Drizzle Soak
Wet cold
Rain fingers
find holes,
clothes tightened
hunched smaller
head down,
hair trickles
eyes watch
puddle captures
Winter drizzle.
Rain fingers
find holes,
clothes tightened
hunched smaller
head down,
hair trickles
eyes watch
puddle captures
Winter drizzle.
WALT: To write a poem to communicate how we can summarise thoughts two words at a time.
Success Criteria:
Success Criteria:
- I have followed the form but shown an ability to vary with intention as needed.
- Paired words intentionally and carefully
- Creating not just a random set of lines but using craft.
- I have correctly punctuated with complex sentences with comma/s.
- I have improved vocabulary by utilising a thesaurus.
- I can use and credit Creative Commons images.