Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Soul Voice

The soft voice
stirs on the morning breeze
Speaking gentle love
soul sensation and direction
Selah- My God is all.

The encouragement from hearing the voice of God.
Poem Tags
#breeze, #god, #identity, #love, #poem, #poetry, #soul, #spirit, #spokenword, #video, #voice, #worship
Hearing God


Your love
Updrafts my wings
Infuses my soul,
Brings a smile
to my lips,
Opens my eyes
to divine order
to divine appointments.

Acts 16:9-31

The wings of an eagle leading to opening our eyes for divine opportunities. How do you fly?
Poem Tags
#christian, #divineappointments, #eagle, #love, #new, #open, #poems, #poetry, #reallife, #spokenword, #wings
Divine Appointments and Eagle Wings Poem

Starting Over

I wear a habit
Or is it the habit
that wearies me?
like our world
that whirlwinds
revolving histories
of war, prejudice, greed,
increasing rootless change
lost and moving values,
the same stealth spiraling
tunnels disintegrate my life,
mind tears,
Contained at first within me
Pieces of my soul
torn again,
floating on self sabotage,
habits creeping wreckage
Doubt, lack of something,
Fear and flight
take pains deeper.

Then despite my careful facade
trying to hide the turmoil,
The clawing winds
Escape through
My body, eyes, mouth
Starting destruction
around me,
In people and places I move
Driving deeper
turmoil, addictions within me
All for self
never good enough
but self important
choosing a world of
Wild Tornadoes.
I ask what do I value?
How can I change?
Do I want to change?

Replacing the old for the new
Knowing I'm not alone;
I go after Him.
I kneel before the Father
Centered on Christ
Looking into His heart
Being with, abiding in Jesus,
I ask for His love
of endless depth to flow
rivers of cleansing life
to heart and soul,
becoming rooted
and established
in amazing love,
new foundations of openness
in God and others,
New depths of prayer,
real infused living,
I stand stronger
immersed in power of
divine spirit and mind,
I share my thoughts, desires
I pray for grace, boldness
I step
into the character
I want to own,
To honour God, others, myself
Sooner than ever before.

Bible Verse:1 Peter 5:10

The whirlwinds that devastate our lives? Are they worth it?
Poem Tags
#action, #addictions, #cage, #change, #christian, #destruction, #facades, #fear, #god, #habits, #identity, #intimacy, #kneel, #momentsintime, #poem, #poetry, #promises, #published, #quiettime, #spokenword, #stillness, #time
Starting Over Christian Spoken Word POem

White Tomb

Praising God
Spiritual Leapfrog
Love hopscotch
Church games
Thrill seeking
Upfront pretenses

Keep playing
with God
You'll end up with

Starting Thoughts: Being counter-culture, being a rebel and putting time and love into community is what God is calling us to. Not playing god games and following the latest fad or thinking. It always amazes me that the people who upset Christ the most were the religious leaders of the day.
Poem Topic Tags:
#church, #false, #games, #hypocrisy, #religion, #tombs
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken word Poem Video on playing games with God


In life's grit
There are
moments unwatched
by others,
small heroisms unseen,
thoughtful touches,
an honest thought,
a definite decision
to truth-give.

Courage's genesis
a straightforward heart,
Strength of, "No"
Power of, "Yes"
No guilt,
just assurance,
Not other's images
just yourself,
Your public face
mirroring private skin,
character beauty unfading.

In calamity
integrity tested,
In fear
integrity trialled.

Not slaves to ordinary,
stand tall with integrity.

Starting Thoughts: How strong is our "yes" and "no" ,do we wear skin deep morals or have we interwoven values into our character? Again - How much does the power of small decisions open our destiny?
Poem Topic Tags:
#character, #courage, #guilt, #kiakaha, #life, #principles, #pupils, #stand, #test, #truth, #values
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poetry Integrity video values character.

