - the fear of God
When persistent, ongoing, irrational - a phobia
When it is healthy, balanced
centered in the love of God
it is LIFE indeed!

Fear of God
Hope in His love
the beginning of knowledge.
Fear God Poem (Christian Media)
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