Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

If Kiwis could Fly...

Brown puff balls
would meander
blue skies,
Yellow trolling feet
and blinking sharp eyes,
Swooping slowly
with fluffy brown feathers
to raid fruit orchards
in all sorts of weathers,
they spear juicy morsels
with long spiky beaks,
and float away
to eat their treats,
Building nests on thin branches
from feathers and mud,
Safer from possums
spilling their blood,

The only problem they
face every day
is how to land
and make sure they stay,
Like the monkey
with clever grippy tails,
they simply hook beaks
on umbrella branch rails.
To write in the style of "If Poetry" incorporating at least two literacy devices that you can explain within your poem.
Success Criteria:
You have successfully explained the change in our world to your reader.
You can explain your application of two other literary devices.

A Poem is Not

A poem is not a chair, but it can make you comfortable.
A poem is not a fridge, but it can leave you cold.
A poem is not microwave, but it can heat the soul.
A poem is not a carpet, but it covers life's flaws.
A poem is not a curled cat, but it can make you feel warmth.
A poem is not a LED screen, but it entertains.
A poem is not a door, but it can open alternative thoughts.
A poem is not a pathway, but it can take you to new places.
A poem is not a gate, but it can break holes in barriers.
A poem is not a pavement, but it can crack you up.
A poem is not a flower, but it blooms ideas.
A poem is not fresh-air, but it expands mind-lungs.
A poem is not a walk, but exercises aspirations.
A poem is not a scurrying ant, but embraces curiosity.
A poem is not the dappled sun, but it powers creativity.
A poem is not the universe, but it always expands the reader.
A poem is not a bus-stop, but is an alternative beginning.
WALT: To write a poem to communicate how poetry can be fun to play with words and to entertain people with it.

Success Criteria:
* I have followed the form but shown an ability to vary with intention as needed.
* Place in the poem two thoughts about 'me'.
* Creating not just a random set of lines but using craft.
* I have correctly punctuated with complex sentences with comma/s.
* I have improved vocabulary by utilising a thesaurus.
* I can use and credit Creative Commons images.

Cloud Watching

Cloud watching,
formation fun,
Puffy domed tops,
wisp layers,
vapour floating,
condensed atmosphere,
Science whiteness
bringing ever-changing imagination,
Cloud Gallery.
This poem came from research about clouds from this website.
To write a poem that communicates creatively my thoughts and research.

Success Criteria:

  • The words we pick fit together
  • The ideas work together line by line
  • To use punctuation to enhance the meaning and help the reader.
  • I have added my own thoughts to put in my voice.
  • To credit the sources that I used.


Three young mouths
Meagre hope
Threadbare cupboards
Shanty corrugated cage
Husband taken
Cholera's meal.

Whispered words
Propaganda hope suggested,
Cash given
Teenager traded,
Bitten by the trafficker
Real life zombie
Taken to sea.
Sweat fisherman blood.

4 hours sleep
20 hours work
4 hours sleep
20 hours work
4 hours sleep…
Fingers to bone.

No escape
No words
No life.

Fear trap,
Miles of ocean,
Netted life,
Broken arm
if you speak out.

Modern slavery
Forty-five million
cries in the wind,
cries in the Dirt,
cries in the Smoke
cries on the ocean,
Tears in the heart!
To give voice to the voiceless.

Success Criteria:
* Use strong: new vocabulary, word images
* Protest against an injustice in our world
* Cut words not needed
* Be creative in getting my point across


Emitted and absorbed
obvious and mysterious,
These glimpses
create more questions.

Surface afterglows,
in evening air
gloomy place
colours removed.
City lights glow
sky masking
three thousand
hesitant pinpricks,
Cosmic energy
clusters and scatters
Universe wide.

Particles float on
turbulent atmosphere,
Light is bent,
Stars twinkle.
This poem came from a search at first on light, then sunrises and finally stars.

To write a poem that communicates creatively my thoughts and research.

Success Criteria:

  • The words we pick fit together
  • The ideas work together line by line
  • To use punctuation to enhance the meaning and help the reader.
  • I have added my own thoughts to put in my voice.
  • To credit the sources that I used.
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