3 Gifts

Signposts from the East
Travellers entwined in history
Bearing gifts
Following stars
Part of destiny
And when they
approached the stable cave
we are here from
Another country -
We know someone special
has been born within,
Joseph smiled a welcome
aware again with Mary
That something different,
amazing was going
to keep happening
with this baby Jesus;
Dreams with messages
Angels appearing
Shepherds who raised
passover lambs arriving,
And three wise men - why not?
They entered
awe, reverence, anticipation,
opening gifts;

Gold for the king
establishing God's kingdom
personal and hands on
justice, joy, peace,
frankincense the scent
of the High Priest
freeing the way,
tearing open the curtain
to the Holy of holies,
myrrh the painful gift
a drink, a fragrance
The myrrh drugged drink
offered on the skull
of Golgotha to a sacrificed Jesus,
refused by Christ's patched lips
The same myrrh spiced linen wraps
binding his body in an end of life cave,
Myrrh from a plant of thorns.

Three gifts pointing
The way to Jesus
So you can
kiss the baby
The Great I Am,
know the face of God,
know meaning in
God with us,
The greatest Christmas gift
unwrapping change for the world.

3 Gifts pointing from the past to future of a baby that would revolutionise life on Planet Earth.
Poem Tags
#baby, #christian, #christmas, #gifts, #jesus, #passover, #poem, #poetry, #spokenword, #wisemen , #video, #media

3 Gifts Spoken Word Video Poem Christmas


We know what
we are like...
living the life we
don't want to live,
Shadows of evil thoughts
tired spaces
hopeless odds
gambling with our souls.

Slicing into history
and future 
The Christmas Easter
peace child speaks,
"You are
Destined for innocence
Chosen to be
untainted, unstained,
in my great love."

seen through Christ's
Lamb of God 
sin's curse broken
Death's power shattered,
The great exchange
innocence died
for the new
creation of the innocents,
freeing you
from your thoughts
from your old nature
from the overwhelming,
finding forever
completion in Jesus,
receiving the precious 
free gift,
And you are
destined to live
in His life
in His established purity
in His endless love,
eternity depths for your innermost.

Transformed, total, real, spirit freedom.

Starting Thoughts: How does God see us? Pure, innocent, worth His Christmas, Easter precious gift. We can be transformed as we understand and are established in God's eternal love.
Poem Topic Tags:
#christmas, #cross, #death, #easter, #forgiveness, #freedom, #gifts, #innocence, #lamb, #nature, #power, #sin, #souls
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,


Christ commands and
holds all authority
on Earth, in the universe,
Nothing can stop His love.
And in the mind and soul whispers
myriad reflections
and changes created 
from His heart,
Every day
my spirit unfolds,
greater things
will happen
for I am deemed worthy
by the God of life,
my faith journey
His desire,
There will be
No scarcity from God
in the now,
Every morning
The fresh and new
Zest from heaven,
Just for this day,
In time 
For this time,
And I open
Ready to receive
Open to adventure
New destiny
New divine appointments.

In this moment
I take the bread
I see the harvest

Go and gather
Go and take,
Emanuel, God with us,
says the word.
The intimate Lord.

Poem Tags
#bread, #christian, #divineappointments, #evangelism, #harvest, #manna, #morning, #poetry, #spokenword

Every day, every morning a new start with new provision.
Manna Spoken Word Christian Poem

Broken Chains

Sin in the light
why do I try
to keep hidden
these chains
that Jesus seeks to break,
why do I want to
feel the same shame
as it grabs me again
Do I like this pain?
Do I revel in the blame?
Retreat to the same?

The kingdom of dark
Baited with a sense
of choice,
Freedom to be ourselves
Expressing individuality
Lured into sharp hooks
hiding from overlooks
living life by our guidebooks
striving for good people looks
living inside the jokebooks.

Only from outside
a bridge through time and space
Can extreme love
True light
make the sacrifice for sin,
the light that leads
purities death the deed
True love that succeeds
salvation guaranteed
Life purpose decreed.

and love abides
for life's freedom,
The fullness of Christ
released deep inside you.

Poem Tags
#christian, #identity, #loneliness, #love, #personality, #poem, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #sin, #spokenword, #value, #walls

Sin that traps, choices made that lead to hidden chains. Only Jesus can break these.
Broken Chains Spoken Word Poem Christian Sin Loneliness


So easy
To live flat
without that start to the day
Where a thankful heart
brings life, health
to your body.

Declare thanks for
Jesus, growing faith,
New days every morning,
living out a change
partners, friends, 
challenges, opportunities,
memories, abilities
in all things
Find thankfulness
and deepen love,
Practice sharing thankfulness 
Giving honour to others
in small moments,
more fully human,
Living life more true.

