Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Born Twice

A making unmaking,
when attached
becomes released
separated, tiny
lungs shudder first breath,
this baby combined
DNA molecules of two,
Experiences pain
instinctively cries.

Time grows, passes,
food consumed
Molecules imported,
at some mysterious point,
All molecule 
origins of mother father
have been shed, replaced.
Am I more me at this point?
Alone from family
Yet closer in my division?
Be born again
said Jesus,
changed from the inside out,
explosion from stillness,
hugged and released
Finite space filled
with the will of infinity,
infused Makers DNA.
not just a process
but a human soul journey,
inner transformation.

Closer to God 
and paradoxically...

Be born again,
Do not return
to old ways,
Be born again.
Born Again Christian Poem

Light Spark

Incredible moment,
beginning of life
as sperm meets egg
A flash of light...
Just a zinc reaction?

Another clue, like:
A million stars flung,
Sun caressed cheek,
Seed seeking, launching from darkness,
Flower petals unfolding, 
following sun-rays,
Sunbeams fracturing into rainbows,
Sunrises softly wiping night,
Moonlight, pale mirror of greater source,
Reflections of light-rays enabling sight,
colours a thousand retina explosions.

All random?

In light
the invisible becomes visible,
star lead wanderers
discover the new born King,
sons, daughters of light...
you will not walk in darkness.

His spark
our faith,
Beacon of hope,
Creator, Sustainer, Light of the World.
Light Christian Poem


steel girders
Comfortable chairs
Walls safe
Thick concrete
Reinforcing a sameness,
Step to a window
Press nose to cold
See the night,
Moonlight reflections
Of the Son
Lift my soul,
One rock
That spins in space
Crying out,
Dark in itself,
Catching the light
Life of the universe.
Moon Christian Poem

God to Earth

Was the plan
to be incognito?
Only a few to know
of the baby
Heaven's anticipated arrival,
Born in a manger
Earth of earth smells.

But maybe the angels
Communicating at the speed of light
knowing the power
felt God's word at work,
"Shall we see what's going on?"
and followed the messenger angel,
from heaven's dimension.

And above night shrouded hills
they heard the words
spoken to amazed shepherds
"And you will find a baby.."
The Angel xfactors
couldn't contain worship
Bursting into human sight,
Unsuppressed singing surged
cosmic deep
sheer Joy ,
"Glory to God, peace on Earth"

Did God laugh and shake His head,
Those angels
couldn't keep anything quiet,
So much for the
laid-back birth plan,
No hushed start for God's
human shaped love.

God smiled,
“Shh… angels, don’t
wake the baby!”
The winged choir returned

Starting Thoughts: It hit me in a service - I wonder how the angels got to to be there and sing when they appeared to the shepherds? Do angels have agency apart from God ?- I think yes!
Birth of Jesus Christmas Poem

Milk Spilt

Just Born
Exciting New birth
closeness to breast,
milk sustaining,
love relationship of touch,
tender words
Feeding on the tone of voice, words,
the hugs,
Not sure how to communicate needs
Sometimes just crying, unformed sounds,
Listening to the story, seeing the pictures
through learning eyes

Milk part of the past,
Although a glass,
Every now and then, is good.
in the Word,
Open to questions,
Knowing full reassurance of faith,
Solid, in honest
love with God,
Given in a daily walk.

Milk Delivery
Open the door
to today’s living, your world,
backpack slung over shoulder
ready with stored milk cartoons,
Searching, lead to
another new birth.
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