Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Trust Sails Away

The Spirit wind
of God
blows and breathes 
bringing life 
to the water,
Three yachts -
Three ways to live
born in the harbour
born to sail
born to dream
born to hope.

One Anchored, 
sails furled curled
Holding to self 
Holding to material 
Holding to past 
Holding to mast,
Anchored to avoid risk
Heart hidden
The wind ripples past
singing through bare wire stays.

Second yacht 
Ripped, tipped, tripped over 
Heart exposed
Human error
Human blame game 
Waiting indecision 
Nothing being the decision 
It lies, water logged,
Sail drowning
feeling broken
Blame and shame
It hopes heavy 
It hopes hurt
The wind tugs past
Caressing over upturned hull.

Third yacht - gone 
Hitting the horizon 
Heart out 
Skimming on waves 
Light on the water
Trusting to the future
Sharing love, control, life 
Intimate dancing 
with wind's direction,
responding to 
breezes, gusts, whispers
Calls to the future,
A Rider of the ocean depths
Flowing with the wind,
Trusting in fears
Trusting the wind
The wind flies with in
partnership motivation.

The wind 
Same for three 
Calling life
Calling change 
Calling trust.

Starting Thoughts: How are we living for Christ? Safe, broken or taking a risk? Stagnant, hurt or running with the wind?
Poem Topic Tags:
#blame, #broken, #choices, #dreams, #fault, #holyspirit, #materialism, #riches, #self, #spirit, #trust
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word poem on taking risks for God - yacht  parable

A Change

How can I
See the new kingdom
See this change
That is needed,
Know God for real?
Standing at crossroads
I see my life stretching
down different highways, low-ways
All directions are somehow me
but only one
Seems fully real, 
fully life giving
fully me,
Yet shadows
still dance before my eyes.

Something needs to happen
in me, from me
first, before I take
the next step,
who will I serve
self, God, what others think,
money, humanity's poisons?
I'm Called to home
to repentance,
turning from owning my life
Giving my hopes and dreams
to Jesus,
To see God's glory by 
Being changed
from glory to glory,
losing the stuff
strangling my secret heart
That holds me back.


Standing at the cross,
Road to being saved,
just a step forward;
I've got to serve somebody,

Christ is the beginning.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #glory, #road, #seeker, #crossroads, #change, #choice #standing, #decisions, #hope, #choices, #spoken-word

At the crossroads, are you ready for change? What direction?
Standing at the Crossroads seeking a Change

Fractured Margins

On the fractured margins 
of belonging
the homeless drift,
Tiredness seeps 
chilling hope
unraveling possibilities
to single points of survival;
the need for the night,
Next meal
A dollar
A place to sleep.
Surrounded by a 
world of addiction
to money, fame, 
power, games, 
Surrounded by
glass panes of buildings
pains of people,
in these reflected mirrors
the street seems simpler.

Starting Thoughts: Why does life on the streets seem simpler for some? Why is it an escape?
Poem Topic Tags:
#addiction, #homeless, #hopes, #love, #poor, #power, #reality, #reallife, #seeker, #self,
Posting Tags: #artist, #christian, #creativewriting, #instawrite, #poems, #poetry, #poetsofinstagram, #poetryisnotdead, #poetrycommunity, #poetryinmotion, #spilledink, #spokenword, #typewriter, #videos, #wordsmith, #writing, #writinglife, #writerscommunity, #writerscorner, #writersofinstagram,
Spoken Word Poem on how life on the streets can be simpler

Hope Discovered

In darkness
the anticipation of light,
times dreaming in
awakening soul,
Inside pain
a hug, longer, deeper
without false words,
taking the risk
of future pain,
Beginning life
cry of new born,
turns of suffering
giving way
to unfolding pages of beauty,
A choice
for possibilities
controlling fears
self whispering
“Try again.”
Knowing now's feeling
will not
be tomorrow's spirit ,
the Spring
after the Winter,
that in falling’s jeopardy
wings will work,

The string
centimetre by centimetre
a kite's flight.

All in All

All in all
Universe eternal
Timeless unchangeable,
Beyond comprehension,
Above all,
Sustainer of space
in vast galaxies;
in neutrons, protons
the threading fabric
of our existence.

How beautiful, wonderful, perfect...

Soul gasping clarity
kaleidoscopes my mind
smiling into my heart.
Our God
personal human presence,
Jesus the walker, hugger,
inspiring, leading, calling, laughing,
challenging, holding, caring,
Pure singer of good news,
inspiration for real life.

I see dark chaos,
pain, hopes;
But Jesus transforms
Our choices,
Our world,
Our lives.

Your Saviour
Your King
All in.

Poetry: God's hand that holds and sustains the universe, when we see it - wow!
All in All Christian Worship Poem

Shades of Grey

I live a life
Shades of grey.
Faded tumbleweed
never smoothly rolling
Constantly throwing
decision dice
that lead to nowhere
corners, dark alley traps.

From the corner
of my eyes
Colour scratches
at my mind
And when I turn
refracted colour explodes
across my vision, world.

I know this colour.

I recoil
Fear of choice,
of a different voice,
of being drawn
to a different life
…too much…
so I let the street winds
city dust devils
roll me
pick me up
stuff me in
a bleached scarecrow,
now hidden
hung in grey rags
in a monochrome world.
Shades of Grey Seeker Poem

Run the Road

Walking up the Road
Leaving behind,
Threading out the darkness,
Ghost chains,
Footsteps away
a life of drowning in
unintended consequences,
Shit stuff,
Not so unintended consequences.

Obeying a call,
To change
Embrace the light,
To accept a Saviour,
Calm, hope and fear
centered in me now
as I journey
finding the Way.

A Father's heartbeat
Rhythm of the road,
Love's call,
Forgiveness' flow
Freedom's laughter
His welcome hug.

Choosing again
In purpose
I. Walk.
I. Run.

Check out the story of the Prodigal Son.
Prodigal Son Poem


Be engulfed, enfused 
In this eternal love,
In a world of
shifting sands 
Running hour-glasses,
Tell of the everlasting... 
His love
The greatest reason to worship,
His cross love
The greatest reason to worship,
His forgiveness personified 
The greatest reason to worship,
His resurrection power love
The greatest reason to worship.

He waits
Arms open wide,
Universe creator.

We come in worship
Giving in voice, thoughts;
glory to the One
Holy is He,
Precious, "the Great I Am"
Wonderful Redeemer 
Living loving God.
Worship Praise Christian Poem

Who are You?

You, I have a choice...
Either, this is a random world
Ultimately you-we
make up our own meaning
in this universe.
It takes courage to
believe this.

Choice two...
There is something
beyond ourselves,
Why am I here?
What more is there?
It takes courage to
believe this.

Yet many of us create
a third choice delusion.
The busy, the unreality...
Just live life the best
Get some money,
Get some fun, some action,
Some sport
Blur brain entertainment,
Get a job,
Get a...whatever...
And we can die
hiding the questions,
drugging the questions,
Layered self-deception.
But if we strip away
the scabs
We have made a choice,
One we don't like...
Choosing the random world
trying, numbing
ourselves to the hole it leaves.

Random or more?
who are you?
Who are You Christian Poem
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