Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Universe Contrasts

Milky Way,
childlike name for
a small smear
in an expansive universe,
boundless space beyond 
our thoughts,
so small
invisible in the universe,
yet sweeping 
is the landscape of Earth
seaside sand beaches and sandcastles
flow to farm studded plains
rivers snaking and sparkling through
from snow capped alps
overlorded themselves by dark towering  
thunderhead clouds,
Contrasting beauty stillness;
song of bellbird
patterns of design
in flowers, seed heads,
all displaying 
vast and macro smallness,
two universes of space and closeup.
revealing a love extreme
infinite God almighty
yet one who knows me by name,
loves me 
loves all
because of His very nature.

The vast and the tiny of our universe leads to God.

Tower Trees: Triangle or Pyramid Poetry

Towering trees
Towering trees telescoping
Towering trees telescoping taller

Software used: Draw and Tell on iPad

To write in the style of "Pyramid Poetry" incorporating another literacy device that you can explain within your poem.

Success Criteria:
• You have successfully made the pyramid shape.
• You can explain your application of one other literary devices.
• Have followed the form but shown an ability to vary with intention as needed.
• Placed in the poem strong thoughts about the topic
• I have improved vocabulary by utilising a thesaurus.
• I can use and credit Creative Commons images.

Morning Snapshot

Cold morning soldiers
of dew and mist
guard the autumn sunrise
and silently creep
over walls and gardens,
the last few flowers
nearly yawning
an awakening birth,
Time is paused in
grey moments,
suspended between
stolen nights and fleeting days,
rust leaves stir sleepily
sharing quiet whispers
too afraid to
break the hush.
A car door slams
and engine coughs,
reluctantly turning over,
it noisily revs off
doppler decreasing
and silence descends again…

too late
daybreak magic has been lost,
the frozen moment thaws
and a myriad noises
clamber upwards
into the fading mist.
Autumn morning poem


Freedom symbol
soaring wings

Annoying in duckpond
snatching bread from ducks

Hammerdrill screech
killing positive thought

Jaunty red beak
Clean white dress feathers

Filth grubber
mounded refuse tip

Flocks wheeling
strength in numbers

Beady eye drama
Watching opportunity

Seagull Poem

Bush Shadows

On inside rain-trapped days....

My eyes remember
Bush dark ferns, manuka trunks,
Sunlight strokes,
Shaping shadows,
My feet remember
dirt track, dust covered boots,
My face remembers
light breeze just stirring,
My body remembers
stationary silence- leaning to beauty,
My heart, my mind remembers
peaceful colours, tranquil contrasts.

Sunset dips,
Night bucket fills,
Painting black.
To communicate an experience, with descriptive language, so that others can feel they are there.

Success Criteria:
  • Others can feel they are there, remember times like this themselves.
  • To capture a memory using the 'feeling' sense mainly.
  • Short simple thoughts, one per line
  • To use ellipsis (can be used to indicate a pause in the flow of a sentence), fullstops and capital letters.
  • Unnecessary and small words cut out.
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