Poem Tags
#christian, #divineappointments, #gifts, #health, #honour, #new, #poetry, #spokenword, #thankfulness
A focus on the moments, on thankfulness, on the wonderful gifts God has given us.
Thankfulness Moments Poem Spoken Word


Do we
cling to vague human hopes,
puffs of imagination,
dreams that float
on crisp helium balloons
and rupture,
leaving only hearts
that leak and hurt
staining black
the dimming world
with a darkness that voids us.

Where is the heart floating?
Has it burst?
Questions of destiny and fear
drift in dust.

There on the same
edges of reality and death,
edges of earth and heaven,
in that space
we could desire
something different,
we could stand knowing
the stinging hope of eternity
from God,
a hope for the now
and beyond,
a hope that cuts
through collapsing confusions
calling a clearness
into today’s moments,

a hope based
in a vast powerful
intimate transforming love.

Choose now.

Lift your faith
speak to your spirit
the words of life and love
Choose the hope
of Christ
becoming the People of the Messiah,
the deeply desired
the completely known
the radically redeemed.

Christ's hope
Will infuse your steps
you will walk God's path
leaving behind anointed footprints
of everything done with God,
kingdom possibilities made real
kingdom treasures
that will stand and remain forever.

All things turned for good.

So choose
Believe in expectation.
The Jesus hope.

Poem Tags
#change, #choose, #christian, #darkness, #eternity, #faith, #hope, #kingdom, #love, #poetry, #spoken-word

Christmas intertwines pain, hope and a baby.
Spoken word poetry on hope.

Small Makes Big

Step by step 
the mountain top
Footfall by footfall 
the revolving treadmill
Drip by drip 
the deepening chasm
Seed by seed 
the spreading forest 
Second by second 
disappearing years
barb by barb 
mind piercing cuts
Not enough by not enough
tentacles of addiction
Lie by lie 
snaking self deception
Taste by taste 
a tantalising smorgasbord,
Nail by nail 
a complete restoration,
Smile by smile 
a living relationship,

Twist by twist 
the turns of life
Care by care 
feeling deepening love
Space by space 
the freezing emptiness
Word by word 
the unfolding story
Up by down
the corkscrew rollercoaster
Beat by beat 
the rhythm of hearts
choice by choice
the new risk
Molecule by molecule
the big, the wonderful truths.

Poem Tags
#big, #christian, #lies, #love, #new, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #small, #spokenword, #step

With something small big things and changes can happen.
How small things in life make change, make a difference poem spoken word

Put On

Birthday suit...
The colour varies
Chocolate to marshmallow,
Texture changes
Smoothness to wrinkles
Baby soft to hard crusts,
freckles and follicles,
DNA inheritance
on display.

As you exit the
house, flat, bedroom
for today,
Will it be
Birthday suit or armour?

Starting Thoughts: Are we ready for the day? With the connection and motivation of Christ in our hearts, we then need to put on the full armour of God to equip ourselves with the tools that we need. It is daily armour, for a lifetime of love in making disciples of others.

Bible Verses: “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6:11-18 New International Version (NIV)

Poem Topic Tags: #armor, #armour, #faith, #peace, #principalities, #readiness, #salvation, #soldier, #spirit, #truth, #weapons

Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Put on the ephesians armour of God. Spoken Word humour.

Fire to the Nation

The temple in the heart
of the city shines,
but in the streets around
Slander and lies
stir for battle
lures to destruction,
seeking compromises
in the temple.

The guarding walls of protection
Of who we are
Are revived, strengthened
from past struggles
from shattered edges
and sharpness,
Restoring character strength
to the people.

The call to build anew
Higher, stronger, more beautiful;
The call to plant
and build extensions
from the central heart,
Prayer is where you now kneel
time for Christ first,
then you Rise sharpened
with the word
the history of spoken authority,
your minds revelation
creating faith
power in your sword hand,
now you stand
joined in purpose
a together church
Building within a team of unity,
a holy people
a Jesus team
Completing the work
Of a thousand bricks
Of a thousand stones
Of a thousand stories,
Five sanctuary walls stand
Five houses of worship
The temple in the centre
for all to see.
Powerful, strong,
a revolution of hope and love.

