Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Drizzle Soak

Wet cold,
rain fingers
find holes,
clothes tightened
hunched smaller
head down
hair trickles,
eyes watch
Feet cautious
puddle captured,
Winter drizzle.

Winter Friendship

Eyes pulled through
partially opaque
gravity defying 
droplets on glass,
to wind bent trees
slashed by fingers
of penetrating rain,
Darkness fogs
the window
that resolutely
shuts off the wintery blast,
battle sounds of
rattled metal roof rain.

time suspends,
lights dimmed to
unwind level,
music tiptoes softly
from the playlist,
heat pump gurgles
drifting new heat
into the chattering,
relaxing gathering,
one pair couch facing, 
leaning towards
talking intently
a third drops cautiously near
sitting on the floor
and is accepted
with body angle changes,
men’s group standing
shoulder conversation circle
sharing laughter,
another on the window seat
temporarily withdrawn
mobile text conversation
pulling her between
the unseen and seen
the away and the now,
nibble creators
bustle in bright kitchen
chattering preparations.

Friends gathered,
a mix of memories
coalescing into the moment,
a chameleon atmosphere of
moods, talk, thoughts
intermingle, rise and fall.

I stretch my 
satisfied cat soul,
in lazy camaraderie warmth.
Winter Rain Friendship Poem
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