We worship
deep in the new,
born again
deep in glory
We are the alive temples
the rebuilt temples
the Creator's workmanship,
Restored to God
Restored to self
Restored to others.

The golden gates
are now to be opened
the eyes, ears, mouth
of the city,
balanced between
Praise and presence,
responsibility and risk,
watchtower and welcome,
prophetic and practical,
Five fire Portals that spread
Revival from the city
To the land
Fire to the Nation
Restoring the glory cloud
To the land
Of the Long White Cloud.

Poem Tags
#christian, #city, #gates, #nehemiah, #poetry, #rebuild, #restored, #spoken-word, #team, #temple, #unity, #walls

The walls are built with prayer and awareness, a church team joined in purpose and responding to a call to work together.
Spoken Word Poetry calling the church to be a city on the hill, strong and shining.

The Scent

You know the One,
hearing about His life,
Celebrating God stories
living the future
of hope for the world,
only in the face
of fear,
is Bravery found
the step-out risk,
holding true tension
between full release
of identity in Christ
and actions that tell
His story,
You are sent
this week - sent
Going home - sent
opening the door - sent
starting to care - sent
driving to work - sent
busing to school - sent
asking can you pray - sent

The scent fragrance of Christ.

Poem Tags
#scent, #evangelism, #divineappointments, #risks, #fear, #sharing, #story, #poetry, #poem, #spokenword

We are Christians with a story to tell, ready to share and open for divine appointments in our day.
Spoken word video, evangelism as a Christian - telling your story

In the Water

We stand as 
family bonded together
white sand beach stretching
to emerald wave waters,
We speak of the
faith release
grounded and nurtured
in the generations,
awakened, gathered
mothered and fathered 
celebrated and shared,
Passed on
past to present,
We call forth the gold
from the blessing founded,
in the unfolded history
heritage from a thousand waves
that have curled 
to this moment,
and today we surf
catching rolling waves,
unforced rhythms of life
Enjoying the freedom,
Celebration, heart soul depths,
sharing each journey,
and now We call 
declaring God's power,
The wind of the spirit
to again stir the surface,
to breathe on the waters
grace for new faith
Creating anew and birthing
future waves
blessing the new riders
of generations to come.

Together planted in the land
firm stance on the beach;
In front vast, rolling fathoms 
and breadth of God’s love,
underneath our feet,
billions of small crystals
earth deep
the mix of fresh and salt waters,
behind us Southern Alps
standing strong on the land,
snow peaks in long white clouds
raining refreshment,
braided rivers of life to the sea,
Above blue sky dome
suspended invisible water 
billions of tonnes of his
lavish love
rain spirit 
waiting to fall down,
also now surrounding us.

We stand connected
on the beach,
infused, soaked by the water;
empowered by
the heart of Life.

Poem Tags
#blessing #christian, #church, #family, #generations, #god, #gold #love, #poetry #spoken-word, #water, #worship

The blessing we can be to each other as family, passing on generation to generation, catching the wave of God's Spirit.
The blessing that can flow from genrations through family poem

On the Lips

On the lips
On the tip 
Of the tongue,
in the Facebook feeds
in comments
There is flood of Honour
Expressing God's love,
releasing, sustaining
the heart of God
His kingdom,
Honour flowing 
from the honour
in our lives,
bottom line,
You have the 
best for me,
I have the 
best for you,
You want to
polish gold in me,
giving life,
I seek the gold
hidden dimensions
In you
seeing the better,
encouraging new life
Fresh levels of love and gifts,
Not easy
but I won't
give up,
instead I'll 
give away the mindful
the positive,
I respond
to the call of
The power of 
the Holy Spirit,
As my mouth opens
I speak blessing
mindful of your worth,
for my God
died and rose 
for you
For all,
everyone has significance 
in the Father's  eyes,
and in faith
I believe my God
and honour God's 
spark in you.

Greatest esteem,
one to one
spread to others,
with Jesus honoured in
His rightful place.

Poem Tags
#christian, #esteem, #gold, #gossip, #lips, #love, #tongue, #poetry, #spoken-word, #bless

How do we love others? Truly bring out the gold in them, seek the best for them. The challenge of love!
How do we bring out the gold in others poem


Mist swallowed 
old soldier trees
lean tiredly against
peeled teeth missing fences,
Silently the grey stalks 
across overgrown 
weed invaded grass
creeping around the gaunt
black ribbed house,
climbing rotting walls
sliding through shattered windows
seeking collapsing dreams,
just one hope to shore
up life.

derelict loneliness
is all the mist
fingers find.

Poem Tags
#anthropomorphism, #derelict, #house, #loneliness, #metaphor, #mist, #old, #poetry, #spoken-word, #seasons, #weather,

Mist and loneliness stalk the derelict house.
Mist creeps through a derelict house

The Remanent

Eyes darkened
The chosen people
so desire the gift,
striving for God
but can't see
the first Christmas tree
and its gift waiting, calling.
Oh Israel
God contends for you,

The church,
House of the Lord,
honours you,
God's first love,
The first olive tree
of God's history.

Look and see
begun from you
the new olive branch
and we all
who have lost the glory
of God,
Look to the root
The Messiah
The Christmas cross,
birthed in you
yet forever ancient.
We celebrate you Israel,
no longer do you
need to strive.
Just as we all
Who have lost the glory
Of God,
Look to the root
The Messiah legacy
The Christmas cross.

Anointed people
Believe in the One
Faith in the One
Accept the One
Give self to the One
Celebrate in the One
Life for the dead
Trust in Jesus
your Living God.

Poem Tags
#christian, #christmas #faith, #god, #israel, #jerusalum, #olive, #root, #poetry, #spoken-word

The power that sustains and expands our universe.
The Root of the Olive tree grafted in.


Incredible energies hold
the fabric of the universe
sustaining the expanding
galaxies into nothing,
spacetime curvature changing
in limitless scale,
And somewhere
in this reality
We spin,
Planet Earth
tuned by gravity
Into a dance
orbiting the sun,
revolving within
this enlarging cosmos.

In these moments 
of amazed wonder,
It hits me again,
The power of the One 
sustaining completely
in all, through all, beyond all
our Mighty God
Nothing is Stronger
than your love.
Oh Lord our God
you are the kingdom
Glory, power.

Bible Verse
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Poem Tags
#amazed, #christian, #god, #power, #space, #universe, #poetry, #spoken-word, #worship

The power that sustains and expands our universe.
The power sustaining the expanding universe poetry
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100%, 5-senses, 5-senses-poetry, abortion, abuse, abusive, acceptance, accepted, accidents, action, addiction, addictions, adoption, adventure, alcohol, alive, all, alone, alzheimers, amazing, ambience, ancient-egyptians, animals, anniversary, answers, anthropomorphism, anzac, apart, appointments, armour, art, atoms, autumn, awake, awaken, awe, baby, baptisim, baptism, beach, beauty, belonging, betray, beyond, bible, big, bike, birth, bitmoji, blackarts, blessings, blind, bloom, blossom, bodies, body, bornagain, box, bread, breakup, breakups, breathe, bride, bridges, bubble, building, bullying, bus, bush, business, busy, bystander, caged, call, calling, camp, cancer, care, caring, cars, cave, celebration, ceremony, chains, change, changed, character, child, childhood, children, choice, choices, chosen, christ, christchurch, christian, christmas, church, circular-poetry, city, clock, closeness, clouds, cold, colour, colours, comformity, commitment, commonwealth, communion, community, concrete-poetry, conference, confess, confronting, congregation, connected, connecting, contrasts, control, controlling, conversations, coping, cost, couch, covenant, cover, covid19, creation, creative, creativity, crime, cross, crossroads, crowd, crowds, cultures, cutting, daily, dance, dark, darkness, death, decision, decisions, deep, depression, desert, desires, destiny, diamante-poetry, difference, different, digitaldevices, digitaloverload, disaster, disciples, diseases, disruption, distractions, diversity, divine, divineappointments, dna, doll, donkey, door, doubt, doubts, dreams, drowning, dry, dust, dying, eagle, earthquakes, easter, eden, edge, electrical, electrons, embrace, emotions, emptiness, entertainment, environment, eternity, evangelism, events, everywhere, exalt, exchange, extravagant, extremes, eyes, facade, facades, face, faith, fake, faking, falling, family, father, faults, fear, fears, feelings, festivals, finger, fire, firstlove, fitness, five-senses, flaws, flourish, flowers, follow, food, footprints, forget, forgetfulness, forgiveness, found-poem, found-poetry, freedom, freeform, friends, friendship, friendships, frozen, fun, funeral, future, futures, galaxies, games, gender, generations, generous, gift, gifts, giving, glory, god, godhead, gold, goliath, good, good-friday, goodness, gossip, grace, grafted, grandchildren, grandparents, growth, habits, haiku, haiku-poetry, hail, harvest, hatred, healer, health, hearing, heart, heartbeat, heirs, hell, hellogoodbye, hidden, historical, history, holes, holiday, holyspirit, home, homeless, honesty, honour, hope, horse, hospital, hugs, humble, humour, hunger, hurt, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocrites, i-remember-poetry, iam, icecream, identitty, identity, if-poetry, image, imagination, individualism, infinity, innocence, internet, intimacy, intimate, invented-words-poetry, israel, issues, jerusalem, jerusalum, jesus, journey, joy, justice, key, kidnapped, kids, king, kingdom, kites, kiwi, kneel, knit, knock, knowledge, knows, lamb, lamppost, lastsupper, laughter, leadership, leaves, legacy, lies, life, light, likeness, lips, listening, literacy, litter, loaves, lockdown, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, loved, lying, machines, magpie, mall, manhood, manna, marriage, masks, masquerade, materialism, maturity, meaning, media, medical, meditation, memories, memory, mentalhealth, messages, metaphors, mind, minds, miracle, miracles, mirror, mismatched-style-poetry, mission, mist, mistake, moments, moments-in-time-poetry, money, morning, mortality, mother, mothersday, mouth, mystery, names, nature, negativity, nehemiah, new, night, nightmares, noise, nothing, oasis, objects, oceans, old, olive, olympics, omnipresent, one, open, operation, opportunities, pain, painting, parables, paradise, paradox, paradoxes, parties, partners, party, passion, passover, past, paths, peace, pentecost, people, perfection, personal, perspective, phobias, phrases, poem-is-not-poetry, poems, poetry, points-of-view-poetry, poor, porn, pornography, positive, positivity, pov, pov-poetry, power, pqin, praise, prayer, precious, presence, pressure, priase, price, pride, prison, problems, prodical, prodigal, promises, prostitute, protest-poetry, psalms, psychology, pupil, pupils, puppet, purpose, puzzles, quatrains, questions, quiet, quiet-time, quietness, quiettime, race, racing, rain, rainbow, rainfall, random, readiness, ready, real, reality, reallife, rebirth, reckless, recount, reflection, relationship, relationships, relax, released, religion, religious, rememberance, renewed, research, restoration, resurrection, return, reverance, revival, revive, rhyme, rhyming, rich, riding, righteous, righteousness, ripples, risen, risk, risks, riteofpassage, river, robot, robotics, rock, romance, routines, run, sacrafice, sailing, salt, salvation, same-different-poetry, sand, schools, science, seagull, seagulls, searching, seasons, secrets, seeds, seeker, seeking, self, selfharm, selfworth, senses, sent, separate, separated, servant, service, sex, sexuality, shadows, share, sharing, shell, shepherds, silence, sin, slander, slavery, slaves, sleep, sleeper, sleepnessness, slinky, small, snow, socialmedia, soldier, soul, sounds, space, spirit, sport, spring, stars, starts, steps, stillness, stones, stories, storm, storms, story, strength, struggles, stuggles, subscribe, sugar, suicide, summer, sunrise, sunshine, surrender, surrendered, swimming, talking, technology, temporary, termination, terrorism, testimony, thankfulness, thinking, thirst, thomas, thoughts, tightrope, time, timeless, tired, tiredness, tithe, together, tombs, tourism, toys, transformation, transparent, transport, trapped, treasure, trees, triangle-poetry, tribute, triggers, trinity, trust, truth, two-word-poetry, two-words, unique, universe, universes, unknown, valleys, value, values, victory, vine, violence, virus, visual-poetry, vocabulary, voice, voices, vows, waiting, walls, war, warmth, watching, water, way, wealth, weather, weaving, wedding, well, wellington, whisper, whispers, wife, wind, window, wings, winning, winter, womb, women, word, words, work, world, worship, writing, xmas, yawn

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